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Everything posted by Chongalulu

  1. That wasn't compressed inside. It imploded. The pressure meter of your tank will not change the deeper you go. The interior pressure remains the same. Before quoting Einstein brush up on your physics.
  2. Agree and the interior quality is superb. If you want a diesel it's the better choice but the CRV hybrid is more powerful and sophisticated
  3. It does have the Chang race circuit, quite good from what I saw of it having done track days at many UK circuits. But my pickup Vs the BMW M3 I had in UK is probably not going to provide the same experience. Don't think they really push the track day experience...
  4. It's not small,some version have 7 seats. HRV would be a smaller version
  5. They've been acquiescing through about 20 coups over the years. It's a very very long silence
  6. As it came from Home pro a major retailer I doubt it was a knock off...?
  7. The tank cannot be compressed by being at depth and there's no difference in the pressure of air you breathe between a tank and air compressed at the surface. The second stage demand valve determines that supplying air at the pressure relative to the depth you're at.
  8. Not if the microwave is anything to judge by. 2 years on and the insides are rusting badly,and the turntable is very jerky
  9. more likely they are making a much bigger problem for themselves, the box has already been opened and the voters don't want it shut. The box is being removed - acquiescence will return...
  10. Thanks "ladies" for taking the focus and heat off us Farangs. .
  11. Thank you for confirming suspicions of the low level of your mentality ”dude” (sic) (another giveaway). To Sink to your level - your girlfriend does that because she closes her eyes and recalls the time it was mine during that time you were away. I'm glad to have helped you out in any way I could... ”dude”. Please don't reply until you've raised your IQ to double figures..
  12. They did persist with the diesel here long after its demise in Europe with the alternative of the long discontinued very old technology 2 litre and 2,4 petrol engines. Dumping old technology engines on the unsophisticated Thai market. Only late last year did they finally introduce the hybrid and turbo petrol engines. Apparently there's a PHEV on the way in other countries too but guess that will take some time to reach Thailand. 1,6 or 1.7 million so might take the plunge this year but keep the 9 year old 3 litre Isuzu pickup in great condition too. No point selling it I reckon..?
  13. So far all the comments here focus on the SUVs largely based on pickups and their relatively crude suspension and ladder chassis. Unless you need the extra pure size a far better driving and comfort experience will be offered by the likes of the Honda CRV (hybrid best choice). Its pukka IRS and chassis more similar to car will provide a better ride and sophistication combined with a modern well regarded hybrid motor drivetrain at similar pricing
  14. That's because you haven't taken the time/ have the wherewithal to comprehend the intricacies which means you are in danger of being taxed twice on the same income through the exclusions within the double tax agreement by county. You could prove me wrong by laying out a brief synopsis of your understanding why many here bringing in pension income from their home country are not at risk...?
  15. It's because you're not perceptive enough to see beyond what is put in front of you for your consumption
  16. Don't worry,we're working on becoming the ”mane” event again.. 🐎
  17. Even more of an idiot given in a collision the motorcycle/ rider is invariably the loser. Anyway deport him for such appalling taste of attire , trying to resemble a Xmas 🌲
  18. So you think laws apply to varying degrees dependent on the distance traveled. ?So a guy from Myanmar gets say only 5% of the punishment a 10k mile farang gets but not quite the leniency of a Thai from Chalong ? Can you cite any countries quoting that provision in their laws? A foreigner may be deported but usually the crime has to be a serious one involving a year or more in prison. But crucially a native committing the same offence gets the same prison sentence. I’m afraid it’s you wandering in circles having lost your compass …and perhaps a few brain cells over the years.
  19. No the air they’re breathing will be compressed,that’s why they’re using demand valves. The pressure at 6 metres is such that your lungs would not be able to overcome it to draw uncompressed air from the surface. Take a hose into the pool go to 2 metres underwater and see if you can breathe…
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