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Posts posted by bkkjames

  1. Any idea's on where to look for shopping trolleys/grocery carts similar to this:


    I've looked in Makro Sathorn, and Carrefour/Tesco Rama IV. I certainly couldn't find anything, perhaps looking in the wrong area.

    same place as the rice cookers mate :o

    funny your last advice lead me all over the show, none of the retailers suggested had the brands I enquired about. meh

    ok ok, in central chidlom they have dedicated section / store with japanese home products and the like. I think it's on the same floor as the kitchenware, bedding. might be worth a look.

  2. Yeah, except I know we could never consummate our relationship. The man is so plastic I'm sure the squeaking would put me off my stride.

    Er... I found the above info already - that's why I quoted it.

    Come on, did he work in newspapers, radio... what? Any experience in the UK, or only in SEA?

    well, why not send them an email at football focus?

  3. I have built myself a little sanctuary in a small town near Lopburi.

    Since coming back from Dubai last week the local government has put a loud speaker on the telegraph pole right outside our bedroom window.

    I swear to Jesus Christ they start up at 5 in the morning and go on nearly all day long.

    Not only that but some idiot comes around and rings a f#ing bell every hour in the middle of the night, all night long!!

    The wife seems to be oblivious to all the racket...it's doing my head in.

    Anyone else got this problem?

    My sanctuary has turned into hel_l :o

    cut it down mate. they wont notice it missing for at least six months.

  4. Any idea's on where to look for shopping trolleys/grocery carts similar to this:


    I've looked in Makro Sathorn, and Carrefour/Tesco Rama IV. I certainly couldn't find anything, perhaps looking in the wrong area.

    same place as the rice cookers mate :o

  5. John Dykes as in Football Focus etc.

    Just interested.

    Tried Googling, but all I come up with are things like:

    "After a long career in sports media, John has established himself as the best in Asia..."

    which isn't particularly illuminating.

    Personally I can't stand him. He reminds me of goody-goodies from school who had names like "Robin" and wore duffle coats. His faux mateyness makes me want to vomit. Many of my chums, however, think he's excellent. my mates are silly.

    But all this is by the by. I keep seeing him referred to as an experienced sports journalist but can't find reference to anything he's done apart from these ESPN shows.

    Nick name



    John Dykes is ESPN STAR Sports' face of football. After a long career in sports media, John has established himself as the best in Asia.

    Favourite team/sport

    Football, Rugby Union

    Did you know?

    To keep fit John trains with Muay Thai fighter Zig Zach from The Contender Asia

    Programme credit

    LIVE Football, First Edition, Football Focus, Football Up Close

    you have a crush on him or something??? :o

  6. Well we both know this won't happen so you better just hope for Arsenal mate.

    It's Christmas time. Time for Christmas wishes. You better just go ahead and wish for the Carling Cup trophy, as that's all you're gonna get this season. :o

    We already have the WORLD CLUB CUP mate, Carling will be #2 (are you still in the competition?), then the FA, EPL and Champions league. That would make 5. :D

    The World Club Cup is about 2 steps down from the "Worthless Cup" in the bragging stakes!

    and hence why i didn't bring it up until now. at least the shashimi was good i heard.

  7. Is the Millenium Hiltonby the river?

    its on the river, the room if i remember was a bit dear but hey, (hopefully) I only get married once. The view is spectacular because you can see about 10 barges full of fireworks going off all the way up the river passed the oriental, shangri la, peninsula etc. there was even a big barge in front of our hotel.

    if you can't afford the room, just get down to the river itself.

  8. This will be my first New Year's Eve in Bangkok and I would appreciate if anyone could direct me to a restaurent, with a view of fireworks, in Bangkok that serve dinner and entertainment for New Year's Eve?

    I don't want to pay an arm and a leg but somewhere with deceant food and a nice view.

    Last New Year's Eve my wife and I kicked off our honeymoon by watching the incredible fireworks on the river sipping champagne from a suite at the millenium hilton.

    The river is the place to be IMO. Might cost an arm but well worth it!!!

  9. Just happened to me last week, at Asoke intersection. They asked for ID, I showed them my driving license, and was on my way. No search.

    Let me guess... Two guys on a single motorbike right? These two are well known on Asoke and they're a real pain. They've stopped and searched me with a nauseating frequency ever since I've lived here. They can also be found lurking at the quiet end of Suk 19/Asoke 3 quite often. The way they conduct the search (unwrapping bits of paper, sniffing ciggies etc.) indicates they're quite obviously looking for drugs.

    I got stopped by these two last year - at the end of Soi 23 as you turn towards Asoke. Same shakedown.

  10. Interesting is that 6 months ago or so we have record oil prices and inflation levels skyrocketing and now we have Central Bank's cutting interest rates (BOT 100bps early December, largest ever cut) and heading towards deflation.

    I am no economist, but hopes of a much weakend baht seems unlikely in the near term as virtually every goverment of the world is decreasing interest rates en masse in hopes of spurring their own economies.

  11. One of my daughters is starting Prathom(Primary) School in May. We have to decide which one to send her to. There is an International school near our house but I think that it's a waste of money for a 6 year old. We can afford to pay it but we'd have to cut back on holidays abroad etc. From what I've seen of international students, I wouldn't want her to go there anyway. They seem to be spoiled brats into drugs and want to forget their Thai roots.

    What we are looking at now are blingual schools, govt.schools and catholic schols, with or without English programs. I used to work in English programs in Bangkok years ago and from what I saw, I think they are a waste of money too. Former butchers teaching science and retired Scandinavian seamen teaching sociology.

    My daughter speaks English well(well like me :o ) and I have no worries about that. I'm thinking that the best thing may be to go to a good Thai school and use the saved money to have tutors.

    I'd like to hear people's experience and thoughts on this.

    Sorry if it's in the wrong forum.

    Not that you will listen to me :D but I do agree with you. My Mrs didn't go to a International School nor did she buy (donate) her way into Uni, she earned a scholorship the old fashioned way - hard work and dedication and support (time) of her parents.

    With our little one on the way, we have discussed your situation already and have decided against 'big name - little substance' international schooling for ours when the time comes.

    While it still has a way to go, the old heirarchy of career advancement based on seniority < skills is slowly changing and suspect that in another decade or so - advancement will be based more on merit / achievement and not because you have a big last name. One can hope at least.

  12. Well we both know this won't happen so you better just hope for Arsenal mate.

    It's Christmas time. Time for Christmas wishes. You better just go ahead and wish for the Carling Cup trophy, as that's all you're gonna get this season. :o

    We already have the WORLD CLUB CUP mate, Carling will be #2 (are you still in the competition?), then the FA, EPL and Champions league. That would make 5. :D

  13. I am speaking far too soon, but, is this like Istanbul when Dudek saved two point-blank sure goals at the end of the second half of extra time and at that point it just felt like Liverpool's name was written on the trophy? Could be, could be. I know, I'm speaking way too soon. But we've been top for at least a month, now? Feels like it. Chelsea just can't seem to get past us at this point. So let's see a Boxing Day win, lads!

    Interesting to note that while Chelsea and Liverpool drop points, Villa are creeping closer to the top, now only 5 adrift. Their fans must be having a happy Christmas this year. However, I think Villa will have one bad stretch where they don't win for 5-8 matches, like they always seem to do. Or, they'll be improved and be in the top 4 at the end. It'd be nice to see someone else in the top 4 at the close, at the expense of manusuck even better.

    Well we both know this won't happen so you better just hope for Arsenal mate.

  14. it's a bizarre season this. all the pundits are lining up to say that we're only top because united and chelsea aren't firing and are dropping points. however we're not firing and are dropping points too, plus we've been without our star striker for most of the season. if we can hang onto top spot until torres is back and match fit, and the mancs and chelsea keep up their levels of inconsistency (which is more than possible), we could do this. and if we do i will get drunk for a week.

    Sounds like something Arsenal fans said last Xmas.

    Suggestion: Enjoy your position now and get drunk over the holidays. If by chance you are still in this position come the end of the year - you can do it again.

  15. In the early hours of Sunday Morning, Khun Sadrawoot aged 21 made a report at Pattaya Police Station concerning the theft of his motorbike which occurred in Soi Gopai, South Pattaya.

    The case began when the victim spotted a woman in distress on the side of the road and he decided to stop and assist her as any Good Samaritan would do.

    When he approached the woman who was provocatively dressed, two men emerged from behind a tree and, at knife-point, the men stole Khun Sadrawoot’s motorbike and drove off in the direction of the South Pattaya Road.

    Descriptions of the two men and the woman were given to Police who are now searching for them and the stolen White Honda Wave motorbike.

    Pattaya One News

    This is what is oft referred to is the good old "Pattaya Bait and Switch Blade"

  16. What happened to “The Nation” web site (nationmultimedia.com)? I can only get the “XPRESS” web site, and many of the images don’t load properly, showing only “?”.

    When I click on the “News” drop-down menu I only get a message stating  “The requested URL /breakingnews/ was not found on this server.”

    I have tried e-mailing “[email protected]”, but the e-mails fail.

    Any one know what’s up?

    I have always preferred "The Nation" to "The Bangkok Post" when viewing online.

    loads fine for me ... http://nationmultimedia.com/

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