Nothing is for free in this world, and waiting for many hours to see a Free doctor may not be the best way to go.
But you’ve already paid by virtue of a history of taxes / National insurance and in my case STILL paying (tax on my retirement income)! But I cannot claim - I’m not talking about minor trips to say a government hospital here which is dirt cheap,but when you’re too old to get health insurance (or becomes too expensive)and you develop a more serious/expensive to treat condition as you age ,or experience a sudden event (heart attack?) . The pendulum tips financially as you become older ,which is why I’ve kept my U.K. house which yields a very significant rental income. I’m in good health and married for 20 years (Thai with British citizenship) ,so I’ve planned carefully and not burned bridges and when/if that time comes for whatever reason I can head back. For now though there are serious financial advantages to stay put.