In further developments the family went on to thank the spirits for saving them by participating in the "put your kids head in the tiger’s mouth for luck" and the "kiss a king cobra for good health " ceremonies. Sadly it was recklessly followed by an irresponsible ride home in a Thai drivers mini van ….
It is commonplace all over the world for different nationalities to have differing rules for entry . It is based on the practicalities relating to likelihood of them failing to return/ overstay their visas. Obviously those from poorer countries ( and historical experience) do that more often - Thailand is one of those unfortunately
Quite right, paedophilia was invented in the British isles and has never caught on outside those confines...must be something to do with the weather...
The real ”losers” are the one's losing their homes, pensions on divorce settlements with real wives. Remember if it floats, flies or f...s it's cheaper to rent...
If you complete a UK tax return (or other documents) you'll have a UTR. Unique Tax Reference Number which would be too be equivalent. I don't know if you might have such a number otherwise too.
Then they're complete morons. If I go less than a kilometre to local shop I put on my full Face HJC helmet AND motorcycle gloves. Takes 30 seconds - an accident just as likely to occur at the bottom of your own road.
I've suspended my getting involved in brawls until the thai authorities sort out the outrageous blocking of ambulances by irresponsible Thai drivers. It's just not worth the risk and they are curtailing the fun for everyone! 😡
I have an 18 year old plasma Panasonic bought in UK and brought out here when I emigrated. Still going strong. I did buy a 55 inch LG OLED about 4 years ago which I put in the new house. It was a bargain 25K baht half price because it was last year's model but is fantastic . Reviews say LG make the best OLED on the market. Can't disagree and being a smart TV has pre installed TV apps like Netflix etc.