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Posts posted by johnnybangkok

  1. I think any sensible individual can now see that this has to go to another vote. If you were a Leave fan, you certainly couldn't have thought you were getting this bag of nonsense, with the fall back plan of a no deal Brexit.

    The people were rightly promised what they were promised and although we know there was large amounts of misinformation (on both sides), no one could have thought it was going to be as bad as this.

    Now that we actually know what Brexit is going to look like let's put it back in the hands of the British populous and vote again.  

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  2. 9 minutes ago, Scouse123 said:



    You are the one speaking nonsense. It is either left to their alleged ' negotiators ' who are no more than puppets of Macron and Merkel anyway, or it isn't.


    That was the whole point of these Brexit people in the first place. She is supposedly an ' equal ' in a partnership of 28 EU countries, well as we all know, she isn't. This is and has been a nice little cozy relationship between Germany and France for many many years.  The other states carry very little weight. The UK as the second biggest contributor should have been afforded far more respect and more effort put into an amicable agreement. 


    She continues from the sidelines to continuously put her opinions in to deflect her problems at home and influence other states. It was HER disastrous immigration policies that have led to her credibility in tatters, her party all but destroyed and the reason the Germans in many states want rid of her.


    She single-handedly tried to dictate and threaten other EU states and change the whole demographics of central Europe and what she did with encouraging the ridiculous mass immigration is what has lead to the xenophobia even in Northern European states, some of the most pro-Immigrant nations in the world.


    Germany under her and her overtures of a EU army are trying to achieve through the back door what they couldn't achieve through the front. I don't care if people think I am over reacting.

    You are over-reacting and a little racist.

  3. 6 hours ago, lovelomsak said:

    I simply cannot understand how some thing posted on the internet can disrupt elections? 

      Or why can viral propaganda not just be read or ignored?

      And hate posts just not read. 

      Let people be people and chose what you read and post.

      If people post hate let them post just no one respond to it and they may learn and change.

      Freedoms are freedoms plain and simple. Freedom for a person to express themselves is necessary,no matter if it is accepted or not. Take away the freedoms and people will try harder to be heard. That is the seed for violence and social disorder.which we are seeing more each passing day. 


    You cannot understand how some thing posted on the internet can disrupt elections? Well obviously it does otherwise Russia (and China to a large extent) wouldn't have gone to the lengths it did in providing 'fake news' that influenced the American elections and undermines democracy at every turn. 

    I agree there is a very thin line between what should be considered freedom of speech and what would be considered as authoritarian censorship, but there is just too much at stake these days to ignore the fact that a lot of people cannot differentiate between fact and fiction and don't go away and do their own research, but instead happily buy into anything that confirms their own biased narrative.

    The sensible suggestion that has been put to the likes of Facebook is all articles come with a 'fact checked' sign or at the very least an indication of who is paying for it (you see it in political ads in America all the time) but despite FB's vast wealth, it chooses not to adapt sensible checks and balances, preferring to not police it's own site in favour of just racking up the dollars.

    A happy balance can be reached but it means FB putting more money into something that doesn't generate it revenue, hence why David Cicilline is rightly on the war path.   


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  4. 35 minutes ago, lannarebirth said:


    What is it that you imagine Trumps agenda is?  Now that he's helped the richest get richer his work that can be impacted by Congress is largely done.  Treaties, trade deals, military engagements he will pursue, or not, without any substantive input from Congress.

    He is still trying to change immigration, LGBTQ rights, healthcare, infrastructure spending, welfare and the influence of the church in politics. 

    So yeah. A couple of biggies still left.

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