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Everything posted by richard_smith237

  1. Which Country do they come from ? I think he may want to draw a line...i.e. x number of generations born here and you are British... But, if he goes back beyond grandparents he could find out his family were once immigrants. Where is that line ???.... as you accurately put it Mac... the line is at being ‘born in the UK, or born of British parents / parent overseas’...
  2. Probably something like this....
  3. Sounds like you don’t care if people are hooning around on the roads... drink riding / driving, putting the lives of innocent others and your loved ones at risk..... Just so long as there are no laws to enforce.... God forbid, we can’t have the police turning this into a 'nanny state’ !!! And this is the issue... those who don’t know they are stupid always spout out this 'nanny-state’ nonsense and would cry like everyone else when their children get mown down by a drunk driver..... and then ask ‘where was the enforcement?’....
  4. I’d agee... 150cc scoots never seem to have enough grunt. The X-Max 300 would be idea... Even better would be the Honda ADV 350 IMO. Or... if you wanted a bit of ‘cool’.... the *Vespa GTS 300 (or the Sei Giorni model) *This last comment may not go down well with the sandals & socks brigade !
  5. Next up in the news.... Tourist gets beaten up by taxi driver after being refused a fare and taking a photo of the numberplate !!!
  6. Have you every tried using that App ???? There was an app about 7 or 8 years ago or so....... called ‘DLT Check In' or something like that.... It was reported with great fanfare how this would resolve the taxi issues in Bangkok. Unsurprisingly, the App didn’t work !...
  7. Kind of irrelevant... this is built into the rental quote... What next ?... will the landlady decide to charge extra for the fridge and sofa ? It could be a genuine mistake, i.e. the first time the landlady has rented out her house and doesn’t really know what she should or shouldn’t be charging for. But, it also looks a like a ‘squeeze’...
  8. Trust your instincts.... unless of course you really like the place and are prepared to take the hit on loss of deposit etc... The landlord can only put the price up come renewal time, they could try before hand and make life difficult for you - again... trust your instinct on this one.
  9. Walk away.... This is simply the Landlady trying to squeeze a little more out of you. Maintenance fees are paid on a yearly basis (in a condo or moobaan (gated housing estate with a juristic committee). A private house may operate a little differently but that would usually be included the monthly rent. The only extras would be Water and Electricity; which he should check is at the government rate (paid directly) with an official bill and not at the landlords rate... IF this landlady is squeezing more out of you now... don’t expect the deposit returned.
  10. I never felt the need in the past... However, with the amount of travel I do I’m starting to think its a good idea to take an Influenza vaccine. Pre-Covid it would seem I pick something up on a flight once or twice per year - its not nice arriving back in Thailand (or on holiday) and feeling crappy for a week. While obviously I’d want to avoid both - at the moment I consider Influenza to present greater risk to my health than the Omicron Variant of Covid-19... Thus: I’d take the flu vaccine and perhaps wait for the Covid-19 vaccine unless travel or work requires proof of further boosters or a more serious Covid-19 variant emerges against which a vaccine is proving or thought to prove effective.
  11. I suspect the antigenic drift of Covid-19 will follow pathways similar to that of Influenza. Our resistance / immunity will (hopefully) evolve with it. I suspect we will encounter yearly / seasonal cycles - some years may be worse than other as with the Alpha Influenza strains, we may get the odd ‘bumper-year’ as with the H1N1 outbreak in 2009 - A(H1N1)pdm09. As with influenza - a seasonal vaccine for those at risk may be the sensible response.
  12. Looks like a pit bike.... Not sure theres room for a 190cm guy and his wife on that....
  13. IF you are looking for an actual Motorcycle... BMW GS310 - the size is easily sufficient to feel extremely comfortable and its a relatively light motorcycle.... easy for highway riding etc... Price is about THB 230,000.... so a lot of this depends on your budget. I know its not in your question, but IF you are OK with a Scooter style bike. Honda ADV 350 - again, the size is easily sufficient, its practical and it has the grunt for highways - a far better machine than many ‘conventional’ motorcycles.
  14. Arab on a rented bike ???? I’ve no idea of course, but this was my first suspicion upon reading the opening post, although that would usually be in Pattaya, less so Phuket.... (if we are to tick the ‘generalisations’ box). Motorbilkes and d!<kheads !!.... when the two combine !!....
  15. This makes sense... Particularly after so much ‘isolation and social distancing’...... this next ‘flu season’ could kick our backside because most of us have ‘fallen outside of the exposure loop’... i.e. usually we’d be exposed to a subtle shift in variant each season and our immunity / antibodies would ‘keep up’ perhaps from the previous flu season or most recent exposure. While isolating and social distancing etc we have taken a few years break from higher risk of exposure to flu - our resilience as a society may well have diminished somewhat. Taking a flu vaccine now is a very good idea IMO.
  16. Erm… Might Ekkaphop also recommend not to pay for narcotics online ?
  17. This is just utterly retarded inane TikTok tosh..... ... does anyone actually believe this rubbish ???? Black Ops.... is all you are doing today browsing and posting TikTok videos ????
  18. Interesting... even if he is named on the Childs Brith certificate, because they are not married he’s not considered the legal father ? IF so... the confusion is starting make a little more sense.
  19. Kittens are for... ????
  20. Take a look at the Honda ADV 150. Or even the ADV 350 if you wanted something a little bigger.
  21. How long does it take to charge up another 300km’s equivalent distance /charge at one of these station ???
  22. Your personal experience on a diplomatic passport is irrelevant. They were correct... Thats what everyone else has been posting. It's better for Dual Thai Nationals (Thai / Aus or other) to enter Thailand on their Thai passport. It's irrelevant what passport they departed their home country with.
  23. Isn't this just a translation of a Birth Certificate in a language recognised by your country ? (i.e. English ?)... Which country ???..... Someone may have direct experience. Drip feeding little bits of info isn’t helping people help you.
  24. Have ZS and really like ours. What year & kms ? Awww... cute, I knew you two would get along !!! ???? (sorry, couldn’t resist). If Mazda did a CX-5 EV I’d be on it.... but would be a somewhat nervous about a 340km trip to Koh Chang.... or driving BKK to Baan Pae and leaving the car parked up while on Koh Samet... finding a charging station on the way there or the way back, because there aren’t any at the car-park there and we can’t leave the car plugged in for 3-4 days (can we?) other people would need the charging station (if there was one).... But, for the most part, the school run and journeys around Bangkok where charging at home is only ever needed.... a CX-5 EV would be ideal.
  25. Khun LA will be beside himself... one more vehicle to give that knowing ‘we’re ahead of the curve’ nod and wave too..... you’ll be able to support him on all the EV debates on this forum !!!!
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