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Posts posted by DM07

  1. 1 hour ago, Sonhia said:

    Although tragic, would a foreigner of same standing, who died in similar circumstances within Thailand, be honored as much by Thais?


    My point is this, unlike Thais, most foreigners respect an individual for being an individual and not looked upon as merely an ATM, as are most foreigners by a majority of Thais.


    To see the respect shown by so many toward a non Brit, makes me proud to be British.



    Following these questions, I have another one: we hear a lot of what he did in and around Leicester, all good things!

    Was he doing some of that stuff in Thailand, too?

    Honest question!

  2. 19 hours ago, Spock said:

    I am obviously alone in believing that the boys are now over-rewarded for their cave dwelling experience, particularly after the initial effort to protect their privacy and not interrupt their normal life style by making them celebrities. The coach in particular is beginning to slightly grate on me with the manner in which he attempts to be the spokesman for the group. But I don't want to be the one to fire the fatal shot into Bambi, so will say no more. 

    No...you are most certainly not alone in that!

  3. 36 minutes ago, Brunolem said:

    Massive storms can happen at anytime of the year in Thailand...I have seen some in December!


    So the cave should be locked year round to avoid all risk.


    You don't need to go into a cave to be trapped for days in the dark, an earthquake, a tsunami or some other natural disaster can do that, and not only stupid or irresponsible people can be caught in such a disaster...that is, unless you consider people living in California or in Florida, for example, as irresponsible, because they knowingly expose themselves to recurring natural disasters.


    What is the difference between someone who goes into a cave subject to flooding, and someone who builds a house close to the beach in Florida?



    Oh, dude...

    Raining usually starts May - so from that moment on, at least be cautious!

    But that doesn't happen in the land of Mao Bpen rai!

    But by all means: celebrate not- thinking!


    Speaking of that: a person, who bulids a house at the beach in Florida may be stupid- but I guess, in a number of cases, that person will make it to safety aone and without endangering others, for weeks!


    Have a nice evening!

  4. 30 minutes ago, Brunolem said:

    June is not the middle of the rain season, which is officially starting in July!


    Mistakes can be made, except by guys like you obviously...


    Celebrity comes and goes...are the Kardashians more worthy of it than the Wild Boars?


    As for fortune, while the K certainly have made one, I have not heard that the kids had become millionaires lately.


    Finally, one would like to see how you would react once trapped in a totally dark place for days, with no food and little water...only after such an experience could you evaluate the amount of courage (heroism) required to survive it.


    Yeah...and it had been raining for weeks at that time! 

    As I said: spare me!


    Mistakes CAN be made- but they should not be rewarded!


    Don't care for the Kardashians and they don't matter in this context, so stop deflecting!


    And I don't crawl into confined spaces like caves, during rainy season, so I guess, it is not very likely, I ever get to feel that "heroism"!



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  5. 31 minutes ago, thaiguzzi said:


    Lovely to see those kids enjoying themselves.

    Great to see their faces when Zlatan walked in!



    Glass half empty type of guy?

    Bad hair day?

    Or just a complete loser?

    No...just someone, who does not understand the hype around these kids!

    Remind me again, how they got, where they are now?

    Here is s a little help: going into a cave in the middle of the rainy season and getting stuck there!

    And spare me the "the sign said"- narrative and how heroicly they looked out for each other, after they got trapped!

    Don't get me wrong: the second part is the good part- but that should not lead to fame and fortune!

    How about thousands of kids, who don't act like morons (or adults like their coach) and they get nothing?

    What kind of example is this?


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