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Posts posted by rockingrobin

  1. Regards Nomsod


    "I've been affected a lot," said Warot Tuwichian, a 22-year-old Bangkok University student. "I haven't attended classes since the incident occurred because people keep asking me if I am the killer. People on social media also harangued me." - See more at: http://www.thephuketnews.com/phuket-former-koh-tao-murder-suspect-confirms-innocence-48943.php#sthash.5ZaiGEpD.dpuf

    • Like 1
  2. Stolen clothes..... As pointed out it is not likely. It probably won't play well in court.

    "defendants claim that their clothing were stolen "

    "prosecution suggests that defendants disposed of bloody evidence "

    Which scenario would you tend to believe?

    It is my understanding that the RTP are claiming that there was no blood on the clothes because they had been washed

    As for defense not disclosing its information, this would be normal and especially so in Thailand where the prosecution doesnt reveal the evidence in there possesion

    It would appear that some posters like the judiicial system of discovery but appear not to like the defence to have the same privilege

    Correction the translator made the claim the clothes had been washed

    • Like 1
  3. stephenterry, on 23 Mar 2015 - 09:37, said:
    catsanddogs, on 23 Mar 2015 - 09:14, said:
    stephenterry, on 23 Mar 2015 - 04:13, said:

    More background and a mystery. See below:

    “According to the testimony of Maung Maung, who shared accommodation with the two suspects [Zaw Lin and Win Zaw Htun], they were all three drinking and playing guitar on the night of the incident,” the Burmese lawyer told DVB.

    “Maung Maung said he then went to see his girlfriend and did not return until 5am.”

    Lawyer Aung Myo Thant and MAT representative Kyaw Thaung both confirmed to DVB that Maung Maung had told the embassy team that he had witnessed Zaw Lin and Win Zaw Htun in bed sleeping when he returned to the room at 5am and that nothing seemed suspicious.

    According to Kyaw Thaung: “Maung Maung said he woke them up and asked them, ‘Where is the guitar?’ at which point one of the pair indicated it was in AC Bar [where the British couple, Hannah Witheridge and David Miller, had been drinking with friends the night before]. Maung Maung said he then went to AC Bar to look for the guitar and his sandals, ‘because they were expensive – 350 baht’, he said.

    From the above, at least one of the B2 returned the guitar to the AC bar after finishing up their session on the beach. At what time? Supposedly before the bar closed at 3am. Which means they could have been present when the victims left. Doing what? More drinking? Could explain their 'we were drunk' statement.

    So either they followed the victims back to the beach after 3am, or went back to their lodgings. Any CCTV?

    The implications are enormous:-

    1. Who witnessed their return to the AC bar with the guitar?

    2. What did they do there? Drink? or Leave?

    3. Where is the CCTV to evidence their movements?

    4. The scenario that they were at the beach within a hundred metres of the crime scene is (probably) correct up to the time when they left to return to AC bar.

    5. The scenario that they were at the beach within a hundred metres of the crime scene at the time when the attacks took place is contestable (because the guitar didn't return to AC bar on its own).

    6. Muang Muang's statement that nothing seemed suspicious when he returned to their lodgings at 5am is exculpatory evidence.

    Does anyone have a timeline of their movements?

    There is always the possibility that neither of the B2 took the guitar back to the bar - maybe someone else did for whatever reason. Maybe someone borrowed it and took it back to the bar after the B2 had left the beach. Maybe Hannah borrowed it? Why would the B2 take it back to the bar instead of to their lodgings?

    The very fact that the guitar moved from the beach to the AC bar has not been explained anywhere. That's why it is important to hear what the B2 say about their movements, and what happened to the guitar. When they were awakened they stated that the guitar was at the AC Bar, that indicates first hand knowledge of its movements (not that someone borrowed it).

    If another person was involved, he/she would be a witness at a time after Muang Muang left them on the beach. Maybe the AC bar was more secure than their lodgings? Maybe they fancied another drink?

    There is yet another report that says the B2 went for a swim and when they came out of the water, their clothes and the guitar had disappeared.

    Burmese embassy representative went to see two boys for more information.: Media interview and answer by embassy official. The Embassy officer said: “The two boys told him that they were swimming at beach near AC Bar and Maya Bar on that night, after 10 or 15 minutes, when they come back to the beach after swimming, they did not find their guitar and cloth on where they left. Somebody may be stolen their cloth and guitar.but on 14 Oct the police bring as evidence their cloth and guitar to the court.


    I have often wondered if they told Maung Maung that they had left the guitar at the AC bar because they were too embarassed to admit that they had eiher lost it or it had been stolen.

    Muang Muang reportedly went back to AC bar to get the guitar and sandals, it has not been revealed if he did in actual fact find the guitar or sandals. It is assumed that he did not find the guitar ,

    therefore did he enquire further with the B2 or is there more than one guitar

    There was reports early in the investigation that a guitar was recovered i with nobody taking ownership,

    The guy delivering a guitar to the RTP (footage on tv) what is the significance

    • Like 1
  4. If the DNA evidence is accepted by the court then the B2 are in difficulty

    I cannot disagree

    Lets not forget that after the Burmese were arrested , the name of all three and the age of one of them was reported incorrectly , an explanation as never been forthcoming as far as I know

    This leads me to question if during the course of DNA testing of migrants it would have been possible to give false details

    • Like 1
  5. My golden nugget (whether for prosecution or defense, your choice): There was a guy on the beach on the other side of the rocks who was there screwing his Thai girlfriend who is an eyewitness to the whole affair but he hasn't come forward publicly because he had told his Thai wife in Bangkok that he was at the time away on a business trip to Singapore.

    Can you expand on this

    Is the RTP in possesion of this info, and what is your source

  6. So, who is the third burmese.

    Muang Muang was originally held in custody. Could it be he was going to be railroaded also. But much to the rtp chagrin, came up with a strong alibi. Oops said the officer. We thought there were 3. but now we can only pin it on two.

    MM was more savvy than the other two. He had an inkling of his legal rights. The B2 were easy prey for scapegoating, with older men gathered around, fists and teeth clenched. First thing the cops probably said was 'you're illegal, and we can slam you in jail for a long time.' The B2's families rely on the few satang which get sent from their sons each month - because there is zero social security for elders in Burma.

    Burmese young men were casually playing sepak takraw on the beach, when police, in their frantic zeal to nab scapegoats, went to round them up. Two were able to run away. Guess who the two were? Yup, so when they were caught, the cops were doubly angry at the young men who didn't heed their calls of 'Don't run! Come back here!' Next day: 'safe-house' with a threatening interpreter who introduced the broken bottle idea. Not an attorney in sight. The rest is scapegoat history.

    Utter fantasy


    Who do you think is the 3rd Burmese

  7. Even if the Burmese are found guilty they won't be executed, at least not legally. How many executions this century? Thaksin executed 3 prisoners ( legally)- 2 Thais and one Taiwanese, very publicly back in the early years of his tenure but since then? - now injection, not firing squad, very few.

    Some say if the Burmese are found not guilty the RTP have won because the guilty part(ies) have escaped justice. But I beg to differ- focus will turn to, so who are the perpetrators?

    Hannah and David's families, the media, etc will demand answers.

    One thing about the Burmese suspects' statement puzzles me.

    When asked what happened, did they not say they did not know, they were drunk?

    But did not other sources say they only drank 3 bottles of beer throughout the night. hardly enough to not know what's going on.

    Maybe they were not drunk. Maybe they witnessed things that night that they were too afraid to speak about and saying they were drunk gave them an excuse not to divulge what they saw because they knew what the repercussions would be, should they speak.

    Your version just makes them liars no matter how you look at it.

    I could toss around as many maybes as the conspiracy theorists but let's see what the trial reveals.

    I think there is some merit to what catsanddogs has posted but I am unwilling to post at this juncture the reasons why

    • Like 2
  8. Sean explained his social networking post.

    There's no reason to believe the taxi driver claim. I find that claim to be ludicrous. People seem to think that there are ultra-powerful people on the island with unlimited resources, if that was true simply being told what to say should suffice to get the desired result. Certainly if it were true nobody would come forward to admit the coercion.

    Haven't you claimed to be working with Reprieve or the defense and also to have a personal reason to dislike the RTP?

    What evidence do you have to say the taxi driver is not telling the truth ?

    Zero.... a big FAT 0...

    Zilch.... nuffin... not an ounce accept her blinkered evaluation of the situation.

    Personally I wouldn't expect anyone to make up trumped against the RTP. The Thai's are loathed to say anything about anything so he is obviously very scared and thought better out in the open before he ends up in a ditch perhaps. We know how it works don't we...... Well some of us do.

    What evidence do you have that he was telling the truth?

    None... Blah blah blah

    Feel free to read my post. It is based on claims made by posters in these threads about the power of the people that the posters want to be involved. Is it proof? Nope.

    Are your claims proof? Nope.

    BTW your non-answer to my direct question is duly noted.


    you are stating that the taxi driver is ludicrous, so the onus is upon you to subdtantiate

  9. I maybe wrong , but it is my understanding that the confessions were retracted after the prosecution decided to maximise the punishment

    From Mizzima

    Police in Thailand have denied that the two Myanmar suspects in the highly-publicised beach murders case have retracted their confessions, the Bangkok Post reported on October 12.

    The police have also recommended longer sentences for the suspects, Win Zaw Htun and Zaw Lin, both 21, the newspaper said.

    The suspects were arrested on October 3 over the murders of British tourists Hannah Witheridge, 23, and David Miller, 24, on a Thai resort island on September 15.

    The Bangkok Post report quoted Police Major Praween Pongsirin as having said on October 11 that the suspects had maintained their confessions and repented their crime.

    Their widely reported retraction was a rumour, said Pol Maj Praween, the deputy commissioner of the police region in which the murder occurred.

    Pol Maj Praween also denied that prosecutors had rejected the investigation case file as incomplete. The evidence in the case was accurate and strong, he said.

    A panel of prosecutors had merely asked police investigators to review the case and to maximise the punishment in light of evidence the suspects had tried to cover up the crime, the Bangkok Postquoted him as saying.

    Police have resubmitted the investigation report to prosecutors along with a higher recommended sentence.

    Police Maj Praween said the suspects were told of the revised penalty recommendation, but police have not said how many years in prison they may face.

  10. Sean explained his social networking post.

    There's no reason to believe the taxi driver claim. I find that claim to be ludicrous. People seem to think that there are ultra-powerful people on the island with unlimited resources, if that was true simply being told what to say should suffice to get the desired result. Certainly if it were true nobody would come forward to admit the coercion.

    Haven't you claimed to be working with Reprieve or the defense and also to have a personal reason to dislike the RTP?

    JD have you heard of logical fallacy

  11. What he said at the press conference could be deemed as defamatory, the court said. But he's NOT GUILTY.

    Good old reconciliatory judiciary at work again!

    Because it was in the national interest, whereas the meeting was in the PM's own interest. IMHO the meeting was to discuss the urgent building of rice warehouses, about to be sorely needed - I wonder how much the tip was worth?

    Defaming her was in the national interest?

    They could have just said she attended a private meeting at the hotel, which was the truth. Instead they had to make several other defamatory statements.

    Didn't Ms. Yingluck defame herself by publicly denying to have had a meeting ?


    you cannot defame yourself


    evidently according to the article you can state untruths if its in the national interest, however in other defamation cases it would appear telling the truth is no defence

    You can defame yourself but it is neither a criminal nor civil offense

    If, as PM you lie and get caught, you pretty much don't have a leg to stand on when you cry to the court.

    In Thailand the truth is not always a defense for defamation. This is less true when you are a public figure.

    From Wiki

    Under common law, to constitute defamation, a claim must generally be false and have been made to someone other than the person defamed. Some common law jurisdictions also distinguish between spoken defamation, called slander, and defamation in other media such as printed words or images, called libel.

  12. What he said at the press conference could be deemed as defamatory, the court said. But he's NOT GUILTY.

    Good old reconciliatory judiciary at work again!

    Because it was in the national interest, whereas the meeting was in the PM's own interest. IMHO the meeting was to discuss the urgent building of rice warehouses, about to be sorely needed - I wonder how much the tip was worth?

    Defaming her was in the national interest?

    They could have just said she attended a private meeting at the hotel, which was the truth. Instead they had to make several other defamatory statements.

    Didn't Ms. Yingluck defame herself by publicly denying to have had a meeting ?


    you cannot defame yourself


    evidently according to the article you can state untruths if its in the national interest, however in other defamation cases it would appear telling the truth is no defence

  13. I don't believe this story, it would depend on what exactly what she witnessed - I still maintain that those who fled into the temple were carrying assault rifles and had just been engaged in a fire fight with soldiers - as a witness she could have testified and verified that armed men were present - she is either dead or is living in hiding in a neighbouring country and has been told to keep her mouth shut

    I don't get this you believe this that fled they went intot the temple with weapons which is speculation on your part is it not? And them the post immediately after that one you mention getting facts right?

    Either it's well documented the dead in the temple had weapons and were those who fled or your making assumptions which I don't have an issue with but its a double standard with your back to back posts ?

    yes it is as you say my opinion or speculation - the rest of my post clearly states that facts are not possible without credible witnesses and hard evidence - as for witnesses who ? or where are they ?. exactly what this topic is about - a credible witness that disappeared one I imagine that was always going to tell the truth - she could testify that the army fired into the temple - well we already know that but what else did she see that certain parties would rather was not known - well I have my own thoughts on that

    Another poster also made the point that a court ruled on this incident - at a time when the police reds and government were bought an paid for by Thaksin - the court has to decide on evidence presented - like I already said I am not disputing that soldiers were firing into the temple - I am not disputing that soldiers did indeed kill people in 2010 - someone also made the point as to why weapons were never found near these victims - do I really need to explain why

    a common fault of many posters on these forums are posting what they claim to be facts when in fact they are opinions just like my posts - the difference is that it is obvious I am passing an opinion even if not stated in the post

    why would this family come forward now ? I believe it is because they want the army to investigate - not because they believe the army were involved in the disappearance but because they already know who and want to come forward

    lets see what happens next - the police and army should be all over this like a rash if they have nothing to hide

    The temple had been declared a safe haven by the ruling government

  14. I have always said that the investigation was flawed, just not fatally flawed imho.

    Regarding Singapore, is that a fact? However, once you have the reference DNA processed the vast majority can be quickly eliminated by others.

    I happen to have personal knowledge with DNA comparison, and it does NOT get processed in one day. An example of USA analysis times here : http://www.cga.ct.gov/2010/rpt/2010-R-0086.htm

    Private lab turnaround time:

    http://www.genexdiagnostics.com/about/laboratory/turnaround-time - Genex guarantees the use of PCR technology and capillary laser sequencing for all DNA paternity tests. The turnaround time for DNA paternity testing at Genex is 3 to 7 working days for good quality samples.

    http://www.genetica.com/geneticawebv2.nsf/?Open - Our experienced laboratory professionals have developed automated and streamlined laboratory DNA test processes that allow us to provide you with quick DNA test turnaround time. After we receive the samples in the laboratory, the paternity results of the GENETICA DNA Test™ are typically available within 2 - 5 working days.

    But of course, the RTP have access to DNA comparison that is done in an afternoon.......

    It's odd that in your searches you didn't come across things like:

    Court-Ready DNA Analysis in One Day

    Bode Technology’s new Same-Day DNA Service allows DNA to be used as a crime fighting tool to solve cases early in an investigation. Bode’s Same-Day DNA Service provides forensic DNA analysis and a court-ready report the same day that the forensic evidence is received at the laboratory.


    Should you require the results of the test sooner then we recommend our Express Testing service.


    "it takes less than 24 hours to generate one complete DNA fingerprint"

    And so on and so forth...

    If I recall correctly did not illinois state police cancel a contract with Bodedue to poor quality work

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