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Posts posted by johnnybangkok

  1. 3 minutes ago, zydeco said:

    As this topic illustrates, Trump is getting exactly what he wants with this issue. And what he wants is not that the wall be built but that lawsuits, political challenges, and rhetoric over the wall be increased. The one and only chance he has for being re-elected is continuing conflict over this damn wall, which is the least effective of just about all immigration enforcement policies. He used it as a campaign ploy. He used it during the first two years of his presidency as a deflection every time something else went off the rails somewhere else. And he's gearing up to reuse it in 2020. 

    Good point. He has readily admitted that it faces a mountain of legal challenges....right up to when it gets puts in from of the Supreme Court (his Supreme Court) - just in time for the 2020 election. 

    • Like 1
  2. 11 minutes ago, keemapoot said:

    Sure. Absolutely right and sensible. However, the thing to remember is that this entire idea of a "wall" campaign came about as an accidental experiment at a Trump rally early in his campaign. There have been lots of articles written on this. When he tried out the line "I'm gonna build a wall," on the base audience, they went nuts. They loved it. Trump then doubled down on this, and it became his central rallying cry to victory with this particular demographic and section of the populace - his infamous base. Ann Coulter summed it up perfectly recently, but then, she always knew who those people were and how easy they would be to manipulate based on simplistic, jingoistic,  isolationist, and racist-flirting themes.


    Normal Republicans have gone along with Trump, in spite of most of them despising him also, because he advances the GOP agenda until they can get a real Republican back in office, and so that is where we are. The country is being held hostage by this 33-37% of the country, with the evil Joker Sean Hannity whispering orders how best to manipulate these people into Trump's ear.


    And so, we will go on to the Supreme Court and see how this gets resolved.

    Yeah I'm aware.

    It's the oldest trick in the book; blame the immigrants for all your problems and not the billionaires and corporations that put you out of a job in the first place, stagnated your wages for decades and even now prevent you from earning a livable wage.

    It's a non-problem created to keep everyone's eyes away from where the real action is going on in the shape of massive tax cuts for the rich and corporations and the forthcoming legal issues that the most divisive president in recent US history and his family will soon be facing.

  3. 1 hour ago, ricklev said:

    Well reasoned, but why bother when facts and reason don't matter?

    It does seem like that sometimes when the usual Trumpers come on to this forum and just ignore facts and reasoned argument but I've also witnessed a few others who have tempered their 'pro-Trump and to hell with the facts' stance when faced with overwhelming evidence to contradict their points. You just have to 'out fact' them where it matters.

    So no it isn't just a complete waste of time.

    It is however still mostly a waste of time. 

    • Like 2
  4. 6 hours ago, yogi100 said:

    "You'll be long gone by then and therefore probably don't care."

    There's no need to be rude. Let's keep it civilised shall we.


    I prefer to base things upon what I can see for myself and draw my own conclusions rather than what some professor is paid to tell me.


    You have your view and I have mine. Try addressing people as you would face to face rather than being insulting from behind the screen of a computer.

    I wasn’t being rude, I was being factual. From your past post I’m guessing you’re mid 60’s at best, possibly in your 70’s. Unless you’re immortal I’m quite sure these changes will not impact you in your lifetime. I may not also see them in mine but it doesn’t mean my son won’t. At 9 months old he definitely will. It’s future generations we are talking about here. 

    Your ability to “see things” does not mean it isn’t happening (seen much photosynthesis recently; personally seen the glaciers melting?) and when did we stop believing people who have devoted their whole life to become an expert in their field over your “view?” All opinions are not created equal. You dont question your doctor when he gives you a diagnosis because you have a different “view” but you readily dismiss individuals of equal professional standing over subjects you have a vague idea about and no other facts other than “you can’t see it”. 

    And I guarantee I’m addressing you on “a computer” as I would exactly address you face to face (you probably wouldn’t like that either) but it is done with a hope that you may go and do your own research and get better informed about something that WILL impact our children and grandchildren if we don’t start listening more to the “paid professors”. 


    • Haha 1
  5. 1 hour ago, yogi100 said:

    I live near the River Thames which is a tidal waterway and if the sea level has risen there are no signs of it in the Thames nor its estuary. I've also spent years sailing on the outer reaches of the Thames.


    I've also spent holidays and have often visited the seaside towns on the South coast of Britain since the 1950s. There are no signs of rising sea levels there either.  


    Salt marshes are areas of low lying land that are susceptible to flooding during very high tides that often accompany stormy weather. But that's always been the case, it's not because of steadily rising sea levels. Coastal erosion is also caused by rain and windy weather during storms.


    Rye in Sussex used to be one of the Cinque Ports it's now 2 miles from the sea. This has occurred naturally and is not connected with any man made coastal defences.


    Don't take anything too seriously that you read in the Daily Mail. It's notorious for its sensationalist journalism. In this instance it's merely quoting a report.


    If it told you that Britain could sink under the weight of immigrants the UK has accepted in recent decades would you take that seriously as well.

    You're 'I can't see it with my own two eyes, therefore it can't be happening' argument is exactly the same argument flat earthers use to dispute the world being round. 
    All the articles I quoted (which you obviously haven't bothered to read) say this is happening in very small increments in what appear to be ever decreasing periods of time (0.5 cm per year for example), but what appear to be small increments will turn out to be VERY significant in 30, 40, 50 years time. You'll be long gone by then and therefore probably don't care but for those of us that care about our children and our grandchildren, we put some stock in it.  

    And as much as your pearls of wisdom enlighten us on a daily basis, I think I'm going to give this one to the contributors in the articles namely, Professor Ian Shennan from the Geography department at Durham University, Eric Rignot, chair of Earth System Science at the University of California and Professor Jim Hall, head of the UK's Committee on Climate Change. 

    I'm guessing they might know a few more things about this than you popping your head out the window and declaring 'looks fine to me!'

    • Like 2
  6. 3 hours ago, yogi100 said:

    "The deniers of climate change are cut from the same cloth as Holocaust deniers. They’ve never been to the death camps, Auschwitz and Birkenau, so what they haven’t seen does not exist."


    If the icecaps are melting then it stands to reason sea levels will rise. I live on an island and have done so all my life yet have seen no evidence of this happening.

    Also the Uk is NOT immune to rising sea levels as aptly demonstarted in the following articles:










    And if you thinkthose are too left wing liberal for you, even that bastion of right wing thought The Daily Mail is warning against it https://www.dailymail.co.uk/sciencetech/article-6318373/Rising-sea-levels-submerge-1-5million-homes-Britains-coast-2080-experts-warn.html


    Facts Yogi100. Facts


    • Thanks 1
  7. 3 hours ago, yogi100 said:

    "The deniers of climate change are cut from the same cloth as Holocaust deniers. They’ve never been to the death camps, Auschwitz and Birkenau, so what they haven’t seen does not exist."


    If the icecaps are melting then it stands to reason sea levels will rise. I live on an island and have done so all my life yet have seen no evidence of this happening.

    Since we know you live in the UK your false equivalency doesn't work.

    If however you lived on the Solomon Island, The Maldives, Micronesia, Fiji, Tuvalu, The Seychelles, Kiribati, The Cook Islands, French Polynesia or The Marshall Islands who are experiencing the results of rising sea levels and are expected to be under water in the next 20-30 years, then we might listen to you more. 

    • Like 1
  8. 9 hours ago, thaibeachlovers said:

    You seem to overlook ( ? intentionally ) that their lives WERE better. Just because it was <deleted> for some other ethnicities/ classes does not change that.

    I could go on for hours how life was better then ( for me ), and why modern life sucks, but what would be the point?

    BTW, life is still <deleted> for most people on the planet.


    everyone loved each other

    LOL. They didn't at all. Some people were really horrible and nasty, but that hasn't changed an iota. Some people are still horrible and nasty.

    Thanks for confirming my point.

    We all know your generation is just stuck in the past with a universal idea that 'modern life sucks'. It actually doesn't but it does mean you just have to get out of your rut and at least try and find the joy. There's plenty there if you take a moment to look.

    In the meantime, try and stop dragging everyone else down with you. We know you're unhappy and angry; but there's only really one person to blame for that now isn't there?  


    • Sad 1
  9. 1 hour ago, yogi100 said:

    What have I said that's 'racist'


    Just because something is a fact does not mean it's 'racist' even if it does not fit in with a multicultural agenda.


    And if you're so familiar with London why call yourself johnnybangkok, you should call yourself Johnny London.


    What baby boomers do you know that have sad and pathetic lives. I dunno any.

    Your post started with the statement “The late 1940s, 50s, 60s and early 70s until the effects of mass immigration began to take effect“. 

    You don’t have to be Sherlock Holmes to work out that you are blaming all your perceived woes on “mass immigration “

    That’s racist. 

    I call myself JohnnyBangkok because I now live in Bangkok ......duh. I still have an apartment in London but have lived here for 9 years. 

    And I know soooo many baby boomers who have sad and pathetic lives. They just want to hark back to an era that was never that great unless you were white and middle/upper class. The facts do not bear out your or their argument but you just want to moan, moan, moan about “we didn’t have to lock our doors, and back in my day things were sooo much better ‘cos everyone loved each other blah, blah, blah. Talk about rose tinted glasses. 

    I for one can’t wait until you lot move aside and let progressive, forward thinking individuals take the lead on everything that really matters, because you lot are to blame for much of the animosity that now engulfs the West. From Trump to Brexit, you have a lot to answer for with your selfish, myopic, racist, fact less view of the world. 

    Word of advice; if you can’t be part of the solution at least stop being part of the problem. 


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    • Thanks 1
  10. 1 hour ago, RickBradford said:

    No, that's fine.


    It's all the other stuff they get up to that makes me sick of them.

    But the daily spewing of lies and mistruths from the POTUS doesn't?

    Media bias and manipulation aside, surely the role of POTUS should be held to a higher standard than what Trump demonstrates and the media circus that we all see now is a direct consequence of how he has changed the narrative to 'anything goes now; irrespective of how truthful it is'.  

    I don't condone media bias but I can understand how it got to where it is today.

  11. 1 hour ago, TopDeadSenter said:

    Did you even read your own post? Row of Italian cypress trees, natural light, lovely view, begging neighbors, kidnapping children. All this on a thread about Nancy causing chaos by swanning off around the tropics and virtue signalling over a much needed wall. Of course I don't doubt for a second that Pelosi does not have walls and security around her own residence. One rule for me one for them....

     Get a grip man.

    I didn't expect you to understand. It was after all a VERY complicated analogy.

    • Like 2
  12. 7 minutes ago, RickBradford said:

    Regarding the Washington Post as the repository of "cold hard facts" is like putting the fox in charge of the henhouse.


    The constantly fake news-spouting BBC has mimicked WaPo's idea with a supposedly anti-fake news initiative that it risibly calls "Reality Check".


    There's plenty of fake news floating around, no question. These legacy media organisations don't want to eliminate fake news, they just want a monopoly on it, like in the good old days.

    Yeah you must be sick of the liberal mainstream media making Donald Trump look bad by airing raw, unedited footage of things he's actually said and publishing verifiable accounts of things he actually did.

    Shame on them.

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