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Everything posted by Chongalulu

  1. You keep getting swiped the wrong way...?
  2. No,it's supposed to be their subscribers that do that...if you're lucky! 😋
  3. Yes,Bob,but sadly won't give you a second look - probably even put them off their Pad Mee noodles... 🤢
  4. We are allowed to enter free on the 30 day stay. UK are proposing something similar for Thais , exactly the reciprocity you reference
  5. Frankly, given our low unemployment and difficulties recruiting workers I doubt it'll impact too negatively. On the other hand Thais are "notorious ” for NOT planting bombs and forcing Buddhism down their hosts throat....
  6. ...and kicking doctors in A&E ... (Await confused emojis from hard of thinking)
  7. The cluelessness is all yours. Quote ” the second stage reduces the pressure of the interstage air supply to AMBIENT pressure on demand from the diver. Operation of the valve is triggered by a drop in downstream pressure as the diver breathes in" Note "ambient ” but probably another thing you don't understand. You simply quote certain texts without any understanding of their relevance or application to the point made. I'll leave you to your wilful ignorance.
  8. Bob,it's always followed you around without boundaries. It's not me,it's you...😆
  9. Yes I always wondered what significant benefits the ADV had over the Click . Click certainly better manoeuvrability in towns and assume adv better on longer runs but as you say the same engine
  10. This incident was sponsored by the Swiss embassy…
  11. You mean "All Blacks Lives matter"….. ?
  12. That wasn’t in dispute. Yours started with"they weren’t breathing compressed air " which you had to row back from when I pointed out that you couldn’t breathe uncompressed air at 6 metres from the surface . (Wrong statement number one). Secondly you claimed that breathing air from a tank at that depth was physiologically different from breathing compressed air from the surface at the same depth (Wrong statement number number two) . The second stage demand valve they are using supplies air at ambient pressure relative to the depth ,so is irrelevant which source it comes from. What you have quoted there is irrelevant to that point and the conversation we were having despite it being factually correct and which I never disputed. In summary it is a complete deflection to the two incorrect statements you made (the first one a complete howler ).
  13. Particularly with the price of fossil fuels especially the demonised diesel being half the price of European countries.
  14. Yes, a Stable relationship is what he needs…
  15. He just wanted to be the Centaur of attention…
  16. That wasn't compressed inside. It imploded. The pressure meter of your tank will not change the deeper you go. The interior pressure remains the same. Before quoting Einstein brush up on your physics.
  17. Agree and the interior quality is superb. If you want a diesel it's the better choice but the CRV hybrid is more powerful and sophisticated
  18. It does have the Chang race circuit, quite good from what I saw of it having done track days at many UK circuits. But my pickup Vs the BMW M3 I had in UK is probably not going to provide the same experience. Don't think they really push the track day experience...
  19. It's not small,some version have 7 seats. HRV would be a smaller version
  20. They've been acquiescing through about 20 coups over the years. It's a very very long silence
  21. As it came from Home pro a major retailer I doubt it was a knock off...?
  22. The tank cannot be compressed by being at depth and there's no difference in the pressure of air you breathe between a tank and air compressed at the surface. The second stage demand valve determines that supplying air at the pressure relative to the depth you're at.
  23. He said he was just trying to ring the changes...
  24. It's the other rings you've had on it that worry me.... 😨
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