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Posts posted by DM07

  1. 33 minutes ago, trianglechoke said:

    It's normal to shake hands but not compulsory.... but it is still normal to shake hands. Having kids is not compulsory but it sure is normal (as in no human race unless it had always been not just normal but the driving instinct of our species. It is not compulsory for Thais to eat rice but .... you see what i mean 

    Oh look...your BS- argument is just falling apart!

    In Asia it is not "normal" to shake hands!

    Hmmmm...where do we go from here?

    You see what I mean!


    Added: seems that "normal" varies from place to place, culture to culture, society, tradition, upbringing....

    • Confused 1
  2. 25 minutes ago, Just Weird said:

    No, that's not sufficient but I really don't want any more unless you understand what you're posting.


    Your use of the word "empathy" is wrong because empathy suggests that you have had the same experiences in order that you have that feeling.  Perhaps you meant "sympathy", originally.


    I asked if you had any rational reason for you to believe the woman whom you know nothing about at all and who produced no corroborating evidence of her swiss cheese-like story. Seems that you haven't.  I didn't ask you why you didn't believe Kavanaugh! 


    By the way, it seems that she probably lied under oath also and she started it!

    Yeah...okay, I really have other things to do, then to answer to your BS- posts!

    The empathy- description I sent you...I didn't pull that out my @$$, like so many things you write!

    This is actually the dictionary description you get, when you type the term "EMPATHY" into google!

    "...understand and share the feeling..." - not "understand and share the experience..."

    So...you are wrong!


    I believe HER, because HE was completely "unbelievable".

    She gave a composed (not unemotional) description, answered straight to the point and to the question of the senators and their token- woman prosecutor, she asked for a complete and thorough FBI- investigation (which - I assume- you don't do, if you are making up $4!t!), whereas he lied, fumbled, stumbled and was condescending to women- senators!


    If you want to dismiss my points on a technicality (and I knew, you would do that, because that is textbook rightwingtrumpkavanaughapologist), so be it!

    Enjoy your victory - lap!


  3. 5 hours ago, robblok said:

    It is indeed a simple idea but ask any engineer and they will tell you its possible but the costs for moving the water are just too high. It would make absolutely no economic sense to spend money on it. The problem of this idea is that water flows down, and the drought area's are higher up, so one would require pumps and lots of them. The energy expended would be so much it would not be worth the money that is made on the agricultural products. 


    The amount of pumps and diameter of pumps would be huge.. its just not cost effective.

    One could say, money could be diverted from other, way more stupid causes, because it MIGHT be more important, that hundreds of thousands of people can still make a living!

    Or that people finally wake up and realize that rice is way to water- intensive to grow and other crops might be the answer!

    Either way - in my eyes- seems to be better than the status quo, with half of the country drowning (although the dear leader said, there would be no flood!) and the other half turning into a dust bowl!

  4. 1 hour ago, seajae said:

    looking at some of the replies it would appear that while anyone capable of rational thinking would fact check a story/claim before making a judgement its obvious democrat supporters lack the mental capacity to do so and simply believe what ever their leaders tell them too(sheep), much easier and less taxing on their mental abilities. With nothing more than hearsay they are condemning the judge when witnesses have shown it did not happen, even ford has refused to follow through with her claim, this was one big set up and it has collapsed leaving the dems and their supporters looking for revenge, pretty pathetic really but then dems are, I am an aussie so have no political side in this but I am capable of reading and making my own decisions without being told what to think or too biased to see all sides to an argument

    You are either a great satirical - comedian...or off your meds!


    The guy was lying under oath!

    If there is one thing, a judge should know, is that lying under oath is a nono!

    Even IF (and that is a HUGE if!), we let aside the 3 allegations of sexual assault and the fact, that even some of his hi-school friends and room- mates came out with witness accounts, that did not really underline his self- constructed goody-two-shoes- image: the fact that he brought up conspiracy theories, threatened the Democrats with revenge, treated female senators like $4!t and lied about things, that really don't need to be lied about...UNDER OATH...should disqualify him!

    I need absolutely no one to tell me that! 

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  5. 6 hours ago, iroc4life said:

    OK , In theory lets say you are right and the world is warming. Do you think that the government taking away wealth, land, and lives will stop it or slow it? I think not. Its been said and taught for ever that the world has changed many times in the past before we were here, (Ice Age, What killed the Dino's) she will continue to change and there is nothing you can confiscate or control to stop her. 1 seismic event in the right place will alter our world in 1 day, much less 15 years from now, taking away everything and living off the land will stop nothing. It is a money and control grab period. Take off the tin foil hat and get your head on straight 

    What kind of an argument is that?
    And who is taking away lives, to "stop climate change"?

    Do you know, what the difference is, between the ice age and the dinosaur- times and now?


    So I would somehow like people (scientists, governments, you...me...) to try and at least slow the process down!

    Of course, you are right: one seismic event!

    But following the same logic: you could be hit by a falling piano tomorrow, so why make plans for the coming weekend!


    Talk about tin foil- hats!

  6. 2 minutes ago, Just Weird said:

    "...and I believe her".

    Can you give one rational reason why you believe her completely uncorroborated story?


    You still need to understand what "empathy" means.

    "Empathy: the ability to understand and share the feelings of another."

    ...and that is wrong...because....?!


    I can give you a number of rational reasons- not that you will let any of these stand...

    - he was completely opposed to an FBI- investigation

    - there are 2 more accusations

    - many of his own character witnesses turned on him

    - he lied repeatedly under oath, on things that were nowhere near as bad as the allegations and i wonder why

    - his completely unhinged opening statement

    - the way he treated that woman senator (i can't remember her name), who asked her about his drinking habits....


    Enough or do you need more?



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  7. 6 hours ago, thaibeachlovers said:

    Agree. Kavenaugh should sue her for slander, but I guess he's being diplomatic, as that would really upset the liberals, not that that would worry me.

    Perhaps someone else can sue her for some related charge.

    Regardless, she has to live under guard as she and her family have had death threats, so by her actions, she has damaged her own, her children's, and her husband's life, divided the nation, caused havoc and anarchy on the streets, and didn't even achieve the aim of it all. I think the effect of "coming out" has probably been worse than living with it.

    However, I have no doubt that had she not come out with her tale of woe, someone else would have done so, as the opposition are doing everything they can to cripple Trump's agenda. Happily, they have failed, yet again.

    Hopefully, the elections will be another massive fail for the Dems and the GOP will win a larger majority, and Trump can finally give Sessions the boot.

    "Agree. Kavenaugh should sue her for slander,..." Ooooooh...yesyesyesyesyes...pleeeeease!

    The guy who categorically denied to have an FBI- investigation going, should ABSOLUTELY sue Dr. Ford for slander! Toooootally!


    But you are right: he is too diplomatic!

    Like that one time, when he shouted at the Democrats and accused the Clintons to be behind the whole thing!

    That was awesomely diplomatic! 


    ...and the rest of your post is as well thought out!

    Good work!



    • Sad 1
  8. 3 minutes ago, Just Weird said:

    Thanks, but clearly I don't need any help from you!


    That woman could go to the police, not congress, now to report the alleged but she hasn't, has she?  Wonder why? 


    That woman had no corroboration of any kind of her allegation that she had to read from a script (!) , not even from her best friend!  Wonder why?


    Amazing that you claim to know so much about this woman and her motives and reasons!

    a) you need all the help, you can get!

    b ) she did not report ANYTHING! She wrote a letter to a person on the committee and even asked for anonymity! Mrs. Feinstein (or one of her aids) leaked the letter to the press. 

    So if you want to attack Dr. Ford, try and stick to the facts!

    c) Reading from a script is a problem? May I remind you, that the pathetic opening statement from Kavanaugh was on script too?! And what a disaster that turned out to be!

    d) I don't claim to know anything about "that woman"! I just try to understand reasons for her behavior! It's a mix between logical conclusions and empathy!

    Maybe try either- you might find it helpful!

    • Like 2
  9. 11 minutes ago, Srinivas said:

    I,understand that just fine. Except I don't believe Dr.Fords  story.I found her testimony to be a manipulative act.

    I'll let nancy pelosi explain it to you 





    I don't care, if you believe her or not!

    And that is not the point!

    The question put forth (repeatedly by the Trumpsters and Kavanaugh Fanboys) was, why (if the sexual assault happened) did Dr. Ford not consult the police, right away!

    I was just helping the dried up fantasy of another poster out!

    Didn't help, as i see!

  10. 4 minutes ago, Nyezhov said:

    Even though his pattern and practice has always been to hire women. Even before he was being considered for the Supreme Court. Let me see..


    1. He used his crystal ball to figure out Trump would win and he would get appointed and he better burnish his bona fides...or


    2. He was so consumed with guilt over his sex crimes he decided to make up for it by hiring women.


    It grows more ridiculous by the hour.


     OK. Next

    "It grows more ridiculous by the hour."

    Indeed, it does!


  11. 18 minutes ago, Baerboxer said:


    Yes that's the ticket. If you don't like someone's political view simply accuse and denounce him/her and then declare them guilty and deprive them of their right to be presumed innocent.


    Stalin/Lenin/Beria and Trotsky knew what they were doing!


    Cry me a river!

    Did you watch the hearings?

    I did!

    His opening statement was one of the most pathetic cry-baby- stuff, I have ever seen and his rant against the Democrats and the Clintons(!) was unhinged and borderline conspiracy theory- territory, worthy of Alex Jones!

    He lied repeatedly under oath and he has 3 allegations of sexual assault against him and absolutely refused an investigation on these points!

    If I were accused of sexual assault and I didn't do it...you bet I would ask for an investigation myself!

    But I guess, we all have a good idea, why he didn't! 

    The way he responded to questions from women on the committee ("Did you?...I wonder...did you?") and the way he described a woman in his yearbook (and NO, it was not, because she was a respected and well loved friend...otherwise, please explain to me, why she was shocked and disgusted to find out, the called her "Alumni"!) speak volumes about the way, he saw and obviously sees women!

    So...I guess, where there is smoke!





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  12. On 10/8/2018 at 12:58 PM, Just Weird said:

    Perhaps she should make an actual police complaint if she believes she has grounds?  Seems obvious really.  The FBI does not investigate cases such as her allegations, they did what they were told to do for Congress.  


    It seems that women with very dodgy accusations rarely want to report them to the police.  Wonder why?

    Maybe I can help you: given that it is 2018 and victims of sexual assault STILL have to fight against victim- blaming tactics...how do YOU think, the following scenario would have plaid out in the 80's: a 15 year old woman (or rather: girl), who was at a party with older boys and alcohol (which she drank, but was not allowed to drink, but...hey...teenagers!), reports that was sexually assaulted at said party, by a rich college- boy!

    Let me help you: most likely her parents would have a problem, with her daughter going to a party with older boys and consuming alcohol!

    Said alcohol might be a HUGE point in the questioning by the police! 

    The Kavanaugh- family would have been all over her!

    15 year old...what was she doing with our good boy and she was drunk...and probably dressed in a slutty way!


    Now...she got away from her assaulters, before something worse happened and she knew, she would be facing all kinds of scrutiny, so she decided NOT to go to the police!

    And YOU and others of your ilk pretend, not to understand that!?

    Still wonder why?



    In a very disgusting way!


    • Haha 1
  13. 17 minutes ago, Nyezhov said:



    "No, ya got me there, I cant answer, Im just wrong but dont want to admit it because I will lose face."


    Gotcha. Next?

    Did you know, that Roy Moore's lawyer is a Jew?


    Kavanaugh could have a million reasons, to have a bunch of female assistents.

    Some, I really don't want to think about, in the light of the allegations of sexual assault.

    Others might be, that women still get payed less than men.

    Another could be, that he enjoys commanding around women.

    Who knows?

    But for you, it is a given, that he hired them, because he is a good guy and a feminist at heart!

    And that is simply pathetic!


    And now...please...take your silly little theory and run with it!


    • Like 1
  14. 2 minutes ago, Nyezhov said:

    Trust me.... I have survived the worst. that life can offer and it isnt on the net.


    Have you any answer to the issues I have raised then?

    Your "he has women in his staff, therefore he is an upstanding guy"- "issue"?

    Nope, I don't!

    And I think, you very well know, why!

    But I'll tell you: the argument is so dumb, it does not valid a reply and it doesn't even remotely touch the issues I and a lot of other folks have with Kavanaugh.

    With and on top of the sexual- assault allegations!

    And before you start to think, I find you interesting enough to discuss this matter with you: you are mistaken!

    Have a good day!


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