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Everything posted by Chongalulu

  1. Got to be fewer of them than in the main resorts surely - no girly/gogo bars from what I remember ? How has the food deteriorated .? We found a few good Thai restaurants ,a really good burger restaurant "Ling Ouen" a decent pizza place and The Irish embassy had a great Sunday roast offering.
  2. How far into the flight were they? Wonder why they didn't? It's very expensive and disrupts hundreds of passengers. If he can be restrained and subdued continue to the destination. This sort of incident is rightly considered very serious by UK authorities and he can expect to do some time and be banned by a host of airlines. Scum.
  3. Your various comments indicate the scars run much deeper...
  4. Last 2 years we went to Phuket in march following reduced demand and lower prices following the pandemic. This year we will return to Lanta driving down over 2 Days as usual.
  5. Not really, you price according to demand and drop the price when it tails off. Normal practice
  6. The snorkeling in isaan is just as good!
  7. The BSAC limit is 50 metres and in all circles is considered very deep. You are also right on the border of oxygen toxicity. Not only would your bottom time be a not very useful 5 minutes but you would have to do extended decompression stops. Because you got away with it doesn’t make it safe
  8. I didn't read the original Wikipedia review tbh but re your comment it's not about the place of manufacture but the design and trust of the brand. Apple products are manufactured in china,as are some German prestige cars but that doesn't mean they're only built to the standards of a Chinese design. The only other aspect is that there can be little useful feedback on reliability of MG cars while most models have only been around a few years. 10 - 12 year old Toyotas and Hondas running reliably are commonplace
  9. I think he's had enough "breaks ” to last a Lifetime...!
  10. Why the confusion? I expect it simply means contacting the claims department answering the questions they would have legitimately asked,forwarded any supporting documentation and liased with the hospital. Pretty standard stuff
  11. I understand that's where it was heading...
  12. You are Walter Mitty and I claim my £5.
  13. Not really conversant with negligence laws are you ..?
  14. One of the greatest pleasures of life in Thailand is our exposure to birdsong. It is rare, especially in New England, to be able to enjoy birdsong in the mornings, especially during the months of January and February. Here where I am, the birds are especially noisy. I am grateful. I expect many of us would be grateful for less "noise" from you on many trite ,vacuous subjects.
  15. Fingerprint only authentication is probably better
  16. Sounds more like a list of fancy dress options!
  17. If you read the main exceptions that takes only a few minutes and will cover nearly all the eventualities. Certainly the riding of motorcycles.
  18. Likely ironic laughter/gallows humour at the never ending joke that is Thai road safety.
  19. ”100 pages" ? I've told you a million times before not to exaggerate. ! 😆 Seriously,there's not more than about 1 page of the main exclusions and motorcycle exclusion will be in there. 5 - 10 minutes reading tops. Fact is people don't read their policy at all.
  20. You won't be covered for any scooter that you rent in Thailand. 125cc is a red herring. AND you have to have a licence for the vehicle in your own country in any case. Basically that boils down to almost no one hiring a scooter in Thailand.
  21. You clearly need to revisit your understanding of contract law ! Especially as it applies to airlines
  22. That's not really a perk. It's easy to get a card with no foreign usage mark up and interbank FX rates. Mine even has a half per cent cash back. The extra dealer add on charge for using the card you referenced is only an EU directive to retailers there so not applicable here. The respondent wasn't lecturing either. You asked for advice and he gave you it.
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