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  1. As long as the Chinese Commies keep shoveling bribes and kickbacks to him he will be as soft as Grandma's feather bed. 😄
  2. Lies? What lies? Anything that makes Dear Leader look strong MUST be true. Truth is all about retribution against your enemies and rounding up legal immigrants like animals. By making the life of Billionaires better it will magically make YOUR life better* *[NEEDS CITATIONS] 😂
  3. Spotted dick? Very popular with the hookers. 🤩
  4. Most English sentences have something called a verb.
  5. But but but it's better to "have fun" than "stay alive" according to the bog standard plonkers. 😘
  6. Sure, you're allowed to bring your gf or wife. 😃
  7. Life >> Pride Since when is calling police and discretely taking video of the incident "running away". It's called acting like a Boss. Rather than the meathead bouncer. Served! 👋
  8. Ahhh. I see your point. You mistakingly believe "having fun" is more important than "staying alive". You really should talk to ChatGPT before you drink and post to save embarrassment to yourself, Sir or Madam. 🙄 That type of thinking can be described as reckless hedonism or fatalistic thrill-seeking. It's the mindset where the pursuit of pleasure or excitement overrides concerns about safety, despite potential dire consequences like death. Psychologically, it can also be tied to concepts like risk-taking behavior, impulsivity, or self-destructive tendencies, depending on the context or underlying motivations.
  9. True. We read about people like you washing up on shore occasionally. The younger ones who take risks, like the ex-military guy who decided to go for a midnight swim after drinking with friends at Hermosa Beach (if you've ever been there they have a famous jazz club and it's a well established "beach trash" hangout for alcoholics, so it checks out. Anyway the dude was last spotted leaving a liquor store near the beach and heading down to the water for a swim. He did it all the time. Never recovered the body. If you were a shark, who would you rather eat, some juicy young person or some old pickled codger. 😂
  10. Some kids when they watched McGruff the Crime Dog, they said 'hey, that's a good racket' 😳 In Mexico, they call it the 'Mordita" or "little bite". Same thing here. If any of the prostitutes you guys frequent nickname is "Mosquito", get ready for a bite. 😋
  11. "Left wing"? Meatball Unabomber. Born with a silver spoon in his mouth. Have you ever met a Billionaire in your entire life? You're just a dirty peasant in the eyes of a Billionaire. Admit it, they don't want to hang out with you and your rabble. 😄
  12. Hey young people! Im a Coffin Dodger and I went to bed early on the full moon. Boring but I am still alive today. Carry on and stay alive. Being alive is the #1 most important thing in Life. ✅
  13. PFAS. Next! 😛

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