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Everything posted by Chongalulu

  1. If you were better educated you'd would not make the schoolboy error of making an exception the rule. Instead you'd consult empirical evidence like Thailand's lowly and worsening position in the PISA educational tables, along with it's poor showing in English proficiency. Oh, and I did take my Thai stepdaughter to the UK where she obtained a degree in economics. However I understand she is largely an exception vs the bulk of the Thai population.
  2. At least it's more original than the ubiquitous "brake failure"!
  3. I see your map reading skills are on a par with Thais if you think Ukraine/ Russia is Northern Europe... move to the right a bit....
  4. How do you know i don't sepeak Thai I know from that response that you certainly couldn't understand the question..? Reading and comprehension difficulties?
  5. Very. How would Europeans only speaking their native language get on communicating in say french, Spanish or German Vs English? Sinking in yet ..?
  6. That would be you.. Now ask yourself how many countries is English useful in and how many is Thai..? DOH!
  7. That's not really another language, simply a dialect of Thai...and useless.
  8. The only reason for that is that their native language is in the world's most widely spoken language so there's less need. Most Europeans speak English because it's essential for them. Thai is only used in 1 country,so essential they learn English as surrounding countries understand. It's simply poor quality of education, evidenced by it's low and diminishing standing in the PISA educational tables. It suits those in power that the lumpen masses remain such...
  9. Are marmots known for their propensity for criticism? I wonder what animal is known for not perceiving humour? Which one do you resemble - that’d be a good start…
  10. It’s called "offender profiling ", a proven scientific method …
  11. Exactly,locals on the ground could try to catch it..
  12. His residence visa was withdrawn but not deported , he could go anywhere else he chose that would accept him. Errr…are you obligated to inform the police if your marriage breaks up? You may need+to acquaint yourself of evidence required to convict. You are not required to prove your innocence and not doing so isn’t evidence against you
  13. You can still dial it in the normal way but it won’t be free.
  14. It is if you still have credit, but you can’t buy credit anymore,you have to purchase a monthly subscription.
  15. My wife ran away with my best friend some time ago. I still miss him…
  16. Thank you for your overall reply and this. I understood that although his visa was revoked and although requiring him to leave (he didn’t appeal?) the news on here at the time was that could be to anywhere else. I guess he chose UK because it was easier and was confident there would not be the evidence to convict him (or he didn’t do it)?
  17. My assessment is that he was arrested so he could be interviewed under caution. They clearly have very little,if anything against him otherwise they would have sought to have him remanded in custody. He was not hiding in Thailand but living openly under his own name but clearly police in UK had insufficient to have him extradited. I understand he arrived in UK of his own volition? Unless they can get him to incriminate himself I reckon they'll not have enough to secure a successful prosecution
  18. Should I expect the same procedure if doing away with the missus..who’s being particularly annoying this morning…?
  19. We know it was £30k so are you implying it’s not worth it?
  20. What was her rendition of ” You've gotta fight..for your right... to paaaaartey! ” 🎶 🥊 like..?
  21. What you're missing is the debt was £30k. You wouldn't get off yet erse and get on a plane to collect that. What's your " I wouldn't get out of bed for less than...” minimum?
  22. Reading and comprehension difficulties, Cardinal?
  23. While it certainly does seem that way when living amongst it just google "average IQ in sub Saharan Africa " to understand how bad it can get!
  24. Bit of a harsh assessment of the orange robed fraternity….
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