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Everything posted by johnnybangkok

  1. Just get her a new job. That’s a VERY low salary for the job role and responsibilities you are talking about.
  2. My apologies. You got the 'Oh for gods sake" because you are now the 5th person to go on about who opened the door and I thought you were saying he couldn't have. My error. You clearly weren't saying that. Frustration got the better of me.
  3. Oh for gods sake. Nothing mentions who opened the door. The best you get is 'Police officers responded to a call at around 02:27 local time (09:27 GMT) on Friday. They found Mr Pelosi and the suspect struggling over a hammer, but it was wrested from Mr Pelosi by the intruder, who violently assaulted him with it'. https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-63443927 Mr Pelosi may have opened the door, maybe the police broke it in, maybe the door was already open. IT DOESN"T MATTER, no one else was in the room other then Mr. P and DePape. That's absolutely for sure.
  4. I'm not your personal Google. Just try an objective news source for a change. Here I'll start you off (or is the BBC 'fake' news in your eyes?) https://www.bbc.com/news/63477452 https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-63435454
  5. The difference is called being objective. Something that many of you lack. You are looking at these reports to try and find something that points to a conspiracy (who answered the door? why did the police not do that?; was he his gay lover?), whereas the vast majoirty of people are saying 'it's on CCTV, there's a police report outlining everything that happened and there's also a statement from the perpetrator saying exactly what he did, his actions and his motives. But we are not surprised. We have seen you shovelling HS for the last 5 years in defence of the indefenceable so this little episode comes as absolutely no surprise.
  6. And how many criminal cases do you know of that let you see the 'CCTV and bodycam footage' this early in the investigation? The police have zero duty to prove what they say to you or anybody for that matter other than a court of law but I think you can be pretty sure that in a high profile case such as this they will be scrupulous in what they say and do. If they are saying there was only 2 people, then there was only two people. You ask 'The accounts given just seem completely unrealistic to me. I'd like to see what really happened'. Again, why would you rather say that than say 'well, the police, witness statements and CCTV seem to back up a particular story, that seems good enough for me'. All conspiracy theories rely on some small area that advocates cling to desperately (shadows on the moon meaning no moon landing; a magic bullet with JFK; building 7 on 9/11) and it's VERY easy to simply come up with the 'but, I'm only asking' when we all know that 'just asking' is loaded with connotations. You insist you have no skin in the game but rather than hear what others are pointing out to you, you are still insisting on 'just wanting the truth'. Well the truth is there, documented, recorded and verified. Will you now say that's good enough for you?
  7. Yes you quoted from the official complaint that made absolutely no mention of the amount of people in the room. I am not 'claiming the official criminal complaint is spreading false claims' as it didn't even mention it, I'm claiming that you are spreading false claims.
  8. Agreed. This is why the GOP and the MAGA brigade are so messed up. They'd rather believe whatever nonsense scenarios questions the events (to own the liberals of course) than the actual video and eye-witness eveidence that clearly shows what happened. It's beyond inane.
  9. It is widely reported that Pelosi himself answered the door. The deranged attacker then lunged and Pelosi grabbed the hammer. 'The charging documents revealed cops witnessed the attack. “Pelosi and DePape were both holding a hammer with one hand and DePape had his other hand holding onto Pelosi’s forearm. Pelosi greeted the officers,” the documents outlined. “The officers asked them what was going on. DePape responded that everything was good. Officers then asked Pelosi and DePape to drop the hammer.” “DePape pulled the hammer from Pelosi’s hand and swung it, striking Pelosi in the head. Officers immediately went inside and were able to restrain DePape … Pelosi appeared to be unconscious on the ground.” https://nypost.com/2022/10/31/paul-pelosi-attack-a-timeline-of-david-depapes-alleged-assault/ You guys are just the worst. Why can't you just accept that a MAGA fan, indoctrinated with hatred for Pelosi through right wing propoganda stoked by Trump and his accolytes went to the Pelosi residence for the express purpose of causing Nancy some considerable harm, but when that didn't happen, took it out on her 82 year old husband? Who cares who ansered the door? There obviously was only two people in the room and your conspiratorial nonsense is not going to change a VERY well documented narrative.
  10. And many on here find it absolutely astounding that you are not getting what is being discussed, but offer little more than the usual nonsense we hear from so many. No one is condoning drug dealing, but not for the reasons you are so hysterically talking about. Drugs are always going to be prevailant wherever there is demand (and that's pretty much everywhere). What needs to be done is to decriminialise it so those that have become addicted or are in trouble can be given the professional MEDICAL help they need. You don't victimise alcoholics so why demonise drug addicts? Secondly, the biggest issue with drugs is the criminal guys that are behind it. They cause as much death and destruction as the drug itself and infilitrate all sectors of society to include politicians and police forces. Petty theft and burglaries are usually down to people tring to get enough money to feed their habit. It's an endless cycle that hasn't changed for literally decades. A sensible discussion centred around scientific and medical evidence without the histronics from people like yourself is what's needed but that will never happen when the first thing out of people's mouths like yourself is 'he's a drug dealer and probably addict .... he can rot in hell'. You are NOT adding to the discourse and offer no other solutions other than the usual diatribe which has been offered for centuries WITHOUT ANY SUCCESS. Try and become part of the solution. It might make a nice change for you.
  11. What a bunch of hysterical nonsense. 'Destroy the country" really? You obviously have absolutely no idea of what you are talking about and come across as rabid with a VERY predictable, knee-jerk reaction of the uneducated. I bet you lump ALL drugs under the one umbrella, with very little knoweldge of any of them? Well I have some news for you; the war on drugs is very much lost (drugs won), saner and more sensible minds are slowly understanding that not all drugs are the same (hence the recent advancements with cannabis) and sensible policies such as Portugal has introduced to decriminalise all drugs will soon be prevailant throughout the more sane countries. You better start getting used to it.
  12. The last bastion of the drug uneducated..... 'but, but..what about the kids. Will SOMEONE please think about the kids'. As my post above mentions, the vast majority of drug dealers have no interest in dealing to kids for some very easy reasons:- 1. Kids can't afford it. A gramme of coke in Thailand will set you back about 2,500-3,000 PER GRAMME. Know many 10 years olds with that kind of money lying around? 2. Most dealers have families themselves and wouldn't dream of selling to kids. There's an unspoken code about all this. As surprising as this may seem, their clients are adults (mostly responsible and mostly holding their lives together thank you very much) and therefore hold responsibility for their own actions. There's really no need to bring kids into the argument at all as it just doesn't happen.
  13. 'These passed through his system and were found to contain 15.33 grams of cocaine'. And he's pointing to 7 packages. Anyone got his number? Asking for a friend.
  14. Yeah because most drug dealers customers are 10 year old kids and pregnanat women! This may come as a surprise but there's plenty of p[eople out there who are NOT 10 year olds or woman to keep these guys more than busy.
  15. Thank you Margaret Mead. We appreciate the anthropological lesson but it is 2022 and hopefully (although it might not seem from this thread) we have moved on from thinking that a child is “fair game”, even if her actions say otherwise.
  16. Fair point, well said. And I apologize if that was your true intent but you’ve got to admit it’s a VERY black and white issue. Any argument that points the finger at anyone other than a grown man who not only has this child in his bed but (if the story is to be believed) has a harem, then perhaps you can also understand the incredulity when you don’t just come out and say he’s an absolute deviant.
  17. No but it is the laws when the person is considered a child.
  18. Ok, then what about this comment;- 'Would it still be the adult doing everything? I'll answer for you: no, of course it wouldn't, so what you said is illogical'. Or this one:- 'Sorry, you're saying that if a 14 year old girl came onto an adult and initiated sex, that would mean he was coming on to her and initiating sex? No. Or even this one;- 'Not that I mentioned court, but are you suggesting that if factually the girl came onto the guy and initiated sex, and you said that in court, they would say "no, the guy came onto the girl and initiated sex"? Just seems a bit weird. If the girl came onto the guy then the girl came onto the guy. Can you perhaps see why people think you might just be victim blaming or at least NOT condemning the perpetrators?
  19. In the immortal words of Columbo, 'Let's take you back to the scene of the crime'. The comment above is indicative of most of your comments on this subject, joining many in victim blaming and 'well is it really an problem if she initiates it?' You are now trying the 'I'm only commenting on what I see' and trying to play the victim with 'Why should I have to condemn it? I haven't defended it. I haven't said that it's a good thing'. Well the above comment (like many of your comments) isn't exactly snow white in the blame game is it? At least own up to your bias.
  20. Ok Switzerland you just sit on the fence and don't get your hands dirty. No one really cares but why you feel the need to justify their actions as 'it's just their culture' is what beggars belief. You don't need to actually do anything but you could at least voice that it's wrong. This is anonymous after all. No- ones coming to get you in your closeted exhistance.
  21. Your personal anecdotes have very little bearing on the vast majority of children in a similar situation to you. As I said before, well done for doing so well out of what is literally a broken home story but why you think this would be the same outcome for anyone else I really don't know. 99% of children with the same back-story would have very different outcomes to yourself, most of which would be tragic and horrible. Oh and by the way, don't think you're the only success story on here. You have no idea about who I am, what I've done and what I continue to do. Unlike yourself I have no need to brag about my accomplishments or my wealth to make myself look bigger. It's reallyv rather unbecoming all round.
  22. We get your point; it really isn't that sophisticated. OUR point is why aren't you condemning it? Why do you sound almost concillitory towards it? Why are you victim blaming and contunually saying it's the child's 'free choice' when it's a child and that child is not held responsible for it's actions until much, much older?
  23. So why haven't you condemned it? Not a single one of your posts condemns the practice, so what are we supposed to think?
  24. Exactly. Don't even know why this is a debate. Many on here saying 'but it's the Thai way' with none of them condemning it. We are talking about a 14 year child. Even if that's close to the 15 years cut off, what age does it become NOT ok? 13? 12? 10? 9? Underage children are underage children. It's really as simple as that.
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