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Posts posted by johnnybangkok

  1. 1 hour ago, Hanaguma said:

    Thanks, those are reasonable arguments.  To counter, I would say that what Trump wants is NOT a contiguous barrier across the entire border. Rather he is asking for a continuation of your first point- further barriers in vulnerable areas to increase security where needed. 


    Yes, illegal crossings are down since 2000. Ever wonder why? Perhaps the border fences/walls already in place have something to do with that.... which supports the idea that more walls/fencing will make that number decrease even more.  As to visa overstays, that is a separate issue that also needs to be confronted.


    Yes, many congresscritters oppose the wall. However, the Border Patrol largely thinks it is a good idea.  I know which of those two groups I would trust. 


    Finally, about drugs, I am in almost complete agreement with you there. 


    So in conclusion, no I don't think that adding to the existing barriers is a waste of money at all. No need for a sea-to-sea wall, but nobody is proposing that.  But more fencing, along with other measures, can be part of a winning strategy to combat illegal immigration. There are no quick or simple answers.



    'In March 2017, Customs and Border Protection told the Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee that 1,827 miles of the border could contain a physical barrier. This would cover the extent of the currently un-walled portion of the U.S.-Mexico border.' So no, he is proposing a wall the full length of the border, excluding the parts you simply cannot build a wall on.

    Illegal crossings are down for a myriad of reasons, but they were already dropping before the fencing built by Bush was constructed in 2006. However, economics are a big part of the reason (better economics in the offending countries and worsening economics in the US for example) and although border security certainly played its part, more sophisticated border security is more the reason than just more walls. 

    You mention that visa over-stayers is 'a separate issue that also needs to confronted' but if your true goal was to clamp down on illegal immigration and this was your main source of this illegal immigration, why wouldn't you pour time and resources into combating this? But you never hear about this from Trump? Could it be that it isn't as sexy as a big, bad wall and doesn't play as well with his oh so predictable base? 

    Asking border patrol is never going to get you a balanced argument as if you also ask them if they would also like a robot sentry dog that can smell illegals and kill them with laser eyes from 2 miles away but cost $10 million each, you can bet they would be 100% behind this as well.

    In conclusion he is asking for a wall the full length of the border. This will cost so much money that can be much better suited propping up existing deterrents and investing in better and more effective technologies. Even now the Democrats are willing to give Trump his $5 billion for border security, but are rightly insisting that it isn't used on a wall that everyone sees as an ineffective waste of money and the vanity project it's become.  





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  2. Here are the reasons why the wall is a bad idea:-


    1. There is already 654 miles of barriers along the southern border covering the most vulnerable areas.

    2. No one can actually come up with a true cost of the wall - Estimates range from $12bn to $70bn. 650 miles of fencing built under George W. cost $7bn - and that was just fencing. Nothing like what Trump is proposing. (just so that you can get an idea of numbers as everyone now bandy's around billions; 1 million seconds is nearly 12 days. 1 billion seconds is nearly 32 YEARS).

    3. Since it's peak in 2000, illegal southern border crossings have steadily declined from 1.6 million to just under 400k.  

    4. Most illegal immigration (approx. 700k per year) comes from people overstaying their visa's. These people flew into the country.

    4. Every congress person along the southern border (including Republicans) oppose the wall, arguing it will NOT improve security. Republican Will Hurd (Texas 23rd district) went as far as to say '..it's the most expensive and least effective way to do border security'. 

    5. A wall will not stop drugs - apart from the fact that most drugs come in via the sea, tunnels or private flights, what does come in over the border is smuggled in through legal ports of entry. 


    No sensible person opposes border security or clamping down on illegal immigration. They just oppose the ineffectiveness of this wall and the complete waste of money it will be. Trump and his people must know this and since he has had 2 years when Republicans controlled both houses and still didn't get it passed, the only conclusion must be this is a political stunt to re-animate his illiberal base who love nothing more than to blame immigrants for all their problems. 

    • Confused 1
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  3. 42 minutes ago, Loiner said:

    But he’s got a vote and it’s just as good as yours.
    And there’s more of us than you.
    It never ceases to amaze me how Remainers seem to think if they throw insults at us, then we will change our minds.

    Sent from my iPhone using Thailand Forum - Thaivisa mobile app

    My guess that he isn't the 'sharpest tool in the box' was more based on his terrible spelling, awful grammar, basic understanding of economics and his idea that the UK only consists of England. It wasn't about his political leanings (plenty of intelligent people in the Brexit camp after all) but if you feel compelled to defend another over a slight that YOU misconstrued, then it's no wonder you're overly sensitive about insults.          

  4. 44 minutes ago, Loiner said:


    Simply not true, however often you claim it or how much you wish it were.

    Wether you calculate on the Turnout, Total electorate, or Total population:
    Even more ‘most’ people did not vote for Remain.

    Sent from my iPhone using Thailand Forum - Thaivisa mobile app


    Of 'turnout' it was 51.5% (the only calculation where it is the majority).

    On 'total electorate' - the total voting population of the UK is 47 Million so 17 million represents just 36%.

    Of 'Total population' - 66 million people in the UK so it's only 25%. Can't really use this of course as babies and kids don't get a say. 


    14 Million people didn't bother/were unable to vote so it is hard to say which way they would have gone so the only conclusion that can be safely reached is 'of the people that voted that day, a slim majority of 1.3 M more voted to Leave'.   




  5. 26 minutes ago, giddyup said:

    He has one accident and you decide he shouldn't be driving? So when should drivers licences no longer be issued, 70, 80, or whenever you decide?

    In the UK, driving licences expire at 70 years of age, so when you reach 70, you need to renew your driving licence if you wish to continue driving. You then need to renew it every three years afterwards. It is renewed based on the medical standards for driving that every driver must meet, no matter how old they are, and which conditions must be reported to the DVLA. This also includes your eyesight. 

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  6. 45 minutes ago, findlay13 said:

    Your all ears? Poor bugger, Oh dear,

    never mind.

    How did all this work before the Brussels dictatorship?

    Britain USED to have a very good NHS and  can again I have no doubt.

    Re introduce customs 

    More than half the problems seem to be from no borders and free travel and illegal immigrants as far as I can tell.

    Interpol worked before and could again beef it up a bit maybe.

    As for the financial obligations that was paid in full in blood in 1945 .Tell them to shove it.

    39 Billion pounds would be a nice kick start to re building the UK as a nation free of EU B.S.There's a world outside of Europe waiting to trade with the UK.

    How does Switzerland Do so well being a none EU country? Norway does alright as a none full member but they have EU problems with immigrants I'll admit.

    But I wont comment further. Arguing here with thai visa members is a waste of precious time and effort.

    So in other words...nothing. Literally no original ideas to solve the myriad of problems Brexit throws up.

    Just the usual splattering of 1950's nostalgia (with the odd WW 2 reference thrown in for good measure), unworkable economics (yes the world is queuing up to give the UK a better trade deal than if they were part of the largest trading bloc in the world) and the usual splattering of xenophobia and downright racism.

    It's just the usual Leave campaign rhetoric that gets regurgitated time and time again but offers no solution other than 'let's leave and work it all out afterwards' and 'don't worry, at least we can keep the immigrants out' when the vast majority of your perceived 'immigrant' issue does not even come from the EU.

    However you are quite correct that arguing with Thai visa members is a 'waste of precious' time.

    Especially when they are as clueless as you.


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  7. 13 minutes ago, evadgib said:

    Lol, Now you're calling me out for a practice exercised by you! ????

    I'm not. I said I watched your video before (and it still doesn't answer my questions) and there's just no way I'm going to listen to 25 minutes of JRM. 

    Rather than post just heavily biased videos of highly questionable individuals, why don't you just answer the questions I posed all by yourself? As a reminder, I asked what was YOUR solution to the following problems:


    1. The Northern Ireland border.

    2. Britain's financial obligations to the EU?

    3. The EU single market & customs union and the subsequent insistence from the EU that entry to the single market/customs union also comes with free movement of EU nationals?

    5. The drop in the number of EU immigrants and it's effect (already being felt) on the NHS, social care and construction?  

    6. Security - once EU law has no more effect on the UK, how do you handle things like Europol and the European Arrest Warrants that both require EU law to work?  


  8. 48 minutes ago, evadgib said:

    Not any that you like it seems, but the speed of your reply indicates that you didn't bother watching the clip therefore I wasted my time anyway.


    Here's a slow burner for the more articulate:


    The speed of my reply is because you've posted this nonsense on at least 3 other occasions and I'm bored with looking at it.

    And 25 minutes of Jacob Rees-Mogg (a man with a HEAVY financial incentive for Brexit (https://www.theguardian.com/politics/2018/jul/22/jacob-rees-mogg-second-irish-fund-scm) will have me contemplating topping myself.


  9. 8 minutes ago, Spidey said:

    1. The Northern Ireland border.

    Give N.Ireland back to the Irish (never wanted it anyway)


    2. Britain's financial obligations to the EU?

    Tell 'em to get stuffed (see you in court or hide behind the curtains)


    3. The EU single market & customs union?

    Rock hard Brexit. (Go to WTO rules, why do new care if imports/exports from the UK collapse, it'll only affect the little men)


    4. The insistence from the EU that entry to the single market/customs union also comes with free movement of EU nationals?

    As above.


    5. The drop in EU immigration's shortfall effect on the NHS, social care and construction?  

    Bring in shedloads of Africans (they're coming already).


    6. Security - once EU law has no more effect on the UK, how do you handle things like Europol and the European Arrest Warrants that both require EU law?

    Ahh...good point but there are more foreign criminals coming here than British criminals going abroad.  

    So as I guessed, no real solutions. Just some wild ideas that you and your mates (all economists and legal experts of course) agreed whilst drinking your 80 baht bottle of chang until you fell off your bar stool.

    Unfortunately this is in fact pretty much sums up the Leave campaigns ideas. 

    'Leave means leave !!!'

    Even if it also means chaos.

  10. 58 minutes ago, findlay13 said:

    Yet's have a fourth vote.!We could keep on doing "ad nauseam "and "ad infinitum"???? Then the remoaners would get what they want the UK would never be out! Leave means LEAVE! 

    'Leave means leave' blah, blah, blah. 

    I've noticed a VERY common denominator with you Leave lot in that you are all up for the brain dead slogans but very short on the ideas of how to handle the immense problems that Brexit has thrown up.

    So I'll give you all a chance. Please let me know what YOU would suggest to sort out the following:-


    1. The Northern Ireland border.

    2. Britain's financial obligations to the EU?

    3. The EU single market & customs union?

    4. The insistence from the EU that entry to the single market/customs union also comes with free movement of EU nationals?

    5. The drop in EU immigration's shortfall effect on the NHS, social care and construction?  

    6. Security - once EU law has no more effect on the UK, how do you handle things like Europol and the European Arrest Warrants that both require EU law?  


    That's only 6 of many, many problems.

    I'm all ears.



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  11. 2 minutes ago, Krataiboy said:

    I'm not spoonfeeding you. Do you own research. Or just leave your head in the sand, where it probably belongs. Up to you.

    Ok thanks, I’ll do that (the Burying of ones Head in the sand bit that is). 

    I was just curious whether you had an original thought or whether it was the usual, widely debunked nonsense most of you guys spout.

    I guess we will never know now.

    SAD FACE emoji. 


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  12. A great deal of keyboard warriors on this subject advocating retaliation and “kicking ass”. 

    Before you do you might want to cast your mind back to this https://tastythailand.com/american-killed-by-thai-taxi-driver-for-refusing-to-pay-53-cent-fare/


    Most taxi drivers carry some sort of weapon in their car; anything from a machete to a gun, so before you get all brave and alpha on them, just ask yourself this - is my life worth 100 baht?

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