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Posts posted by richard_smith237

  1. Would be great if they could offer Golf Discounts...

    It seems that the majority of discounts available are available to anyone who asks anyway...

    i.e. Free Entry at Q bar - We use to buy bottle anyway which gains free entry

    10% at Slim, a few years ago we would get 15% being regulars or take in our own whiskey from 7-11 (with a police friend).

    Restaurants: Many of the Restaurant books - i.e. Thai Tattler used to offer discounts coupons (not sure about 2009 copy).

  2. I hate the international reputation Thailand has regarding the promiscuity of it women folk.

    I was brought here with a handful of other guys, straight out of Uni on an Expat package when I was 22. I had no idea about the place. It was an eye opener and I had some fun – loved the place and have remained here.

    I haven’t have much to do with the P4P life here, I’ve never found the need and the women I’ve met have required more effort than women in the UK. (although I’m comparing this with promiscuity at while living at Uni so its not really fare).

    The women I have encountered over here are more reserved and self-respecting to the point of being polar opposites of their image as Thai women on the international stage. I think this is incredibly unfair.

    I will Marry soon, and my mother tells that after telling friends and receiving a raised eyebrow… She has to tell them… “No, its not like that, she is respectable and from a very wealthy background”

    Now, I don’t know why money should come into it but it does.

    Thailand has a reputation on the international stage for the ease and availability of ‘Cheap sex, with attractive women’… And for this reason Thailand and its women world renowned. Vegas has hot women but at a price, and so do other places…

    So, it might be that Price is the major factor for its infamy.

  3. So Thai police might ask you for 'ID' then he might also request passport. Not because he wants the passport as further ID, but because he wants to check on your status.

    Good point and it brings clarification to the issue. We must be able to identify ourselves with photo ID upon request. We must be able to clarify our immigration / visa status within a 'reasonable' time frame.

  4. In the UK it’s not law that we have to carry any form of ID.

    Even if we are driving, if we are stopped and the police, so long as we can verbally identify who the owner of the car is (they can check and check insurance) we are given 7 days in which to produce our licence. In effect the vehicle is our ID.

    I believe this law is a little weak, but still protects us from random car theft to some degree.

    I believe that we should all carry a legal form of ID, but expecting a passport is excessive.

    As I understand it: In Thailand we have to carry a form of photo ID recognised by a government body (i.e. driving licence). This is also down to the discretion of the police officer and if unacceptable, and as I understand it, the law also states that we are expected to provide our Passports (or for Thai’s Thai ID card) within a ‘reasonable’ timeframe. This reasonable timeframe is left open to the police officer.

    Basically, the lack of clarification here means that in order to protect ourselves we SHOULD interpret the law as meaning that we should have our passports on us at all times.

    I don’t do that, and so run the risk of getting caught out by a shady cop. But, I’d like to think I can with that one with simple phone call.

    What I gather from threads such as these is that us foreigners are such a pushover that the police become so arrogant, indignant and also over confident that they can try anything on and its us who permit this.

    They are Traffic cops, bottom of the pile so to speak, they don’t have a great deal of power and use what they will given half a chance. Be polite, but stand firm I speak from experience when I say its them who usually back down first (but like moby said earlier it might have something to do with having decent wheels).

  5. Science and my education tells me no. However, how philosophical are we going to get before we define life after death ??

    If life is energy, then yes.

    If life is my consciousness passing on into another form, either on this earth, up in the clouds or space, or some form of self aware conscious energy then no.

    If we’re talking about re-incarnation of a sprit without the consciousness of passing then again I say no, but have more understand of why others might vote yes.

    Big questions and it's interesting to see others view points.....

  6. Does anyone have any recommendations for the following ?

    I have my ideas and have had a good look at the websites, now I'm looking for some personal experiences.....

    In Feb, Friends will visit Thailand with 3 kiddies…

    (5 People) Husband and wife, One 6 year old and Two 3 year olds.

    We (My girlfriend and I) will join them on holiday and we are looking at Koh Chang.

    Has anyone any experience of child friendly resorts in Koh Chang?

    Preferably but not limited to the following….

    • A kids pool, so we are not disturbing holidaying couples.

    • Joining rooms (so that the doors can be left open like a suite – so the kids can be in the next room).

    • Or with a Villa (with two bedrooms – one room for the kids to share).

    • Kiddies clubs (so the parents can take a break).

    Any suggestions as above for Koh Chang, or indeed any other sea side locations (i.e. Hua Hin) would be greatly appreciated.

    Price is not a major issue I'm thinking of about B5000 to B8000 for them per night (2 adults, 3 kids).

    Thanks for any assistance....

  7. Hi guys,

    We've for next season got a new football team entering the MBMG International Football League next year, and at the minuet seem to be slightly low on players.

    If you would like to or know of someone that would like to have a game of football at the weekend, to keep down the beer belly, then please get in contact.

    The standard is fairly good it has to be said, so a decent first touch wouldn't go a miss.

    Any position is welcome except GK as we have one already.

    Please contact me via PM

    Many thanks, I look forward to hearing from you :)



    I like the idea of getting rid of the developing beer gut - I'm 34 and used to play for my Uni (not a great side however), now I'm very unfit and would die if I tried to play seriously...

    As I'm 34 and haven't played in years, I imagine I've lost touch and a lot of pace but I'm happy to give it a go.

    Do you play on the Grass at Pattana? dates and times etc - I'd be interested in a kick around and see how I feel about getting back into it so to speak.

    I like the kick around, but I'm not sure about playing other teams competitively just yet.

  8. I was looking for good advice on a suit recently – I ran a search but didn’t find this thread, perhaps it was too old ??

    Anyway – as its been resurrected I'll add my recent experience.

    Recently, on recommendations I had a suit made at Rajas; next to the entrance to Nana Plaza. I hate that area but I’d received two personal recommendations from friends who work in top Expat companies and need top quality suits to fit their position, so I tried it.

    I had to be very, very specific about what I wanted, down to every last detail. We had a few disagreements (nearly arguments – as Raja himself, being Indian can be quite insistent) which finished with me saying, I know you make suits daily, but I wear them, so please make what I want, not what you think I should have. To be honest, I didn't really like the fellow, but I'll return 'cos his tailor does make a good suit.

    After 5 days and 3 separate fittings – I received a perfect fitting suit of an excellent standard, which I am very happy with.

    Note: The Tailor is actually a Thai Guy (who probably supervises tailors under him) - Raja and Bobby simply run the shop, take the measurements and orders.

    This was my first tailored suit in 6 years because my last suit made in Thailand was not up to scratch. I have been buying designer suits off the rack since, I am now converted to Rajas in the knowledge that I have to be very detailed in order to obtain exactly what I want (see note below).

    For 14000B I had a suit that I am very happy with and will go back to the same shop for more.

    I was not satisfied with the shirts and I’ll continue to buy labelled shirts off the rack. My style is more quirky than ‘conventional office’ which is why the shirts I had made while of a good quality did not suit my tastes.

    Note: By detail I mean things other than material, outer and liner.

    • Angle and width of the pockets + Extra ticket pocket.

    • Angle of chest pocket.

    • Number of buttons, height of the top button, location of Lapel overlap on my chest.

    • Number and location of inner pockets

    • Location of Flower hole on the lapel.

    • Number of cuff buttons, embroidery on cuff buttons, overlapping cuff buttons.

    • Control on the shoulder pads (not too large).

    • Slim fitting (slightly tapered)

    • Exact length of cuff.

    • Type of buttons, not plastic & Exact colour (Raja didn’t have a great selection).

    • Embroidered cuff button holes.

    • Tailored look lapels with stitching marks.

    • Depth of Lapel, not too fat.

    • Length of trail / tail.

    • Single centre / Double tail flap / slit.

  9. got fined the other day 500 baht for passing an alcohol breath test at the silom checkpoint. No ticket though, of course. Just wouldnt let me have my license back without the "fine".

    And you paid it ???

    OK, I wasn't there so I've no idea how threatening the Police officer was, but my guess is that he was simply trying it on and you paid up. I think we should all stand firm (Politely so) up to a certain degree.

    Now, as I mentioned above, I wasn't there so I don't know the true situation.

    However, given similar circumstances, when the officer asks for 500B I would chuckle / smile and say 'nice try'... ok license back now please. Failing that, the phone comes out and a call gets made (I'd like to point out that I've never had to make 'The Call' - but if things are getting worse, it's only a matter of time !)...

    If I've done nothing wrong NO money gets paid. I don't mind paying a minor fine for making an innocent mistake however.

    Side Car Issue: It seems to me that a blind eye is turned in favor of low-income-business related purposes (i.e. food vendors etc) and that the interpretation of what ever law there is, is down to the individual Police man.

  10. Places I go when I want a good steak...

    Bacco (Near Thonglor) - Great Steaks, Aussie tenderloin (about 800 Baht)

    Palazzo (Thonglor 19) - Great Steaks, Aussie tenderloin (about 800 Baht)

    Beccofino (Thonglor) - Great Steaks, Aussie tenderloin (about 800-1000 Baht)

    L'Opera (Sukhumvit 39) - Best Steak, Again Aussie (Tenderloin, Rib Eye Or T Bone - 800-1200 Baht)

    Tenderloins (Sukhumvit 33) - OK Steak (Aussie steaks - +/- 600 baht)

    New York Steak House (JW Marriot) - All types, Very over priced, service is too over the top.

    Chok Chai steaks - I don't find them up to scratch, often a little too much gristle and slightly too chewy for my liking.

    I like the Aussie steaks here, I believe they represent the best value for quality of meat.

    For ordering, I've noticed that the steaks are often undercooked compared to request. i.e. If I like a steak medium, I will ask for it to be cooked medium well. If you like it welldone, ask for it very welldone !

  11. I’m looking for the following insurance.

    Life Insurance: Approximately 20,000,000 B payout to my wife in the event of my death.

    Condo Insurance: Coverage of 4,000,000 B belongings cover. Full payout in the event of total damage due to fire or flood. 100% cover for itemised claims in the event of theft or damage.

    I’ve looked at the Thai Visa Insurance (Forum Sponsor) and requested a quote.

    i.e. if my safe gets broken into and my 400,000B watch gets stolen, I want 400,000B from the insurance to replace it, not just 10% of the value.

    I was wondering, what everyone else on the forum does for insurance, what levels are you and your condo / home insured to, what amounts are recoverable and what are your premiums?

    Any recommendations other than the sponsor whom I have already contacted?

    Thanks for your assistance….

  12. Most likely his daughter or his gf who is of age. I'd stick my nose out of it unless you are ready to be highly embarrassed. I'm sure he was a bit pissed you were staring. :)

    You're not between 60 and 65 with a very young looking girlfriend who likes to wear lots of makeup are you Brit ? :D

  13. child selfishness exponentially worsened by pure stupidity.

    About the most accurate statement I have come across while reading about drivers here. Although before the rose tinted folks speak up, yes, other countries are worse...

    stopping to let an old lady to cross the street is definitely THE thing to do....

    Agreed, and regardless of what others think everyone should aspire to do the same. Thai's know the rules, I know enough who all know the rules, its a choice they make when they choose to be selfish and careless.

  14. Three years of TV membership and that was all you could come up with in your 28th post ?

    Did she rip off your computer ? :):D

    I treat Thai's as I would treat anyone in the UK, or any other foreigner or westerner here. It just seems trickier to spot the rogue characters amongst the locals so sometimes indifference works.

  15. How much is car hire for the day Vs the border run?

    Even if you are not so familiar with driving in Thailand, 6-7 visa runs means you have been here long enough to know that you have to be alert on the roads and not to trust van or bus drivers.

    The bus and van drivers here apparently care so little for there own lives I can't see how anyone else's could ever enter their thoughts.

    With the bad weather in Bangkok today (flooded roads) a van and 2 taxis attempted an undertake along a road on which the inner lane was flooded, the vans and taxis aquaplaned and veered close enough to my car that I thought impact was imminent. The majority of people in Thailand who drive these vehicles are quite simply uneducated and careless. Don't risk your life and drive along fast roads with these people - I think its far safer to drive yourself and trust your own instincts.

  16. I must be going to the wrong courses…

    In and around bkk everywhere still seems so busy, especially Fri, Sat and Sun.

    I just can’t find a quiet reasonably priced course within 45mins of central Bangkok that is not over crowded.

    Additionally: I’m starting to get quite fed up with the starters / course policy of consistently over loading the course and teeing people off on the 1st and 10th so that on our way round we have a 20+ minute wait. Can't tee times just be stuck to?

    Although out of Bangkok (Hua Hin, Kanchanburi, Khao Yai) I’ve noticed the prices come way down and it’s a pleasure to play on a quiet course on the weekdays.

    Has anyone played a Sub B1000 green fee for a quiet course at the weekend (within 45 mins of central bkk) ?

    One pointer: A friend played Windmills for 50% discount with 2 Lipo V bottle caps. Pinehurst (or President, can’t quite remember) has a 2 for B1450 deal with Bank of Ayuttaya Platinum and Muang Keaw is free with a CitiBank Platinum card.

    I’ve recently discovered that it’s often an advantage to ask (or have a Thai ask on your behalf) what promotions are available as this information is never forthcoming without inquisition.

  17. I voted on behalf of my Girlfriend (hope it helps the stats)...

    She likes wine (Red, White and Rose), but to be honest she likes anything and is quite relaxed about her choice.

    Beer and Sake With Japanese food.

    Red wine with Italian and French.

    White wine and especially a sparkling white with Thai and Indian (or an ICE cold beer).

    Whiskey and water mix when out late.

    She's not hot on the Spy and Bacardi.

    (edit for typo)

  18. The wye is a tricky one.

    Sometimes I get the feeling that Thai’s don’t like to wye non-Thai’s, but sometimes I get the feeling that they don’t really like to wye each other.

    I can see sometimes that it’s a gesture of complete respect, then I see another time when it’s a reluctant gesture simply because someone is a notch above on the hierarchal scale.

    I wye all elders within a similar social-economic level to myself when I meet them from the first time, if they don’t wye back, then they don’t get another wye but just a nod of the head from there on in.

    I also see it noted by others as to who initiates the wye, I’ve observed that this is often an indicator for others to observe where you are placed in their social structure. Work and family also confuse this issue however.

    As you are one of the younger members I would suggest that it’s up to you to initiate, but also as you were of equal position it might not be necessary.

    I would also suggest that as a western you have carte-blanche on wyes, you can make mistakes and its ok so long as its clear that your intentions are respectful and polite.

    All that said, you cannot make a mistake wye’ing people who you have respect for, its not like wye’ing a waitress in a gogo bar etc.

    I’d say wye. It will always be observed as more polite than not doing so, I often wye and shake hands, which covers both options but also follows my own manners / culture.

    (edit: I think wai might be the more correct spelling in English)

  19. Thanks for your replies... after a little more research I just found this company.... Golden Safe Co Ltd (I think they are located at the Bang Rak end of Rama IV, I'll check out their prices and quality.

    The safe is something to place my watches, valuable data (HD) and other small easily stolen valuables in - Given time I'd guess that if I were to be burgled then they could just remove the whole safe etc, but it offers more security than a locked drawer.

    I've never had any issues in the past, but I'll be using new maids and prefer to keep things out of sight and also prefer to keep things simple without additional keys.

  20. By the way, why do you want an electronic safe?

    Because I have one in my current apartment and find it very convenient, it takes less than 2 seconds to open with the pin code.

    I've read here on TV how mechanical safes can be a headache to operate, but I've never used one myself.

    I'd rather the digital / electronic type (not necessarily one that works off the mains).

    The safe in my current apartment is an 'Elsafe', I'd like something similar.

  21. Hi folks…

    Does anyone know anything about electronic safes ??

    I’m looking to buy an electronic safe for a new apartment (similar to the ones we find in hotel rooms).

    After some research I have found a shop that imports ‘Elsafe’, its Located down Sukumvit 71 in Bangkok (it used to be down Sukhumvit soi 22) , I was quoted B23,000 for a closet safe (the Elsafe infinity II and Sentinel II which are pretty much the same sizes as we see in hotels and look quite decent, but expensive).

    I am looking for other makes of electronic safes and suppliers in Bangkok.

    Anyone who has purchased a safe for their condo / Apt / office / home etc would you mind taking a moment to offer some assistance and advice?

    Thanks in advance…

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