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Posts posted by DM07

  1. 1 hour ago, thaibeachlovers said:

    The test proves that she is no more Cherokee than I am. I could very well have a tiny part Spanish in my ancestry, but I wouldn't go making any claims to be a Spaniard even if I did. As I recall, she made the claim as part of a political campaign, and has got called out on it. Even the members of her "tribe" don't want her.









    Get it?!

    But if you ever get attacked by a big mouth idiot, who challenges your Spanish- ancestry and you can prove it, I'd like to hear from you again!

    • Like 1
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    2 hours ago, zydeco said:

    Actually, scratch all that. It happens I am part Cherokee and Choctaw.  A helluva lot more than Warren is.  It would never occur to me to peddle that for any favors.  And, yes, I have not only photographs of my Cherokee ancestors but names, lineages, birthplaces, and death records.  It's not just "family lore."

    Good...because it was pointed out more than once, that she didn't "peddle that for any favors"!

    So you must be totally okay with her, now!

    Oh and by the way: no one gives two hot $4!ts about your heritage, because you were never attacked about it, by the President of the USA!

    Small but important difference between Chief Zydeco and Elisabeth Warren!

    • Thanks 2
  3. Not sure, why are known right wing friend rejoice about this result!

    The CSU and Mr. Seehofer ran a hardline, anti- immigrant campaign.

    One might think, that might have cost them some votes, no?!

    And with a rock- hard conservative state like Bavaria, I am more surprised, the AfD only comes in that low!

    Also not very promising for the right wing- friends.


    And what Mother Angela has to to with all this, I am also not too clear about!

    In Seehofer, one of her biggest rivals got slapped hard across the face- she might not be too sad about that! 

  4. 32 minutes ago, Catoni said:

    >"... hurricanes are "the strongest" etc."      They can't possibly know that.  They haven't been measuring hurricane strength that long... and measuring it accurately for an even shorter time.


       One thing I really notice.... the Gore Bull Warming Alarmists always say "..hottest ever.."... "...record..."....  "...strongest.."...  without defining their data set.  

       What in hell do they mean by   ''...record.." ? ?     Over the past 10 years ?   The past 100 years ?   The past 1000 years ?   The past 10,000,000 years ?   Since the planet first formed ?  


       The never seem to say.....or very very rarely say...   Why is that ? ? 


     Another thing the Warming Alarmists have been saying for the past thirty years or so...

          "It's worse than we thought ! !"         I just love that line of theirs...  ha, ha, ha...     



    Okay, smart- guy: "Record" means results, which are recorded!


    Since thermometers have been "around" since the 18th century (approx. because the idea of measuring temperatures has been around in acient Greek, already), so I would hazard a guess, that at least, temperatures have been "recorded" for a few hundred years!

    "Recorded" as in "some guy looked at the thermometer and wrote down a date and a temperature"- is that concept easy enough to understand?

    So your "idea" -or whatever this little joke of yours might be called- is silly: the record can hardly be showing any temperature, dating further back then the 18th (maybe 17th) century.

    There are other methods to estimate temperatures "The past 10,000,000 years"...but they would not really be called "being on the record".




  5. 10 hours ago, poanoi said:

    i think i have this memory of a scientist stating 1935 was the warmest year since temperature scale was invented,

    he had studied the original data that had later on been tempered to fit a certain agenda


    And even IF 1935 was warmer than all of the last 83 years: what matters is not a single event, but the frequency, in which years are "the hottest" now, hurricanes are "the strongest" etc.


    As of now and since a few years already: the year we are in, is the hottest on record (except for 1935...whatever) and that is a trend.


    It is really exhausting...

  6. 21 hours ago, iroc4life said:

    These "scientists" Cannot tell me if it is going to rain tomorrow, but know what the weather is like in 30 years ???? ???? Ill stick with my V8 and C02 Beer tank thanks

    First of all, Mr. Funny- Man...they can tell you about tomorrows weather... with an astonishing accuracy!

    And second of all: no one wants to tell you, what the WEATHER is in 30 years!

    We are talking about the CLIMATE!

    Weather- climatte!

    2 wildly different things!


    Ignorance is bliss!


  7. 35 minutes ago, TallGuyJohninBKK said:

    I've seen some really HORRIBLE looking tattoos on Thai women, and some almost full body, jungle style tattoos on Thai guys that make them look like something out of a horror movie.


    I saw someone say here lately that tattoos are a fundamental part of Thai culture. I don't know if that's true, and have never seen any elaboration of that.


    I just know, some people seem to like to do some really ugly things to their bodies. And it's kind of hard to believe that they really wanted to spend the rest of their lives looking like that!


    I'm personally not into tattoos, but at least if I see something that's artfully done (some look like color paintings), I can appreciate that. But many are just damn ugly and repulsive.



    ...and still, beauty is in the eye of the beholder!

  8. 14 minutes ago, AhFarangJa said:

    Firstly i never mentioned Homosexuality, live and let live....Secondly, you seem to be such a balanced individual with chips on both shoulders. finally, you are the epitome of what I am talking about, It seems you cannot mention anything now without someone jumping down your throat and judging. You know nothing of me, my past, my life, yet you find it in yourself to ram your ideals down MY throat.....I sincerely hope I never have the poor fortune to meet you in person as you appear to be full of vitriol and of intolerance......Finally......you are not black by any chance are you.....

    Double post


  9. 10 minutes ago, AhFarangJa said:

    Firstly i never mentioned Homosexuality, live and let live....Secondly, you seem to be such a balanced individual with chips on both shoulders. finally, you are the epitome of what I am talking about, It seems you cannot mention anything now without someone jumping down your throat and judging. You know nothing of me, my past, my life, yet you find it in yourself to ram your ideals down MY throat.....I sincerely hope I never have the poor fortune to meet you in person as you appear to be full of vitriol and of intolerance......Finally......you are not black by any chance are you.....

    Interesting you assume that- I wonder why!

    But, no...I am actually white!

    Also interesting, that you talk about intolerance!

    After all, you only want to call a nigger a nigger!

    And what is wrong with that, huh?


    • Confused 1
    • Haha 1
  10. 22 minutes ago, Catoni said:

    Okay pal..I’m going to ignore your un-cited, un-referenced Al Gore-Leonardo DiCaprio type exaggeration, deception and propaganda. 

        You’re being hysterical and suffering paranoia about Gore Bull Warming.

          Seriously buddy, you really need professional help.

         I’ll assume since the heat in the kitchen is too much for you, you’re going to pack your bags and fly off to  Barrow, on the north Arctic Ocean shore of Alaska.  

         Enjoy life up there in the cold ...comrade.   555555????

    Yup...you are super-funny!

    Just ignore those pesky so called "facts" and go on living in Lalaland!

    As I said: "It doesn't affect ME, so it is not happening!"




  11. 9 minutes ago, Catoni said:

    Why would you want to stop or slow what the Planet’s been doing for the past few billion years? Are you God?

      Do you know that much of Europe, Asia and North America was covered in ice a mile thick for more that 80,000 years and it just finally melted back about 15,000 years ago?

       You want to go back to that time? 

    Do you know we just came out of a bad 550 year cooler time about 1850? 

       Shorter growing seasons, failed harvests, famine and longer, more bitterly cold winters. You wish us to return to those days? ?

       So we’ve warmed a bit since then. 

       GOOD ! ! I like it. Most people do.

    Where do most people vacation and retire to ?   The Tropics ? 

      Or the Arctic Islands and the shores of the Arctic Ocean ?

        When Beaches and Sandals and Hilton and Atlantis start building resort hotels on Baffin Island, Ellesmere Island and the Arctic Ocean  shores of Alaska and Canada, let me know. 

    First of all: there is (presumably) no "God", so screw that part of your argument!

    I really don't care, what happened 80.000 or 15.000 or 1 year ago, because that will not affect me or generations to come! 

    Wanna know why?

    It's the past!

    As much as I don't want to go back to that, here is my question: we already see more droughts, more violent storms and floods. We already experience failed harvests and famine.

    Not in your backyard, which is why you don't give two hot $41ts about it, but it is happening , right now!

    Every year that we are in, is the hottest ever on record!

    Every hurricane- season brings new records!

    Bushfires in California, Australia, Greece are more and more out of control, each year!


    Happy holidays! 

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