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Posts posted by Jimbo1964

  1. Part time or full time employee doesn't matter. 3 months probation means after which your liable for termination pay. In the first year it's one month of their normal monthly pay. Also it's irrelevant what they are PT or FT you have to deduct social at 5%.


    Either that or deduct 3% WT and don't have them on your payroll then they are not employees they are contractors. All ypu need is copy of their ID card and give them copy of WT form.

  2. 2 hours ago, Geordieabroad said:

    Never heard of suicide brought on by toothache before, R.I.P. mate.

    In the U.K. i would always buy Ibuprofen for pain but it's not available here. While suffering with sciatica here in Thailand recently, i discovered that GOFEN 400, which is available over the counter at virtually all pharmacies is actually ibuprofen 400mg. 

    Just a tip for any of our expat friends who may require pain relief.

    You can get Nurofen, which is has the same levels of Ibuprofen.

  3. 19 hours ago, DM07 said:

    I think, what you are overlooking is the industrialized killing of about 6 million Jews, Homosexuals, communists, mentally and physically handicapped... I missed the part of the Spanish Inquisition, where that happened!


    As much as I am with you, on how bad, evil and often deadly religion is, I am quiet a bit tired of these whataboutisms and the excuses, made up to defend Hitler!

    "Yeah...he was not that good...but look over here...Mao..!" is really not a good argument!

    Not really DM07, I'm just adding that dimension as killing Jews, Christians (And any other religion come to that) homosexuals, mentally and physically handicapped is still happening today. Its called Islam.


    So my point about religion is valid. BTW I'm not defending Hitler or the Nazi's. Just noticing that, that particular doctrine is still occuring today, just in a different guise. 

    • Like 1
  4. I wonder if a Christian room or a Muslim room full of their pictures and trinkets would attract so much criticism.


    When you think about it, far more people have been brutally murdered using religion and Gods name for centuries. And it's still happening today! But try to talk about it and the left go crazy and brand you as a Nazi, Fascist, Racist or Bigot.

    The number of people torchered and killed in Gods name is monumental. Kinda makes the number of people murdered in WW2 seem very small in comparison. But because its classified as religion, it gets overlooked and whitewashed. 

    • Like 1
  5. Here an idea or three.


    • Get rid of the re-entry visa, if you have a visa, that's all you need.
    • Get rid of all the same paperwork you have to submit every time. Just submit updated info such as salary etc
    • Do it online if renewing your visa and just send or take in your passport for stamping and have an express lane for that.

    That way you can reduce the number of IO's needed, improve / speed up the process and stop wasting so much paper.

    • Like 1
  6. 2 hours ago, thaibeachlovers said:

    The question I'm asking is why, when he could have had all the women he wanted, given his fame, throwing themselves at him to be done with as he pleased. If the charges are in fact correct, he is mentally ill, IMO, rather than a criminal. If a normal guy can get all the ****** he wants from willing groupies, why would he need to resort to drugging?

    It's because of his fame that I question the accusations. Famous men don't need to use drugs to get women into bed.

    Seems that there are a lot of men having accusations made with very little, or no evidence, about things that happened decades ago.



    I also wonder why they take so long to report this matter to the cops. And how you can convict someone on testimony from someone alone without any proof! Why not report it when it happened?


    It's like the current claim in the US again with Brett Kavanaugh. Why wait 30 years and suddenly think. Oh yes now is the time to report this matter to the cops, or as many seem to do,  just go to the media . 


    In the US it seems your found guilty without any proof. And by proof I mean forensic evidence.

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