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Everything posted by johnnybangkok

  1. And if someone asked you and you say 'Britain' and the said 'No, where are you REALLY from?" and you replied again "Britain' and they then said 'No, what part of Africa are you from?' How would you feel about that? That's excatly how this conversation went and for those too lazy to read the whole thread let me remind you again what the conversation was:- Lady SH: Where are you from? NF: Sistah Space. (NF initially got the wrong end of the stick and thought she was asking what charity she was from). SH: No, where do you come from? NF: We're based in Hackney. (Again thinking Lady SH was talking about the charity) SH: No, what part of Africa are you from? Me: I don't know, they didn't leave any records. SH: Well, you must know where you're from, I spent time in France. Where are you from? NF: Here, the UK. (The first time she confirms she is British) SH: No, but what nationality are you? NF: I am born here and am British. (This should have been enough for Lady SH to take a breather and think hard about the next question, but no..............) SH: No, but where do you really come from, where do your people come from? Me: 'My people', lady, what is this? SH: Oh I can see I am going to have a challenge getting you to say where you're from. When did you first come here? NF: Lady! I am a British national, my parents came here in the 50s when... (Again confirming she's British) SH: Oh, I knew we'd get there in the end, you're Caribbean! (No she's British, she told you this 3 times already) Me: No lady, I am of African heritage, Caribbean descent and British nationality. Clumsy VERY clumsy and definately worth resigning over.
  2. For all of those that haven't bothered to read the whole thread, may I suggest you do so and pay particularly attention to the transcript of the actual conversation (I've posted it twice) and the eye witnesses who all say Lady SH was completely out of order.
  3. Will you all stop trying to make out that this woman is some dodery old biddy who knows no better. She is the daughter of the 12th Earl Waldegrave, Her brother is a former Conservative cabinet minister. Her late husband, was a former chairman of the BBC. She is NOT your average 83 year old.
  4. Is her being a fraud “irrefutable and in the public domain” because that’s what you said. If it is “ irrefutable and in the public domain” I guess you won’t mind posting a link.
  5. And when all else fails, let’s pull out the nationalist card. Just because we don’t agree with your myopic vision of what the UK is about doesnt mean we are attacking the UK and it certainly doesn’t mean we despise it. If anything we love it more because we love its diversity, it’s different cultures and its tolerance for others. We have faith the UK will be ok, whilst you and your ilk think a cultural war is just around the corner. Thankfully you are very much in the minority as like it or not (probably not), the UK is continuing with inclusiveness and thankfully, calling out idiots like Lady Foot In Her Mouth.
  6. She was the Queen's consort for 60 years and still helps in Royal circles. she’s not just some random 83 year old that doesn’t know any better. As I’ve said, she may not have thought she was being racist BUT it was an incredibly clumsy conversation from someone who should really know better. And obviously both she and the palace agree since she has now resigned.
  7. And when they answer (twice) a certain country, to keep on with the “no, where are you REALLY from?” Asking once is not the problem; continually asking once you have been given an answer (twice) is.
  8. What are you talking about? Have you even been north of Watford?
  9. It doesn't make you racist but it does make you either a gossip or liable for slander (unless of course you have hard evidence to prove she is indeed a fraud?)
  10. I had an office in Dublin for 5 years and a girlfriend from Donegal. I know Irish accents.
  11. When it comes to similar situations, I can safely say I have never said anything like this before because, unlike Lady SH, I have never assumed that skin colour dictates nationality. I can however imagine that you have. Many times.
  12. Where to start. Firstly the conversation was witnessed by several people who all back up Ngozi Fulani version of events. The context or the inflexions of speech actually backed her up. Secondly, who cares what she was wearing. She has African heritage and works for Sistah Space, a charity supporting African & Caribbean Heritage women affected by domestic & sexual abuse. If she choses to reflect her charity in what she wears then that's no ones elses business other than hers. It's also irrelevant as if there was any doubt about her nationality, it should have been cleared up when she told Lady SH TWICE that she was British. Lady Bull in a China Shop didn't care about this though, pressing on with her inate prejudice and clumsy questioning to the point where it bacame offensive. THAT'S the important part of all of this.
  13. I really want to know what kind of closeted existance you live in London,. You haven't heard any other regional accents? I lived in London for 25 years and I can tell you I heard plenty of Scousers, Geordies, Londoners, West Country, East England, Northern Ireland, Black Country, Yorkies, different types of Scottish brogue and Mancs and many more. All of them were distinctive and all of them immediately told me what country/region of the UK they were from (or gave me a very good idea).
  14. Well OLD BOY, I am British and it's accent when you refer to regional pronunciations. https://blog.duolingo.com/dialect-vs-accent-definition/ And someone with such bad grammar shouldn't really be lecturing anyone on this matter.
  15. “Incessant whinging?” You heard about it 8 years ago; you’re hearing about it again because of the recent ruling and you’re probably not going too hear about it again until there’s a seismic shift in Scottish thinking. Hardly incessant. And altruistic or not, I do believe that elected politicians should have the interests of the WHOLE of the UK in their mind and not just England. The consensus isn’t strong enough in Scotland right now to push the matter but thinking like yours and this “them and us” mentality is why this is a problem in the first place. You add nothing to the narrative other than the usual partisan nonsense.
  16. OMG really? She OBVIOUSLY though she was talking about her charity. It would be a VERY common question considering the she was there with 300 guests, who had been invited to the event by the Queen Consort, Camilla, regarding a "global pandemic of violence against women". Stop with the victim blaming. It really isn't a good look.
  17. For gods sake. It wasn't her that 'went on about France'. It was Lady SH. She's the one that said 'Well, you must know where you’re from, I spent time in France. Where are you from? Understand now? And asking someone 'what part of Africa are YOU from?' is not the same as asking someone 'where are you from?' As I have stated MANY times, it was a VERY clumsy conversation from Lady SH and I'm sure it was VERY confusing for whoever was on the other end, especially when they say they're British TWICE!
  18. It's called accents. What you can't tell a Geordie from a Scot or a Welshman from an EASTENDER?
  19. Lets break down the conversation for you as you seem to be terribly confused. SH: No, what part of Africa are YOU from? Me: I don’t know, they didn’t leave any records. (Obviously confused and thought she meant where are your family from, which she replied she didn't know) SH: Well, you must know where you’re from, I spent time in France. Where are you from? (she's just answered this question with 'I don’t know, they didn’t leave any records' but is beginning to get the idea of what Lady SH is REALLY refering to) Me: Here, UK (Literally tells her she's British) SH: NO, but what Nationality are you? (Her confirming she is British doesn't seem to matter as Lady SH continues with the 'but where are you REALLY from' line of questioning) Me: I am born here and am British. (Again confirming she is British) SH: No, but where do you really come from, where do your people come from? (You're not REALLY British because you're black so 'where do you really come from' She stated 2 questions in that she was British, then repeated it but you go ahead and try your best at victim blaming.
  20. British when she opens her mouth and speaks in an East London accent.
  21. His point (which I thought was VERY obvious) is there is a right way and a wrong way to ask about someone's ethnicity. Lady SH's 'method' if not down-right racist was VERY clumsy and in the end offensive to the recipient (as the repurcussions have shown).
  22. I take it the little tell-tell signs such as her BROAD Irish accent escaped you?
  23. Why shouldn't it be about his own personal experience? God we've heard enough about yours. Unlike many of us, he can probably relate better as he has had this happen to him. I would suggest he has more accurate insight than most commenting here, to include myself.
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