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Everything posted by fusion58

  1. The fact that the offender is a driving instructor is sort of emblematic of the state of driver education in Thailand, wouldn't you say?
  2. Maybe less commercial space and more operational space would be a good idea?
  3. I have two Chase credit cards and I never once, in ~four years, been asked to respond to a OTP, whether at home or abroad.
  4. My most memorable experience with Russians in Thailand was my (one and only) visit to Pattaya in 2014. The Russians I encountered then acted like they owned the place (and, judging from the signage, they probably did!)
  5. Whatever these "benefits" may be, there's precious little empirical evidence that they correlate with actual academic performance. You certainly don't see Thai K-12 students leaving kids in the U.K. or the U.S. in the dust academically on account of those spiffy uniforms. https://leverageedu.com/blog/best-education-system-in-the-world/
  6. You suggested mandatory school uniforms conferred some sort of educational advantage on students. In measuring the performance of the Thai school system, there's no evidence to support this claim. No. It's because they (hi-so parents) realize the quality of education their kids are going to receive in, say, the U.S. or the U.K., is usually going to be superior to that of Thailand.
  7. If this line of reasoning were true, then you would expect the performance of Thailand's educational system to reflect such "advantages." There's a reason why the hi-sos send their kids abroad to be educated.
  8. While it's certainly not unreasonable for schools to establish dress codes of some form or other, mandatory school uniforms are extreme. A more moderate approach would look something like "you're free to wear whatever you like, with the following exceptions: (insert list of prohibited articles.") Children aren't soldiers or cops. You can have too much structure just as you can have too little structure.
  9. Even then, it's highly unlikely that anything would ever change inasmuch as corruption and "anything for a baht" are "baked into" the culture.
  10. The RTP linked to yet another corrupt or illicit enterprise? Why, I'm shocked, I tell ya! Just shocked!
  11. Remember when, right after the coup, he promised he would stay on only temporarily as acting PM?
  12. Headed back to the U.S.A.? Just when she found a country where her driving skills allowed her to blend in.
  13. “PM Calls on Youths to Embrace Morality and Global Awareness” LOL. Apparently, he’s never heard that old “model the behaviors you want to see in others” adage.
  14. Yep. Also, as far as I can tell, theists don't claim God is merely a product of the imagination; they claim God actually exists on a physical level, e.g., is a causal agent behind observable physical phenomena, etc.
  15. How so? How could this even be demonstrated or proven?
  16. Good man! Being the victim of laughter is no laughing matter! Numerous studies by YouTube researchers have shown that laughing emoticons can cause severe damage to a developing child's fragile sense of self-esteem, privilege and entitlement. Solutions? 1. More helicopter mods. 2. Report offenders to the RTP and to the PM himself if necessary. 3. Retain legal counsel and consider the pursuit defamation charges. 4. Ask to speak to the manager. ????
  17. Sounds like this bimbo didn't really think things through, i.e., didn't search for a country with no extradition treaty with the U.S.
  18. Just like everything else in Thailand, as long as the powers that be can be paid by the polluters to look the other way, then nothing will ever change.
  19. Just more ginned-up grievance from the folks at Ailes Jazeera. We're talking about a white dude calling other whites "white trash" - not a white person dropping 'N' bombs.
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