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Everything posted by Chongalulu

  1. Heard the expression‘can’t get blood out of a stone'.? It’s a civil debt and that’s why repossession (which you’ve now made impossible) is the normal course of events. The car is still effectively owned by the lender - so it’s their property you’ve destroyed.
  2. So the owner stops making his payments to the bank and when they come to repossess it…. ???? ????
  3. Thanks for confirming you would be absolutely USELESS in reality. If you were really serious perhaps you’d select olive oil ,or maybe some balsamic vinegar to finish of your 'dressing ' down. ????
  4. Says the brave keyboard warrior… any example you’d like to regale us of your past acts of bravery endangering your life ?? ????
  5. I’d venture diesel useage vs gasoline is a higher average % here compared to much of the West (ubiquitous pickup and commercial vehicles),so at 30 baht per litre I’m thankful compared to the almost 3x the price I’d be paying in UK ! The much higher preponderance of scooters and their low consumption of gasoline also is an advantage. If I was buying a new vehicle (SUV?) I might still opt for diesel on that basis despite its demonisation and tumbling sales in Europe.
  6. It could be the start of a beautiful new relationship… ????
  7. It’s neither on the iPad mail app nor G mail app on same Device- nor on iPhone. The point is any work around takes as much time as logging back into 90 day report site ,pressing "progress' and getting it from there !
  8. According to my step daughter the attachment may have been in a format incompatible with the Apple mail app on my iPad because when I forwarded it to her it asked if I wanted to 'include attachments " - so obviously embedded in the email. At her suggestion,opening my gmail account on my google website page showed it there to open. She works in internet trading in uk and says it’s more common than you imagine !
  9. You don’t know the difference between Rolls Royce cars and the rest of Rolls Royce ?… the latter is a UK public company in which HMGovernment has a golden share .
  10. Thats the one ,but That’s what I’m saying- there’s no "file attachment " as referred to nor reference to a blocked attachment - I’ve looked closely . It’s a standard gmail address which doesn’t seem to block any other attachments sent from different sources ,so I wonder if it IS being blocked because the source looks dodgy and if so how I might "whitelist" it ?
  11. On both occasions I’ve used it (successfully) there is never the pdf attachment referred to in the email success notification to print out. I have to go back into the site to check progress ,click the red pdf icon for the document then print it out. You have to disable any content blocker first. This is on my iPad and no big deal given Safari saves my password etc. for log in,but wondered whether this lack of attachment is commonplace?
  12. The point is your argument is demonstrably specious and the toys are out of the pram because of your frustration at that being illustrated.
  13. What I noticed was the country being shut down, not people like him deciding not to come. The country isn’t "shut down" - people can still come ,as I did myself in December 2021 ,but with 14 days quarantine and as a returning resident. Thailand still wants tourists to come ,but the conditions even now,are such that the vast majority reject that offer . So it is very much ‘people like him' exercising their choice to go elsewhere that doesn’t insist on the daft second test after 5 days with the horrendous implications of a positive test. The country has thus caused the effective 'shut down' of its businesses who can’t economically survive. Simple cause and effect.
  14. I’m sure Thailand is devastated by this news. In case you’d not noticed Thailand’s tourist industry is already devastated by the many who have already replicated the decision of this poster..
  15. I’m on holiday in Phuket (from Pak Chong ) and it’s 6 months since my 2nd Pfizer vaccination (I’m 69) . Is there anywhere I can get a walk in type booster while here ,or any other alternatives? I have all my documentation/passport.
  16. All true except IQ levels here average 89 (64th by country). UK and Europe around 100,so there is a difference. Combined with thailand’s very poor ranking in the PISA EDUCATIONAL TABLES indicates they are not the sharpest tools in the shed.
  17. For premiership games ,Champions league and even Serie A etc. subscribe to Bein sports which is quite cheap (I got a whole season for 700 baht !). or monthly.The beauty of it is the games are on catch up so 3 am matches can be viewed later at time of choosing with no spoilers. It has chrome cast facility too. Very good customer support too . Separately ,sounds like your WiFi is substandard ??
  18. I have found that Chromecast won’t work when needing to use a VPN on the device you are casting from. This applies to ALL subscription providers as well as bbc iPlayer etc. You get an error message (sometimes notifying you not available in your location). This is because chromecast connects to your WiFi router directly and thus isn’t under the vpn. The only potential solution is quite involved and requires your router menu to be able to be programmed with the IP address the vpn is using. My recent 3BB router doesn’t have that,not I suspect most others. Screen mirroring from my iPad however does work ! ????
  19. Sorry,but as you mentioned the UK ,the statistics completely undermine your argument. For a similar size population UK has around 1750 deaths per year ,Thailand 25,000 ! That huge difference can’t be explained away by the theories you expound (including 2 wheel vehicle usage). 'Number of collisions' ?? Where are you getting that from and particularly in Thailand how accurate do you think reporting is ? Seeing the commonplace atrocious behavior of drivers here vs UK is reasonable anecdotal evidence that drivers themselves are the main problem . Compare the testing regime and penalties for transgressions of each country and the difficulties to even obtain a licence for further evidence
  20. Part of the tawdry,tacky non functional accouterments (fake exhausts,bonnet air intakes etc.) adorning so many 'chavvy' vehicles illustrating a low level mentality.
  21. Look on the bright side ( "Thailand does the math") - at least the country has taken a baby step from its appalling numeracy credentials..
  22. It’s often said the true nature of one’s character is when your actions are anonymous or you are insulated from them, as when surrounded by cocoon of your vehicle…
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