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Everything posted by SiSePuede419

  1. More proof Canadians have no idea what a "nice beach" is because they don't have any back home so Phuket looks like a paradise to them. 😄
  2. Goodness gracious what bank forces you to get face scans? I put my card in the ATM enter my pin press ENGLISH and then Withdrawal. Boom. No face scan required. Rubbish. 🤣
  3. And Trump even claims he looks like Elvis. What a demented old con man. Can't even afford a decent makeup artist because most of his money is going to jail bonds, lawyers and whores. And the rest of his money he wastes on his family. 😄
  4. 12,000 meth pills is called "Saturday night" in Phuket. 😀
  5. It will be fine in about a month until next February. The South is about double the cost up north for restaurant food. My gym in Chiang Rai charges 50B for day pass, just paid 350B and while the gym area had superb equipment, it wasn't really air conditioned adequately. So, you don't necessarily get more just because it's more expensive. OK, the beach is technically free in the South, but then you're tempted to eat there and pay OMG prices. Anantara, a 5 star resort on Samui wants 1000B for a Phuket lobster roll. C'mon. Is it really that good? 😊
  6. At 4:20 PM, on April 13th, 2024, someone couldn't afford 100B for a preroll? What kind of civilization is this? 😄
  7. Here's the shocking part... Banks have no idea what country you live in, full or part time. Banks only know your declared "street address" and your declared "mailing address". If either of those is in Thailand, then the Bank knows you live in Thailand. Otherwise, they have no idea. You could be making money in Bangkok hand over fist in your phone scam. Your phone scam company could be issuing you W-2 or 1099 income statements, your Bank will never know. Because your Bank only knows what you tell them. You're welcome. Any more questions, feel free to ask. 👈
  8. I've vaped weed on a bus and a train but not a plane. If the weed smells like incense the vape exhaust will be your tamboon. 😜
  9. He was obviously thinking about your health. By not exposing you to 2nd hand tobacco smoke. Which causes cancer* 😆 *No lung cancer from weed,ever
  10. Don't forget the movie where they had a half floor in an office. That was pure genius.😆
  11. Everything is bigger in Asia. Supermarkets here just aren't designed for giant Farang with huge penises jutting out into the isles. Don't turn sideways. 👍
  12. The other day I saw this Evil Weed® just growing by the side of the road. How many children were molested as a result? How many people got into a fight in a drunken rage because of this plant? How many people lay dead by the side of the road after failing to "negotiate a curve" after drinking too much? WHY DOES NOBODY CARE ABOUT THIS HARMFUL EFFECTS OF THIS PLANT 😀😃😄😁😆😅😂🤣😭
  13. You came here to hustle because the universe will provide? 😋
  14. If I can jump up and touch the moon. Why? I don't skip leg day. God skipped leg day ("The Sabbath"). See what happens? 😳
  15. Did you appear in Trannies for Trump 7? You closeted gay Republicans are weird. 😘
  16. I quit weed for 6 months the first time I came to Thailand. My wife prefers I smoke weed. 😂
  17. Last week I was at a moderately expensive resort restaurant on Chung Mon beach in Samui and my wife overheard the Farang manager say a Farang couple took off without paying. So now, they hired more Burmese people to watch you sneaky lowlife Farangs. My bill at this establishment was 1800B, I bet they ran up a bigger tab. You guys should really just stay home outside your bungalows and drink all night like the cheap Germans do. You guys can't afford to eat out even in a place where restaurants are a fraction of the cost back home. May I recommend something more in your price range... The 20Baht Chicken Butt on a stick at any local night market?🤣
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