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Everything posted by Chongalulu

  1. Just booked Eva air £825 direct to Heathrow. Easily the best. Wanted to go to Manchester but Emirates £1230 so £800 saving for 2 of us pays petrol and much more for son in law to drive down to collect us . Convenient flight time too
  2. A vacuous,unthinking play of the race card. Very many Western countries have different rules for various nationalities wishing to enter and for good reason. As developed countries they are very attractive for those from poorer countries to overstay,enter the black market for employment etc. ,thus a need to be discriminating and police those wishing to enter. Thailand has a reputation for its nationals doing just that.
  3. They wait until you're on the road, that's where they getcha! 😆
  4. I used to live just north of Dalston. Can you still hear me..? 😜
  5. It’s major news inUK and the horrific nature of the accident makes it more so. That their 21 year old son was here in Thailand at the time adds another dimension to a newsworthy story.
  6. No,they don’t think that,but it is true to point out Thailand’s much higher propensity for this sort of accident and RTAs in general.
  7. There are some areas (Dalston for example) where you’re considered overdressed if having more than one ear ! 😱
  8. They’ve got the European and USA markets terrified such are their price differences. The EU and USA are imposing very high tariffs to combat this and could trigger a trade war. Yes that’s on standard models but there are premium models too as another poster has pointed out.
  9. Not in China they aren’t,but that is an outlier in terms of their very cheap prices and is scaring the European and USA motor manufacturers and prompting huge tariffs.
  10. So you don’t understand investment principles. Firstly,bringing in 65k per month (minimum) is far cheaper than losing the investment return on 800k baht,and so even is paying an agent 20k (if you have to) and investing that lump sum wisely. I say that as one whose investments are very considerably in excess of this - but maybe they got that way because I did understand.
  11. This is a terrible investment of almost 1 million baht. You have completely forgotten the investment return on that sum. I just have to look at the return on such a sum invested I have achieved on my U.K. SIPP (pension) and ISA (another tax free wrapper).
  12. It kept Ferrari Joe busy up until that fateful event with a carrier bag…
  13. Yes, isn't it supposed to have a high protein content...? 😜
  14. Daily Me granola is very good quality and 140 baht in main supermarkets. They frequently have buy one get one free when I clear the shelves. I've currently got 35 packets in stock! Only buy on promotion...
  15. Yes,you'll beat him senseless with your keyboard I'm sure... 🙄
  16. This has gone exactly to his plan. He's got away with it,is unwell so will be looked after in the last moments of his life for no charge. The very best time to be in jail when you've done all you can reasonably expect to do and it's not going to last as long as the sentence will be. He's won...
  17. The kindest thing I can say about that is incoherent waffle designed to deflect from being hoist with your own petard. You’re fooling no one other than yourself. "Light hearted ". Risible!
  18. No, you took great delight ,as you said, in turning down those of lighter colour. In other words you demonstrated exactly the same prejudice but just choosing a different hue to direct it against. Prejudice is prejudice. Or do you ,in your confusion,not see the hypocrisy in your own discrimination and think the answer to prejudice and discrimination against darker skins is prejudice and discrimination against lighter skins?
  19. "Thank goodness you’re in my rear view mirror!" ..?
  20. So equally,you’re colour prejudiced too…? 🙄
  21. Spidermike once again sits in judgement on the world. Perhaps your own parents could have done better in addressing your own self important,sanctimonious and superior attitude.
  22. A daft ,self absorbed and unaware response. Plenty of clues that it’s a tongue in cheek lyric from a song . You need to get over your sanctimonious "offended on behalf of" precious attitude .
  23. "Love,the kind you clean up with a mop and bucket " 🎶
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