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Posts posted by DM07

  1. 34 minutes ago, johng said:

    Yes exactly.

    I think, the 2 of you don't really understand the term "convenience store"!

    This is not about you, leaving your brain at home and just get shoved everything up yours!

    A convenience store is a store, where you conveniently find all sorts of products -from soap to grocery to alcohol- in one place!

    So please...start pulling your heads out of your backside and use the surplus of oxygen to go an buy a bag!

  2. 58 minutes ago, BritManToo said:

    And you are a cultural imperialist.

    You know, what was entirely "normal" in Europe or North America for some time?

    Burning witches on the stake!

    We moved on and now, very seldom do that!

    I really don't give two hot $4!ts, what Thais see as normal.

    If it makes me a cultural imperialist, if I think, slapping around a woman or child (or man, for that matter) or forcing yourself on a woman, sexually is wrong...that will be a bag I wear with honor & pride!

    You on the other hand, are nothing but an enabler!

    Do your finger- knuckles hurt, when you are walking?

    • Like 2
  3. 10% suffer physical abuse, 5% suffer sexual abuse?

    I would hazard a wild guess, that these numbers are - by no means- true!

    Mostly because 

    a ) not everybody, who is physically or sexually abused, would confirm that to anyone

    b ) to suffer physical or sexual abuse, you would have to UNDERSTAND it!

    If you are brought up with the "traditional" belief, that a woman is a man's property, you may not even know, you are sexually abused!

    And since this notion is widely accepted in Thailand, I think, the real numbers are way higher! 

    • Like 1
  4. Now...I have read the whole article and everything this troglodyte says...here is my question:

    is he the absolute dumbest person on Earth or does he think, everybody else is?


    Here, good sir, I give you a hint, why "nobody" sees a certain law as a problem:

    a) the majority of living Thais, does not know anything else and they are taught to love and a adore certain people...or else!

    b) "...or else" meaning, opposing this law lands you in jail!

    This law leaves the door wide open for misuse, false accusations and the likes and since no one can even repeat what somebody allegedly said or did (since repeating is as forbidden as the alleged crime itself), we will never know, how many people actually oppose the law or the people it so graciously protects!


    The worst thing about this brain- less drivel is, that it is translated to English!

    So people, who may have a political education beyond "Thainess good- Thailand good", can actually read it and facepalm during the whole article!


    Thailand...it is so sad, what you are doing to yourself! 

  5. 14 hours ago, Opl said:

    White Militias Are Going to the Border, Inspired by Trump’s Call to Arms 

    "They have heard the warnings from the president and from Fox News. that caravans of Central American migrants moving through Mexico pose a massive threat to American security.  In fact, they are now forming their own caravans and will be following actual American military troops to the border areas where they believe the invasion will occur. When The Post asked if his group would be using weapons against the migrants, McGauley laughed and said, “This is Texas, man.”"



    Finally, all these weapons for deer- hunting and fighting a tyrannical government, pay off!



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  6. 1 hour ago, vogie said:

    This is my last word on this, I am not into bickering. It doesn't matter one jot where the shirt was left, it was a shirt that was symbolising a death, if you cannot realise this, there is nothing anyone can say to help you. 


    Let it be your last word, please!

    The headline reads "Vilest man in Britain!"

    If you really agree, that taking a shirt (even it it were from a memorial site) is the vilest thing, anyone could do, there is nothing anyone can say, to help you!

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