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Posts posted by johnnybangkok

  1. 40 minutes ago, atyclb said:


    so you dont think she should face some consequences with her current employer?

    From the BBC article you posted it looks like she has already faced some consequences from her actions but if you are asking whether she should be sacked then the answer is no. It wasn't that bad and wasn't the same as using the 'N' word and “Kill all the f---ing Jews' like the chap in this article wrote.

    As I have said previously though, if this young man genuinely regrets his comments and they were only made as a silly 16 year old and not repeated since then, I think he should be given the benefit of the doubt and allowed into Harvard.  

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  2. 20 hours ago, atyclb said:


    should harvard rescind ny times reporter Sarah Jeongs law degree for tweeting anti white racist comments?  or should she suffer the consequences and lose her job ??



    If it was an honory degree then they would be perfectly within their rights to do so. However, since she earned the degree then it’s not a question of “should” as they simply can’t. 

  3. 39 minutes ago, atyclb said:


    try thinking about what was my intent using the "h" word as an example in addition to literal/chronologic status.

    I got your 'intent'. It wasn't that sophisticated.

    But by trying to infer that a black person would be held to a different standard is disingenuous at best, deflection at worse.  

    Any person using racial slurs of any kind should be held accountable but if their position had genuinely changed, I believe they should be given a chance.  

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  4. 1 hour ago, porphyry said:

    Aren't we all branded by our skin colour- is that really racism or society just thin skinned ??? I could not imagine just how the world would survive under a single unified entity as proposed by the symbolic racism believers.

    Fact - most cultures are of a racist bent and believe they are better than another. 


    Being 'branded' by your skin colour is the very definition of racism. 

    And no it's not being 'thin skinned'.

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  5. 12 hours ago, thaibeachlovers said:

    You miss my point. 

    Assuming that demonstrations are to bring about change, what change will demonstrations in the UK bring about in Trump when he probably cares not a jot for them or their opinions?


    Comparing it to Brexit demonstrations is a nonsense as Brexit is a British situation and demonstrations in Britain may bring about some change IN BRITAIN. Protesting Trump in Britain is meaningless, and Trump is the context in which I use the term "losers", but I'm sure you know that.



    They won’t bring any change to Trump, he is beyond redemption.

    But perhaps they will show Americans back home how universally despised this man is. 

    He base won’t be changed but perhaps it will galvanize enough people to get out in 2020 and vote this insult to the office of POTUS out. 

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  6. 21 hours ago, yogi100 said:

    Surely a comment can only be considered racist if said comment is racially detrimental.


    How is describing some one as a Muslim or a Christian detrimental.


    Many people in America were deeply affected by the events of 9/11 and Trump being a New Yorker was more than likely one of them. And it apparently has affected his attitude towards Islam and its followers for the rest of his life.


    In the same vein many old Londoners never forgave the Germans for their bombing of their city nor did the citizens of Coventry. My own mother remembered seeing and hearing the Zeppelins drifting over London in the moonlight and dropping their bombs in the Great War. It terrified her. Then she and my siblings had to be evacuated during the Blitz 20 odd years later. 


    She had no time for the Germans just like they probably had no time for us after the RAF and the USAF had flattened large parts of Germany.


    When terrorists or aggressors target innocent civilians it is never forgotten and rarely forgiven by the victims. You can't enforce a change in human nature by being politically correct.

    If you refer to everyone the same then you may have a very small chance of backing up this nonsense but I’ve never heard you refer to Trump as the (fake) Christian Donald Trump or anyone else for that matter. You only reference Khan as “the Muslim Khan” and mention the UK being “ethnically cleansed”. That’s grade A islamophobia/racism right there. 

    Simple question for you. Do you like Muslims? Do you think all the problems in the UK are due to minority’s taking over? Do you long for a time before those “darkies” arrived? Is Alf Garnet you personal mentor?

    Be honest and own your bias. You might at least get some respect then. 

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  7. 41 minutes ago, Pedrogaz said:

    My life would improve immeasurably if the media didn't report on and print every asinine tweet that Trump sends out.

    For the first month of his presidency I could not wait to get out of bed each morning to read what monstrous idiocy he had tweeted while I was asleep. 

    It became boring as all the tweets were lies. 

    Then it started to irritate me. 

    Now it is making me depressed.


    The media are just doing their job. A better option would be to get the Orange Buffoon to actually stop tweeting.

    Never going to happen but that's the solution.

  8. 2 minutes ago, toofarnorth said:

    I did just look up Claverdale Road and see prices around now 700 big ones.  I am sure that a lot of places such as Tulse Hill are now up market . I can only go on when my grandfather lived there. Last time I was there was 1977 , he thought the area was not as good as pre WW2 , but how things change . Where I grew up ( some say I haven't ) was a sleepy town , now it possesses the biggest vinyard in England and the town is antique shops and wine bars. More disposable cash I guess.

    If you are going to comment on a touchy subject such as whether London is better/worst than it used to be, please try and not just use your personal experience from 22 years ago. It's not particularly helpful.

    Tulse Hill (like most of London) has gone upmarket purely because house prices have gone through the roof, meaning the poorer demographic can't afford to live there any more unless it's in council estates. Most if not all the trouble you are hearing about knife crime in London is (like the vast majority of inner city crime throughout the world) centered around drugs, youth gangs and the lowering of living standards for the poor. Through 10 years of Tory austerity programmes and the dropping of 20,000 police officers over the same 10 years, the poor have been completely ignored in the UK and everyone is surprised when crime goes up and there's no one around to solve it.

    As usual the uneducated blame immigrants, Muslims, the 'youth' and other easy to pick on groups because it fits their racist/xenophobic/islamaphobic narrative when the real problem is an elitist ruling class who don't give a flying flick about anyone other than themselves and their core supporters and would rather ignore those that most need government help rather than try and elevate them out of squalor.

    That's where the real problem is (both UK and USA) but the message gets lost as they are VERY good at pointing the finger at others.


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  9. 51 minutes ago, yogi100 said:

    US murderers routinely use guns not knives and the statistics are there if you care to find them under headings like death by firearms etc so my statement is far from 'nonsense'.


    It's blatantly obvious that it's much easier to kill someone with a gun than a knife. You have to come into close contact with your victim to stab him. You can use a gun to kill someone from much greater distances. Just like on a video game.


    Using a knife makes it much more close and personal. If you're about to get stabbed you're probably going to expect it and see it coming and suffer the fear of impending death. There's not a man alive who can see a bullet coming.


    I'm not in an echo chamber. What makes you think I am?

    Also, since 'the statistics are there if you care to find them' perhaps you could find them all for us and enlighten us to the fact that London had more fatal stabbings than New York, Chicago and Detroit combined. 

    2018 will do. Peer reviewed and corroborated please.  

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