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Posts posted by johnnybangkok

  1. 1 hour ago, ShortTimed said:


    A pretty humorous explanation but ED sufferers should rightfully be offended by your suggesting it leads to violence.


    Do you suggest the choice of muslims as the most recent target is just chance then?


    Nothing to do with any actions of muslims?


    And nothing to do with their migration into predominantly anglo countries and competing for housing and jobs?



    And then you go and spoil it all with a nice bit of victim blaming.


  2. 2 hours ago, samran said:

    Well if you are going for your 'bread and butter' KKK type then they bang on about western civilisation's foundation is based on Christian values. They'll hate all strands of non-protestant Christianity and have a tough time with Catholics, the two main reasons is they are supposed to be answerable to Rome and they think that Catholicism is basically the devils religion anyway. They were really suspicious with Kennedy being elected the first Catholic president.


    Some of your more 'progressive' white supremacists will talk about Jeudo-Christianity, and your more spiritual types will bring in the Norse gods into the picture, I think because they were also the ostracised dungeon and dragon computer geeks and that helps colour their fantasy world.


    The rest are basically mud people, mixed breeds to them, lesser humans if you will and a threat to their state of existence.


    The Jews were their whipping boys for years and years (and still are) but you need to be careful as its politically not good for your reputation to go too hard on the Jews these days in right wing political circles. As such, the Muslims are the new favoured go to group to sink the boots into.


    If at some point they find that it isn't politically possible to go to hard on the Muslims, theyll set them aside (like the Catholics and Jews) and find another easy target to go for. As long as they can paint that new group as 'other' then thats all they need to compensate for their penile dysfunction.

    ^^^What he said^^^

  3. 2 minutes ago, ShortTimed said:



    I did not see the inference. I am accustomed to people speaking clearly rather than inferring. Especially important on a forum.

    Nor did I see him use the word “equal”.
    Obviously his choosing a mosque suggests his priority.

    I just wondered how many things in this world the guy was railing against.

    That was all.




    Look I get it and I don't want to come across as too pedantic but you do keep bringing up what most of us see is a very obvious deflection from a poster who isn't exactly a liberal (perhaps our previous knowledge of the poster leads us also to this conclusion). 

    I am all for people asking genuine questions that they need clarification on (which I do believe is the case with you) but you must be kinda new to this forum as this sort of thing goes on all the time with people posting nonsense inference all the time without anything to back it up. This was a guy with a lot of issues (obviously) and perhaps there was many reasons why he did what he did, but the nature of the attack (shooting 50 Muslims in a mosque) clearly demonstrates the overriding premise that he is a white supremacist and any attempt to veer away from that narrative just comes across as deflection in an attempt to justify their own prejudices. As the saying goes; if it looks like a duck, swims like a duck and quacks like a duck......... 

    And the word 'equally' was my word not his. But it still rings true.   

    • Like 1
  4. 9 minutes ago, ShortTimed said:


    No response to the question on deflection then?

    I thought it rather obvious he was a white power type who hated muslims since they were his victims. I hadn’t realized you needed such confirmations with every post. Can we move forward now?


    I simply asked how many issues was the guy angry at? Don’t see much interest in reading a nutters 70-page manifesto to find out.


    So all I asked is if he is angry at many issues then why is mentioning that a deflection.


    By Yellowtail saying 'Which white supremacist groups was he involved with? He claimed to be an eco-fascist as well..' he is inferring that his motivations could equally be eco-fascism to being a white supremacist.

    That's called deflection as he is attempting to deflect away from the very obvious conclusion that this 'nutter' was a white supremacist.

    Got it?

    • Like 1
  5. 47 minutes ago, ShortTimed said:




    Genuine question:

    Is this really deflection?
    It sounds like a fair bit of evidence when looking at motivations of shooter.

    If he was angry about many things and not only muslims then it shows he was a real angry nutter and not specific to white power nazis.




    You keep bringing up this idea of a 'lone wolf' a ''nutter' and 'other evidence.... not specific to white power Nazis'.

    The guy wrote a manifesto talking exactly about white power and killed 50 Muslims in a mosque. If he's not a white supremacist then he's giving a helluva good impression of one.   

    • Thanks 1
  6. On 3/28/2019 at 5:33 AM, uffe123 said:

    All I can say is good luck, with the recent and new immigration rules. why would anyone want to come to Amazing Thailand. Yim

    Please don't listen to disgruntled old gits who have no idea of what they are talking about. The new immigration rules don't effect anyone who is here legally (work permit) and not retired. There are plenty of jobs for talented individuals here in Thailand, if you make the effort to look.

    Good luck!

  7. 3 hours ago, jcsmith said:

    The news didn't make up the tower meeting. They didn't make up the letter clearly saying that it was about Russia's effort to help get Trump elected. It didn't make his son respond that he loved it, and forward it to all of the higher ups in the Trump campaign... who then took the meeting. It didn't make Trump side with Putin over his own intelligence. Nor did it make Mike Flynn get tied up smoothing things over with them... Nor did it make Trump refuse to do anything about Flynn until forced by it leaking. It didn't make Trump go on national TV and ask Russia to help with the emails. Or Russian hackers spam the internet right after the Access Hollywood Tape came out to change the subject. They didn't make Trump look like a whipped dog any time he's with Putin. Nor did they make him have numerous meeting with Putin with nobody else other than translators present, or him taking their notes. It didn't force him to fire Comey and then admit on national TV that it was over Russia. Nor did it make him invite the Russian ambassador to the white house right after and tell them that after firing Comey it should help alleviate the tension. Nor did it make him hand off top secret intel from Israel to the Russian government, who was backing the opposition. It didn't force Stone to work on back deals with Wikileaks, nor did it force Jared Kushner to seek a secret backchannel with Russia. It didn't force Trump to be working on a Moscow Tower Deal all the while lying to the American public that he had no dealings in Moscow. It didn't force him into shady dealings with the very bank that has been caught laundering money for Russia. 


    While Trump may have evaded committing a crime here, all of the above is true. And it is damning.

    Thank you for trying to point facts out to the Trumpers but yet again it will fall on deaf ears.

    None of these facts seem to matter any more. The institutions that allowed ALL of us to have the freedom that we now posses are under constant fire from what Trump says.

    I always knew who were the proper media whilst I was growing up, because as i was growing up, they represented the decent man. They said racism was BS, woman should have the same rights as men and who gives a shit if you prefer your own sex other than the opposite. Then Trump came along.

    He shone a light on them all didn't he? They had hidden in the shadows for decades as progressiveness passed them by but all of a sudden, all their prayers were answered. They were emboldened by a man who also talked their racist, misogynistic, 'god geeze wasn't it great to be white and brought up in the 50"s.' BS. A man who was going to 'clear the swamp' and and make it all better when the real fault as always was with themselves. Even if they were just a product of their own upbringing.

    The worlds a <deleted> up place. You either add to that or you try and help, it's not that difficult was what I originally typed but who is kidding who?

    Game on.





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  8. 13 minutes ago, ShortTimed said:


    I don’t agree with some inferences being made in this article but it does show that muslims do feel persecuted.

    For example:
    “It’s really important that this attack not be dismissed as some crazy lone wolf, isolated incident,” said Dalia Mogahed, who leads research at the Institute for Social Policy and Understanding, “



    As has many ISIS (and before that Al Queda) atrocities, bombings and attacks so what's your point? 

  9. 8 minutes ago, ShortTimed said:


    There is no doubt he claimed allegiance to white power nazi ideology but it was recent.


    I think he was a nutter first who found a way to express it adapting to this white power philosophy but that is a 2¢ opinion.


    Unlike many religious terrorists whose motivation can be traced back to long held beliefs. Again this has a value of 2¢.

    They are all 'nutters' if you think about it. Who in their right mind would go out one day and kill 20, 30, 50 people?

    Whether they be white supremacists, ISIS members or the Tomothy McVeighs of the world, extremist doctrine is well documentation to attract the mentally unstable. It gives purpose to their psychosis and in their mind excuses their actions. This is why it's so dangerous and has to be called out every time and not just put down to another 'nutter'. 



  10. 5 hours ago, Laughing Gravy said:

    Either way, I am convinced that this is not the end. Whenever a GE is called you will see a lot of MP's kicked out. I imagine people will say it is a protest vote but whatever you want to call it, there will be a new party that have a clear mandate for getting the UK out of the EU. What this has clearly shown is that MP's can't be trusted. They are self serving and the EU is a protectionist racquet like a wolf in sheep's clothing.



    You don't need a 'new party'. The Liberal Democrats, The Green Party and of course the SNP (although you might struggle to find one of their MP's anywhere other than Scotland) all want to remain in the EU.

    Perhaps it might be time to give someone else a shot as it certainly couldn't be any worse than Labour and definitely no worse than the Tories.

  11. 6 hours ago, quandow said:

    I don't get it. Didn't the citizens vote FOR Brexit? If the vote passed but the politicians don't honor the decision made by the people, then why bother having voted in the first place?

    Brexit passed with a very small majority. The politicians did in fact 'honor the decision' as May has in fact negotiated a deal BUT the leavers who were promised all sorts of wonderful but ultimately unachievable things don't like the deal. To be fair, no one likes the deal but that's what the Remain camp have been saying all along i.e. there was never going to be a great deal got from the EU. So we are now left with the options; take May's deal, get more concessions from the EU or implement a No-Deal scenario; one which everyone agrees would be a complete disaster. 

    They now have 9 days to do one of them, hence why it's highly likely there will be a delay. 



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  12. 50 minutes ago, Thainesss said:


    Weird right? 


    This is what I get. Waiting with baited breath for the libs in here to furiously delete their browsing history and cookies in an effort to obscure the topic. 



    Jeezus you guys don't even know how Google works. 

    The reason these appear top is because they are currently the 'Top Stories' (as clearly marked at the top). They don't effect the natural rankings of Fox News but are the current, top trending stories about the subject you are asking about.

    For example, if I type in 'New Zealand', guess what comes up;-



    Obviously the attacks get top billing because they are the Top Stories.

    I think you guys need to take an 'Introduction to the Internet ' class.

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