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Everything posted by gravity101

  1. If only this was the whole truth. He has many valid points and his direct activist approach I can see grinding some gears. Problem is, his messages are garbled, (He hates totalitarianism but advoctes for totalitarianism as a clear example). His supporters are largely toxic when together or on social media, and despite his denying, he is and his supports are way right of center. The man would like nothing more than to ensure everyone is Christian and not Muslim in London despite what he says. Don't believe me,, just watch his social media and his retweets and likes. His blame of immigrants to all of UKs (and Europe's) woes is misplaced. It would frighten the <deleted> out of me if I saw this behaviour against us, the immigrants in Thailand. (Which does exist in pockets on social media now).
  2. Buttigieg is an absolute professional and hopefully a future leader. He's a diamond in a sea of useless politicians. Shame he's so derided for his sexual orientation by the insecure.
  3. Hummm. Frightening to say the least. https://apnews.com/article/trump-guilty-republicans-vengeance-a05db7fa2512a62afe035992f2baaf16
  4. Illegal? Just spat out my cornflakes. This isn't twitter.
  5. That i agree with. If you want a true reflection of the will of the people you need the powers of all branches to reflect that, ie political bias based on election results. This it seems is the best the USA can do in that regard. I'd prefer terms for state and federal judges at all levels. I'm not sure a judge can ever be truly neutral in their beliefs. Maybe get AI judges.
  6. What's your point? Appellant judges are all appointed by one party or the other. Doesn't make it a conspiracy. Also Elliot Felig, ahh the Fox talking head.
  7. You should look up the word progressive. It's not a bad word or a bad thing for the human race. To stifle progression is to stifle the human intellect. Standing up to progression is just weird, let's live in the past that'll be good for the world for sure. Grandpa thinking.
  8. 23 years later, mine still does this company thing. As long as their is no wp and income is recorded and taxes are paid (usually called house rent payments), this model is fine. In fact it's so long now, no one would be able to figure out if the wife didn't pay capital to the company or not. Interestingly I just had a friend buy a house with a brand new conpany that has a Thai foreign living friend as the 51. Went through creation and land department easily and very quickly.
  9. Please stop with this rubbish. This thinking is the exact reason the USA is so fractured. This all started with Trump, pure and simple. He has single handedly manifested the rift in both politics and political society in the US. His campaign for 2016 was an absolute disgrace, absolutely no decoram or boundaries, attack attack attack, call names, degrade and munfacture or amplify issues that he knew would cause division. And please, book keeping error and so called insurrection? Who you kidding.
  10. Wow you should be on Trumps legal team with a conviction like that. Pun intended.
  11. Funny stuff. You could tell he didn't even believe the things he was saying. I wouldn't want him defending me
  12. The problem is that Trump plays populist politics in every US issue. He manufactures issues that weren't even issues and then says he'll solve them. For abortion he will just come out and say its a state issue, thereby appeasing many and mitigating responsibility.
  13. The SC won't have anything to do with that hot potato if they can escape it I bet. He'll have to get through two NY appeals courts first anyway. It's certainly not the process that the SC will hear it. They may eventually get a request to hear it but they'll give a reason not to entertain it.
  14. Please stop with these Faux Fox news talking points. Their has been no weaponisation of rhe doj or fbi nor was the trial unfair. If you listen you'll only hear one ex president trying to use these for his own agenda. And boy does he have an agenda. To quote John Stewart last week, 'whoever smelt it dealt it'. Do we need to remind you about Bill Barrs' shenanigans?
  15. Didn't he say he'd never play golf cause he wouldn't have the time?
  16. I find it funny Trump supporters parrot the exact same talking points and phrases as their boss. It's almost as though they are cultists without self thought.
  17. Lol l. Who'd they poll in such a short period of time, the fox canteen?
  18. Nice try. Voir dire and peremptory challenges. It's the basis of ensuring a balanced jury. The guy was guilty because his peers found him guilty and because the evidence was irrefutable, nothing to do with who the jurors were.
  19. What a thin skinned mental patient. I detest these grifters using animals for photos. Saying that, he might have done the Korean guy a favour and get those nasty teeth a makeover.
  20. It means more performance with less range. The ECU will add more fuel to the mixture to compensate which in turn adds power but with added fuel use. A remap helps the ECU if its not able to determine what fuel its using very well. I try and put in 95 and add 10 liters of E85 at the same time. I don't care about range. My car doesn't run on flex fuel. E85 is 105 octane.
  21. I'd have turned it off after it started speaking like a Gen Z American. That aside chatGPT is coming on ok, it'll make AN articles better to read 😉
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