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Posts posted by DM07

  1. 4 hours ago, thaibeachlovers said:

    Nothing to do with their "rights". They were disrespecting the dead by turning his appearance into a Trump hatefest. They have apparently lost all sense of what is civil in their desire to attack Trump at every opportunity.

    The protest happened a good way away from the memorial service, so stop wetting yourself!

    And ...please...everybody who supports the worst President in the history of Presidents, has no right to complain about other peoples loss of sense of civility!

    ...grab 'em by the *hoooha* and all that!

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  2. 21 hours ago, IAMHERE said:

    The protestors know no downward level of acceptable behavior. Just as bad as protesting at a military funeral. 

    I know, it is unpopular with Trump-supporters, but...you are aware, that there is a thing, that protects free speech and as far as I know, it doesn't say, free speech is a given right EXCEPT at funerals or memorials.

    The beloved 2nd amendment, though...speaks of well regulated militias and not every Billy Bob, Kleetus and Jimbo having an arsenals of murder-weapons in their basement!

    See where I am going with this?

    It's the constitution and you don't get to pick and choose!  

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