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Posts posted by DM07

  1. 18 hours ago, Gillyflower said:

    I have been asked each time if I want a bag


    I can't be bothered scrolling up, but is the poster who asked why you would need a straw fora bottle of oil.....is he for real?  That post gave me my only smile for the day.

    I once bought 2 cans of coke, a can of beer and a bottle of mouthwash!

    Got 4 straws!

    Go figure!

    • Like 1
  2. There's plenty of stuff out there to demonstrate the dangers and drawbacks of Agenda 21/2030, which IS being implemented globally (a fact you should know if you had actually done any research). Get your head out of the sand and do your own digging. 
    I am still waiting for you evidence, that "stuff" has been implemented globally!
    But let me guess: you dont want to do my work, so i will have to search the internet for your "evidence" , by myself...right!?

    Sent from my RNE-L22 using Thailand Forum - Thaivisa mobile app

    • Thanks 1
  3. 36 minutes ago, Tongjaw said:

    Jeez,,,, you still don’t get it. Now allow me one more attempt to spell it out for you again. Now this is the final time. Did I say Thais where correct in theirnviolence, NO. Did I say I didn’t agree with what was said, NO. 

    Don’t bother replying as I don’t have the patience to explain it as if I’m talking to a 4 year old. 

    Now lets get back on track and let the original post move ahead.


    Yeah I am an idiot!

    Please accept my sincere apology, for not understanding all the things you did not say, in that one sentence, where you linked this story to Westerness...

    I should have read more into it!


    Cheers, mate- happy hour is starting!


  4. 31 minutes ago, Tongjaw said:

    Yes the post is about violence in Thailand. So let me spell out my comment to you. My comments was in no way being opologetic to violent Thais and I take offence at that.  It was stating that religion, drugs and alcohol are also are causes of violence around the world, Thailand included.  So let’s get it straight,  I am not a Thai apologist but then again I am not a Thai basher unless it warrents it unlike some people who thrive on it. 

    So THIS "So pretty well similar to western cultures with Thainess changed to Westerness." sentence (because THAT was all you wrote)  was about all of the above!?



  5. 32 minutes ago, Tongjaw said:

    Correct I could help myself and I have no idea what you mean “ did I miss the part of the OP that read “...many Thais and people around the world...?

    Okay...let me spell it out for you: 

    the title reads "many thais believe drug abuse and alcohol consumption are the most common causes of violence"...
    get it?

    This is about THAIS and THAILAND!

    Also: this is THAI Visa- so we are discussing issues in and with THAILAND!

    What happens in the rest of world or in the west is of no interest to this subject!


    And it is an often used deflection of apologists of Thailand, everything Thai and their "Thai'er than Thai"- attitude!


    The subject is THAILAND - nothing else!

  6. 47 minutes ago, Krataiboy said:

    Having worked as a national newspaper journalist most of my life, I think I can claim to have a pretty good handle on the mechanics of the mass media and the reasons Agenda 21/2030 does not receive the coverage it deserves.


    If you truly believe that this ongoing UN programme is a "tin foil hat conspiracy" then you are revealing yourself to be even more ill-informed on the subject under discussion than you generally are.

    Agenda 21 is a NON- BINDING paper, laying out certain policies, that could (or may not) be implemented by a government, in order to fight pollution, global warming, wasting of resources etc.

    Care to elaborate, what about this is actually so totally noteworthy, that you go on and on about it?

    • Thanks 1
  7. 9 hours ago, Krataiboy said:

    You just keep watching kids' movies and everything will be fine.

    Yeah...waiting for all the bad $4!t from Agenda 21 to kick in!

    Must a pretty long con from 1992!

    Still no one got denied access to a golf course, still no one living in a Hobbit - home...

    Could it be, good ol' Alex was wrong and the New World Order isn't taking over?

    Geee, I guess, we will never know!


    • Like 1
  8. On 11/18/2018 at 3:44 PM, Krataiboy said:

    The architects of the UN's Agenda 21 must be rubbing their hands in glee.


    (Hands up all those who have even heard of Agenda 21).

    Yeah we did!

    It's a right wing nut conspiracy theories, about several decades in the making and still no sign of it, although Alex Jones was repeatedly p!$$!ng his pants about it!

    By the way: Hobbit Homes look awfully nice in the Lord of the Rings and I don't care, if Golf courses are closed down forever!

    • Confused 1
  9. "It wasn't me- it was them!"

    "No...it wasn't us- it was her!"

    "Absolutely not my fault- it was him!"


    Once again, Thailand "mans up" and someone takes responsibility and...oh...mai bpen rai!



    Parents, promoters, trainer, police...and the barbarians watching...all are at fault that -as Neil Young said it-

    "There's one more kid
    that will never go to school
    Never get to fall in love,
    never get to be cool."


    sad, really!

  10. 29 minutes ago, mikebike said:

    I always find the bold underlined portion above a really weird statement that you hear all the time.


    France and many other European nations would not have been independent countries at the conclusion of WWII if the Nazis won. But...


    Does anyone really believe that nothing could happen in the intervening 73-ish years that may have changed that? Why does anyone think that the world wouldn’t continue to rebel against Nazis even if they won the war?


    Strange, stagnant view of humanity.

    Also, this always implies, that the USA joined WW2 out of the goodness of their hearts and because they are such good and lovely people.

    Nothing at all to do with their own interests, at all!


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