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Posts posted by DM07

  1. 8 minutes ago, sanemax said:

    You are getting a bit accusational now , I have already stated what could/maybe/maybe not have happened previously in this thread .

       As you are accusing me of racism , and tin foil hats , I dont feel that I should have to defend myself from your accusations .

       You are probably a snowflake who thinks that Im a Nazi and you want to throw things at me .

       I am ducking out the way

    Aaaaah...the good old snowflake- defense!

    Good day, sir!

  2. 3 minutes ago, sanemax said:

       That is why we have forums and that is why we can communicate with each other .

       If I see something that may not be quite right , I shall remark on that .

    All this "Ohhh hes Black , better not say anything otherwise people will call me a racist" attitude has caused ,more problem than its solved


    - so far, you are the only one who "saw" "something"

    - others have tried, and they saw nothing, at least nothing that is suspicious

    - most important at all: what are you implying? That this is an elaborate hoax, where a guy hangs a toddler from a balcony (cunningly, the toddler only SEEMS to be in danger, as it is really strapped into some kind of safety- belt device?!), so that an immigrant can "just" climb up some balconies and "rescue" the toddler, so he can gain citizenship in France?

    Seriously...what is it, you want to say?


    Or are you just making clear, that you would like to purchase a bigger quantity of aluminum- foil for a comfortable hat?!

  3. 3 hours ago, sanemax said:

    I have not seen anyone make any racist comments .

    Could you point them out ?

    Maybe you are one of these people that feel that people from ethnic minorities are beyond questioning and if anyone does indeed question an ethnic minority , it must be because they are racist .

       I treat everyone the same, if you treat people differently according to their ethnicity , then, that makes you the racist

    ...starting with your "just asking questions"?!

  4. Wow!

    I didn't even notice, this happened!

    Probably because only 2 people got shot and we don't react to anything under 10 deaths anymore!?


    I wonder, what the pro- everybody-gets- a-gun- advocates offer as reason this time?

    Did the shooter play a videogame?

    Did he listen to loud music?

    Or did he wear a trenchcoat?

    I wonder, what links him to all the other shootings...

    Well...I guess, it will remain a mystery!


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  5. 3 hours ago, Rigby40 said:

    This is not an issue of rape and you know it.


    The majority of women getting abortions aren't raped. They're irresponsible.


    And I don't know what our discussion has to do with religion. It sounds like you have some unresolved issues with one religion in particular. Might want to get that figured out.

    Oh look...the troll is back!


    a) Rape is PART of the issue and YOU know it! So stop playing with words!

    b ) Majority of women are having abortions for medical reasons! Try to keep up!

    c) the discussion has everything to do with religion, as in Ireland (among other countries) the (catholic) church has a big influence on politics and social issue!

    But you also know that, too which makes you an even bigger troll!


    Please go back under your bridge!

  6. 5 minutes ago, Jingthing said:

    A fetus is at the very least a potential new life.

    You could say sperm and eggs are as well but I wouldn't. 

    This doesn't have to be a religious thing, either way.

    There is a lot of intellectual dishonesty about these debates on different sides.

    As someone that is pro-choice it is more convenient to act like a fetus isn't a life. But suppose it is. The pro-life people will say, then if that's OK then murder in general is OK. There is no logic in that! Ironically it's often the most extreme pro-life people that aren't interested in promoting life AFTER birth and they also tend to heavily be in favor or the death penalty. Go figure. 

    "A fetus is at the very least a potential new life." Agreed...but a piece of metal is also a potential car! In my opinion, it makes very little sense, to discuss that.

    "This doesn't have to be a religious thing, either way." But the subject is very often hi- jacked by the religious and political right, which in many cases make a discussion impossible, since religious "morality" is often a pretty effed up thing!

    "But suppose it is. " I know, what you are saying...still I disagree! You can not lead a discussion on "suppose it is"! I think, it's clear -from a strictly scientific standpoint- from what time onwards a fetus is viable (I am not Englisch-speakin by birth...so I don't know, if that is the right word!) and when not. That's why late-term abortions are a very difficult matter!

    "Ironically it's often the most extreme pro-life people that aren't interested in promoting life AFTER birth and they also tend to heavily be in favor or the death penalty. Go figure." 100% agreed!

    • Like 1
  7. 1 hour ago, Rigby40 said:

    That's a legitimate mistake on my end. I wasn't trying to twist your words, I misquoted you. My apologies.


    Tell me, what does waiting until marriage have to do with religion? Can I not be an atheist and wait until marriage?? Or do I magically become religious upon waiting until marriage?


    Irresponsible women and lose men is right!!


    Not a troll at all, you just can't handle my differences of opinion pal.

    No,no,no...YOU tell ME, what "waiting until marriage" has to do with the subject matter at hand!

    What has "marriage" to do with abortion?


    Pray tell?!

    Or rather...don't!

    I assume, the answer is as confusing as the rest of your postings!

    • Like 1
  8. 1 hour ago, Rigby40 said:

    It's obvious what I mean when I said abortions are taking away freedom. It's not that hard to figure out!


    Yes, life starts at conception. The 'big bang' so to speak 55555


    How is a single cell considered life on another planet? Hmm?

    This is so...I don't even know where to start!

    Perhaps with this: singular- cell organisms are considered "life" on ANY planet, including Earth!


    • Like 1
  9. 5 minutes ago, Rigby40 said:

    Translation: I have no argument

    Translation: you are talking out of a very dark place!

    You even twisted my words: I didn't say "leave the child to fend for itself" (I was saying "leave the mother/ family to fend for themselves), yet that is where your argument went!

    Also, you claim not to be religious- so tell me: what has "waiting until marriage" have to do with ANYTHING?

    Irresponsible women...lose men...


    Either you are just a troll or you are very, very confused!

    • Like 2
  10. Just now, Rigby40 said:

    Fine but how are we going against your freedoms? Killing innocent life is not freedom, in fact you're actually taking away freedom.

    What in the name of all that is good and right are you talking about?

    When does life start?

    At conception?

    Every sperm is sacred?


    How is a 6 week old fetus "life"?

    You are aware that "abortion" is not "shooting a baby in the face, after it is delivered by its mom", right?!

    • Thanks 1
  11. 1 minute ago, Rigby40 said:

    Pure nonsense. NOTHING in this universe is self-sustaining / self-sufficient. Any life is contingent on energy of some form or another whether that comes from a host or elsewhere. That's a terrible argument mate.


    I don't know anyone who thinks it's ok to blow up people at a wedding in Afghanistan. You're talking nonsense again.




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