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Posts posted by 86Tiger

  1. 2 hours ago, JHacker said:

    That is because you, (like myself) are not of the top 1% or top 10% or whatever it is! They seem to be able to move tens of millions around the world freely. Check out the Pandora Papers!

    Guy, we all can move money around the world freely.  But, not in secret. 


    Governments of the world are in search of monies to tax and it will only get more intense as they feel more pressure to pay the bills.  There is no longer an "under the radar" and has not been for some years now, if you have a bank account anyway.


    Unless one is involved in cash only business with no accounting of how the funds were accumulated there would be no problems once your bank has you on record as sending regular or even not so regular international transfers.



    Anyone has issue needs to petition the governments under which they reside, that is where the requirements are generated.  Banks don't give 2 flips where or how often you send funds.  They make a cut coming and going so they are all for it.



    I have done quite extensive reading on this topic lately.  


    Went for routine blood check and blood sugar indicated type 2 diabetes level.  Scared me to death, so immediately began researching.  One thing I did find was a reported study (did not see the study, only summary) done by NIH indicating reversal of type 2 had seen success if the condition was caught early enough by losing 10% - 15% body weight extremely quickly.  Recommendation was 500 - 700 calorie diet until the weight was gone. 


    However, that was the only hope I ran across for reversal of the condition.  What I learned is by time type 2 is diagnosed, in most cases, the cells in liver and pancreas that produce enzymes to deal with blood sugar are dead and can not be revived.  And I am recalling this from memory so don't crucify me if I am incorrect on some of the terms.  Moral of story is type 2 diabetes does not occur over short period and by time discovered the body has been abused too many years.


    However, in my case there is a happy ending.  The blood test is of course fasting test and I did fast for approx. 10 hours before the blood draw.  But one other detail I was never made aware of is alcohol should not be consumed 24 hrs (and some recommend 48 hrs) prior to the blood draw.  Well, I had a double scotch with early dinner night before and wallah all my numbers were off.  2 weeks with great diet, 30 minutes exercise every day and no alcohol all my number are good.


    So, I was scared straight.  No more <deleted> food and I will be maintaining my exercise routine.


    Good luck on your health. 

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  3. 33 minutes ago, sirineou said:

    You put your money in the bank, and you do your yearly extensions, when you decide Thailand is no longer for you, you take your money and leave, 

    You put your money in a 20 year Elite visa, and five years down the line you decide Thailand is not for you, and it's by by money. 


    Pretty much sums it up.


    As others have stated, nothing should be trusted in Thailand.

    • Like 1


    This doesn't even remotely make sense.


    They sold 34.6k units over what could be argued the best 3 years they ever had for tourism or foreign investment.  And now expect to sale 1 mill units over next five years???  With COVID?  With COE?  With etc. etc. etc.??


    That is a huge jump from 35k to 1 mil.  They better get started building those new high rises.   And offer better incentives than I have seen reported.........



    Yep, went back up to check, that's the numbers.



  5. 7 minutes ago, sapson said:

    Thanks but can the wise account transfer to Thailand be funded from a credit card?


    Guy, I don't know particulars of using credit card.  But I do know it is too easy once you set it up with your home bank.  Takes few minute one time to set up then as easy and fast as typiing the numbers into the app.


    wise.com will have all the particulars and you will know for sure. 



    I did the entire process for family of 5 back in July.  What a nightmare keeping up with 5 sets of documents for the entire process of submitting thru travel.  Not to mention locked in hotel room 2 weeks with 3 screaming kids.


    The family is safely tucked in at village and me back in Turkey for work.  I will not be returning until at minimum the quarantine is eliminated.


    Any one who thinks a regular tourist will complete all these obstacles for couple week holiday in LOS is delusional.  Most especially when large number of places/countries are open and welcoming foreign tourists with open arms and very minimal intrusion,

    • Like 2


    Welcome to the forum.  So sorry it took a problem with bank to get you to register and join us.



    This "problem" emerged at least 2 years back.  Wise provided us a solution.  To my knowledge you would be first since having solution to have the problem reoccur.


    Will be following closely to see if others are seeing same.

    • Like 2
  8. 19 minutes ago, Cake Monster said:



    19 minutes ago, Cake Monster said:

    I am not so sure that playing around with Vaccine Doses, and the way they are administered, will exactly go down well with many Foreign Governments. Many may well still see these practices as " not fully Vaccinated " due to there not being any WHO guidelines yet on the matter.




    I am sure it never occurred to most nations to even try to play around with vaccine doses.......





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  9. 9 hours ago, RichardColeman said:

    Wife and daughter are safe, we have enough money, we talk on video every day, I'll wait until this nutcasery is over before returning.


    Keep these demands up much longer and they can just about write off the rest of this year and Q1 next year. Poor are about to get poorer, more businesses close, more homeless and more on the poverty line



    Family was with me in turkey for my work past 3 years.  Did our mandatory 2 week lock up in BKK and got them home to Kut Chap last month.


    As much as I miss them babies, ain't no way I will go back before they lift that mandatory lock up.  

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