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Everything posted by johnnybangkok

  1. And it's therefore equally possible she does this for everyone as the OP didn't mention this in his original post and has not corrected anyone else who has posted and suggested the same. As much as I agree there is plenty of xenophobia in Thailand, I also think people are overly sensitive to these sort of things and are quick to jump on one situation to prove that ALL are the same. There's plenty of idiots already in the world without tarring everyone with the same brush with such limited information.
  2. You're projecting (unconsciously/consciously taking unwanted emotions or traits you don't like and attributing them to someone else). You feel that Thai people have got it in for us foreigners so you find things that back this emotion up. As has been pointed out to you by several posters, the person in question could simply be doing this for everyone (Thai and foreigner alike), but you see this simple act of neccessary protection as only be aimed at foreigners. You need to be less sensitive.
  3. I never get drugs from the hospital - complete rip off. Just get a prescription and take it to the nearest pharmacy for a fraction of the cost
  4. I opened this account from Thailand. It is an off-shore account based out of the Isle of Man so gives you all the benefits of a UK account (online banking, ATM card etc) but is classified as off-shore.
  5. The current worldwide death total stands at 4 million. That’s with lockdowns, social distancing etc. Without these measures it is conservatively estimated this could have been anything up to 40 million https://www.businessinsider.com/covid19-model-predicts-40-million-people-could-die-without-interventions-2020-3 As bad as the consequences are for so many (and I’m certainly not diminishing this nor condoning it) I can guarantee you it won’t result in 40 million dead. There’s never been an easy choice with this pandemic but as soon as governments worked out the potential death toll, there really wasn’t any choice.
  6. Is there? 100’s of thousands dead, a health system on its knees and the ensuing turmoil that comes from knowingly sacrificing your own population. No sane government would willingly pay this price just for a short term gain in jobs and the economy. Until herd immunity is reached there isn’t a choice and I for one am grateful that even this bunch of clowns recognize this. It’s only a shame so many posters here don’t.
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