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Everything posted by Chongalulu

  1. Would be classed as "a cruel or unusual punishment " condemned under international law.. 😜
  2. Somewhat disingenuous,the measures leave open the possibility that aspect may be introduced but that does not apply now. Also he said it should be forward rather than backwards looking, strongly suggesting those already there under existing rules would not be affected in retrospect. Nonetheless UK does have a serious problem with UK nationals of foreign decent bringing in large families with no means to properly support them . There are exceptions where it causes hardship but yes the scenario of the retiree here bringing back just his wife gets caught up.
  3. Even up here in isaan they haven't quite sunk to Bob's level. Lot of stray dogs so you might be in luck....
  4. " I dunno about you,love but I'm off to get my 72 virgins; what's the worst that could happen...I get a bunch of grapes? Tara,pity you can't get to be one of the 72.. "
  5. More like fighting over who has the best imaginary friend. Religion,the enemy of reason.
  6. On the surface yes,but the ones arriving in Europe are costing a fortune, having to be housed,fed and supported,then frequently reward that kindness with criminal and terrorist acts. UK hotel costs for those is £6million per day! The overstaying German...not so much.
  7. You're smart enough to realise that,I'll grant you. 😜
  8. No, a bit kinky for me what with those virgin births , BDSM nails and suchlike.
  9. The overheads in a 5 star hotel are just a tad higher than the mama and papa shop in the local soi, just as everywhere else in the world. ”My wife and I ”,as do others wot speak proper ,understand that .. 😜
  10. An inspired and original economic strategy that would have John Maynard Keynes, Friedrich Hayek and Milton Friedman drooling in appreciation and green with envy. Chapeau!
  11. And if I saw him in the street I'd say ” Oi,Sergei NO! It's not ok to wander in the road with your ”sword” out . Sergei,No!" credit Harry Enfield.
  12. We had a family celebration which were marred by the kids playing up. Pretty much ruined grandma’s 30th birthday…
  13. No,I’m sticking with secular Enlightenment. It’s becoming increasingly popular in more educated societies.
  14. Not nearly as preposterous as virgin births,transubstantiation and resurrection.
  15. Because it’s still a very significant part of the Thai economy and with the recent publication of Thailand’s poor and worsening position in PISA educational tables is not going to be replaced by lucrative higher skill industries . They have the existing infrastructure and are reasonably good at it given it suits the relatively low skill set of the average worker. They certainly need to cultivate and improve on its shortcomings and stop taking it for granted,but I’d suggest that’s an easier task than turning around their education and skill set issues. Not that those aren’t vitally important,but there’s little will or capability with the current political system to address those.
  16. Apparently that's part of the procedure...along with snowballing.. 😜
  17. Sorry to hear of your experience...unless it was consensual? 😜
  18. No,I believe he's still wearing skirts. Cheers 🍻..hic.
  19. Reading this I'm so grateful of my decision 20 years ago to bring my 9 year old Thai stepdaughter to the UK and putting her through the state education system.Now possessed of A levels including English and Maths and a first in Business Economics she has a well paid job in e commerce. That said I think she's exceptionally bright vs the average Thai student. I shudder to think what a waste of her talents leaving her to the Thai educational standards would have meant. Thailand's underperformance has held back it's development and that is going to be accentuated further in the modern environment where academic skills are becoming more paramount to function properly.
  20. You could benefit from a computer correcting ”math's "(sic) test and other punctuation issues. There is nothing wrong in using a calculator in certain aspects of maths tests, they are an everyday tool in life and they need to demonstrate knowledge of how to use it. The PISA literacy tests are in their native language,it's a test of literacy. Thailand also fails very badly in separate measures testing English - the worst in ASEAN I understand,which is astonishing given the size and importance of their tourist trade.
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