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Everything posted by richard_smith237

  1. Agreed,.... even if he had to pay ‘back taxes’ for previous years un-taxed it doesn’t add up to near that amount. The Por-Ror-Bor (compulsory insurance) is only necessary for the current year.
  2. You really are being obtuse.. The thefts took place over 5 years.. at which point did she start noticing and installed the cameras ? certainly not for the first 4 years otherwise the issue would have been dealt with earlier... Thus, as I wrote: There must have been plenty 'lying around' for the public official not to take action far earlier... (i.e. within the few weeks of this theft).
  3. The multi-million baht thieving secretary has already been caught - she is a thief and is being charged - no one contests this or justifies her actions. There is also another facet of the story which was ‘glossed over’ in the main article but stood out like the proverbial 'elephant in the room’ to all (most) who read this story (except you)..... .... This is a lot of money for a public official to have squirrelled away in her home. I don’t believe you are stupid enough not to recognise this, but you are instead choosing to attack the valid questions posters have raised about the source of an officials funds.
  4. At least I'm not being outrageously libellous. Just outrageously moronic with your counter response to every members comments of the obvious... ... This is a lot of money for a public official to have. In a country with so much open corruption this raises the eyebrows of the vast majority of those who have read this thread....
  5. B10 million stolen over 5 years... Thats just under 40,000 baht per week. There must have been plenty 'lying around' for the public official not to take action far earlier. Most people would notice 40,000 Baht stolen each week unless the source from which the money taken was already significant enough for those amounts not to be so easily noticeable. Thus: It could be assumed that there was in fact hundreds of thousands of baht present from which the theft of a 10’s of thousands of baht each week or every few days was not easily noticeable.
  6. Any finance company would usually keep the green motorcycle registration book. If you have the (real) Green registration book, the finance is paid off - chassis numbers & registration number in the book should match the motorcycle. You will need to transfer the name of registration into your name.
  7. Ok... from an innocent perspective this is not bad thing... However, there is an undercurrent of avoidance of responsibility.. ‘if kids get locked in a car and can’t get it out its their fault’... Perhaps I am reading too much into this but there always seems to be an incredibly ignorantly juvenile approach to issues such as this which seems to circumnavigate the real issue at hand and perpetuate the avoidance of responsibility for those who are ultimately responsible. IF someone leaves a child in any vehicle - penalties should be extremely severe. So much so that it is at the forefront of the mind of any driver of a school vehicle. The sad reality is however that those driving school vans have ‘fallen into the job’ rather than undergone any specific training or safety assessment. So... We can’t rely on the adults to protect the children so we have to rely on children to look after themselves ????
  8. You really should stay away from those cookies...
  9. Why? New kid in school. Perfect for bullying. Ridiculous speculation. But a possibility nonetheless, as is an an accidental fall or simply messing around as a dare or some form of hazing ritual which went wrong... lots of possibilities...
  10. Maybe you were looking for Currants ???? https://www.healthline.com/nutrition/raisins-sultanas-currants And yes, the US has a sweeping name for them all as Raisins... but internationally there are: Raisins, Sultanas & Currants.
  11. My very first thought... How does 10 million baht get stolen from some ones ‘bedroom stash’ and only get noticed after 5 years. How much was there exactly ???? An awful lot... if 38,500 baht disappearing every week took so long until she started investigating...
  12. No... he didn’t ‘come to his senses’... he lost face and was forced to act - there’s a difference. Then there is this... Back to the drawing board indeed..... Whatever happens, the children in that school are clearly not a priority, but are they ever in such a school here ?
  13. Did you queue to go to a temple and pay respects to the King Rama IX ?? I didn’t, but neither would I queue to see the British Queen laying in State. Of course that doesn’t perfectly address the point you make, but the issue is far more multifaceted than highlighted.
  14. Proof of address is not needed for sale (at least in Bkk). Sold a handful of cars and a couple of motorcycles over the years….
  15. In the UK we’re not prepared for the snow when we have a freak winter every 10 years… The upkeep of the equipment is too costly & the equipment is aged by the time we next need it. If Bkk can clear sewers then pump maintenance is not going to be high up on your agenda…. Until the next ‘10 yr flood’ that is…
  16. This…. Checking Thailands drains should be a round the year thing… There’s s#it ton of water coming down, any concreted area will experience some flooding just due to tut sheer volume & run off…. It’s when sea levels are at a highest astronomical tide that there is nowhere for the water to go. Does Bkk need a ‘smart tunnel’ like KL ?
  17. For a moment there I thought an ex had visited Thailand & stepped through a drain !!! ????
  18. Ignorance of the law is no excuse for breaking it. Honestly, I didn’t know I couldn’t stay in Thailand for 3 years on my visa exempt entry !!!
  19. I’ve brought in loads of stuff from bicycles, skis, push chairs… customs don’t bat an eye lid… Always a risk though… so if you get hit, smile & take it…
  20. So he’s going to pay the Thai Military politicians more money not to by Myanmar oil than the Myanmar Military politicians are sharing with the Thai Military politicians to buy Myanmar oil ??? !!!! Interesting….
  21. For a lot of this week in Bkk so far; Rules of the Road: Give way to the boat on the right !
  22. Nitrogen !!! (we’re still doing the word association, right ? )
  23. Yeah... it a tricky one, it also depends how we interpret the situation could escalate. It's certainly not worth getting into a fight over 40 baht - but sometimes when the guy is so obviously being a ???? and he’s inconvenienced you, why does he deserve anything... ?
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