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Posts posted by bkkjames

  1. oh and the day that alex ferguson finally carks it i'm going out and getting drunk for a week. :o

    Well, the Boss said he plans to keep on managing United for the foreseeable future so I guess you will have to put off for a few years yet. :D

  2. I think she would make a good politician.

    Dont just judge her because she is Thaksins sister. They are 2 different people.

    Also thai politics is too male dominated.


    But explain why good, Is it just because she is a woman?

    It will be good as it protracts the Thaksin Dynesty. It sets the stage for the next generation to free themselves from the top down "educated" thai's of Bangkok.

    Anybody familiar with life before Thaksin will remember how much he improved the infrastructure up there.

    It will be good as gets up the noses of PAD and their paymasters.

    Good because they will have to use another massive chunk of Thai assets to try to keep their snouts and the trough.

    Whose assets are you talking about? The Thai treasury, or Thaksin. As I remeber Thaksin wasn't to adverse to sticking his nose in the trough.

    its widely accepted that Thai politicians all have their nose in the trough.

    That why an outsider would be good, Yingluck is perfect. Plus she is quite attractive despite her age. I bet she spends a small fortune on beauty creams etc every week. anyway good luck to her, I am sure she will win.

    by the way, if she went up against abhisit in a general election, I think we all know who would come out on top. she could very well be the next PM .... Thailands first female PM.

    Are you trying to line-up the PR gig for her?

  3. You could just answer them with...

    I am going to Bang Kok, then over to Chaing MY for a little chug wow before heading down to Phu Get and hope I don't end up in Kra Be or it won't be Ray ong before I have to Ko Sam Moo EEe for a some Tom Yum Talay. After that its up to Kon Ken out of a little land and put it in his sister's name called Sue Wanna Poom on the edge of Bag Na for a couple of cobras before heading back to the UK. Why,,, you wanna come?

  4. yeah, difference being that rafa will pop his out and then berate it for positional sloppiness and tactical naivety.

    Besides SAF, Rafa looks like the most likely candidate for a corony at any moment IMO.

    Not wishing this of course for either, but was wondering in all your years of following the game, has any manager dropped dead in the middle of a game? What about players?

    It happens in North America for a young basketball / football player to up and die from time to time but I don't recall anything in English football.

  5. last week a friend of mine travelled to thailand from heathrow.

    after the passport/boarding pass check at the gate , he was called aside by one of a group of 6 or 7 police officers and questioned as to why he was going to thailand , was he single or married , where would he be staying in thailand , had he been before etc.

    all males on their own were called aside and similarly questioned.

    after the questioning , he was given a "stop" form with his name , address , passport number and confirmation that he had been spoken to by the police officers.

    he is a respectable looking chap , mid fifties and his wife was following him out to thailand the next day.

    has anybody else encountered this , and any ideas why it happened.

    Un-related I am sure, but wasnt it a day or two ago a few brits about that age got done up for some porn charges here?? Maybe he fit the description.

    Kinda funny as usually these types of questions are only asked upon returning to the home country from here.

  6. Liverpool have confirmed Rafa Benitez is due to have surgery after suffering a kidney stones problem.

    The news comes just 24 hours after Chelsea chief Luiz Felipe Scolari spent a night in hospital with a similar problem.

    Benitez was admitted to hospital in the early hours of Monday morning and he will have a minor operation later on Monday.

    The Spaniard is expected to return to work later this week after the minor operation.

    "Rafa was admitted to hospital last night after suffering problems with a kidney stone," said a club spokesman.

    "He will undergo a minor operation this afternoon and is expected to return to work within two or three days.

    "He remains in good spirits and everyone at Liverpool wishes him a very speedy recovery."

    Now Rafa and Luiz have something in common - both are suffering from a case of small stones.

  7. I was at the 4 Seasons in Bangkok this weekend. They had closed off all but 2 or 3 floors!!

    With no planes coming into Bangkok you guys sound surprised that hotels are empty. Give it a few weeks and things will pick up but not to the high level seen last year for example.

    we will see bkkjames :o

    yes, we most definately will (one way or another) :D

  8. I was at the 4 Seasons in Bangkok this weekend. They had closed off all but 2 or 3 floors!!

    With no planes coming into Bangkok you guys sound surprised that hotels are empty. Give it a few weeks and things will pick up but not to the high level seen last year for example.

  9. Perhaps could be moved to News Cliipings Forum:

    Democrats could face dissolution: EC

    The Puea Thai party filed a complaint with the Election Commission (EC) against the Democrat party after its leader and newly elected prime minister Abhisit Vejjajiva appeared to team up with banned politician Newin Chidchob.

    EC member Prapun Naigowit, referring to the Puea Thai's petition, said the photograph of Mr Abhisit hugging with Mr Newin in an attempt to get more MPs to help the Democrat party set up the new administration could violate articles 96 and 98 of the constitution.

    Continued at:


    Grasping at any straw they can. If he wai-ed at Newin it would be ok but since he hugged him he violated the constitution?

  10. This I found www.ttrweekly.com

    Passengers and flights dip

    12 December 2008 11:00

    Passengers fall 45% so far while flights are down by 26%.

    Since its re-opening, 5 December, the average daily passenger movements at Suvarnabhumi Airport dropped 44.36% while flights fell 25.91%.

    In response the Airports of Thailand will consider assisting airlines financially and other business operators at the airport. It is forecasting a serious impact on business for the next six months.

    Suvarnabhumi Airports deputy director Commander, Prateep Wichitto, revealed passenger movements sank 44.36% after the airport re-opened, from 100,000 passengers a day during the same month last year. International passenger movements now stand at 55,737 to 44,149 (arrivals, departures and transit) and 11,588 domestic passengers.

    All 105 airlines serving the city resumed services, but frequencies fell. There are now 496 flights a day — 362 international flights and 134 domestic flights, compared with 714 flights, which represents 25.91% drop.

    The volume of cargo through the airport decreased 28.83% from 3,365 tons a day to 2,395.

    Despite these declines, Mr Prateep insists the airport can recover within six months and continue with its target to join the world’s top 10 ranked airports by 2010.

    AoT acting president and Suvarnahumi Airport director, Serirat Prasutanond, reported, after the board meeting 11 December, that AoT lost approximately Bt60 million a day from 26 November to 4 December. AoT confirmed it intends to sue the People Alliance for Democracy for damages. Documents and evidence needed to file a lawsuit will be ready in January.

    Suvarnabumi Airport will suffer for six months, he added, resulting in stagnant traffic mainly due to a lack of confidence in the airport’s security.

    AoT will consider offering incentives to airlines and duty-free shops such as lower rental fee.

    It is considering reimbursing King Power’s rental for the days the airport was closed. Over 10-days of disruption that would amount to around Bt85 million.

  11. Since this is subtitle 'Avatar Etiquette', I have to express my opinion that I HATE all of the overly animated or fast-moving avatars that are all over the place. It just seems so distracting. I realize that pressing ESC stops them from moving, but I just can't figure out why someone would want to use something like that in the first place.

    I suppose it's just my own fault, but I just can't stand them!


    I agree with you 100%,

    ok it's flash or similar we get it. next.

  12. Hilarious Stuff Guys - you two should get a room.

    As for the Glory Hunter quibs, no worries there - I can take it, comes with the territory of actually winning from time to time.

    Hey wait a minute - calling me a GH is borderline discrimination and racist! Oh no, what should I do. Start a topic about racism is football. :o

  13. SOURCE: http://www.pattayaone.net/news/2008/decemb...5_12_51_4.shtml

    Monday 15th December 2008

    Pakistani Pill Pair Pricked

    On Sunday evening undercover tourist police officers organized an operation at a north Pattaya petrol station designed

    to catch a pair of known dealers selling sexual enhancement drugs. At the petrol station police arrested two men, one

    identified as Shahid Bajwa, aged 36, and the other as 26-year-old Muhammad Talat, both from Pakistan. The pair were

    taken back to Pattaya police station in Soi 9 for interviewing. At the time of their arrest they had 1,500 pills such as Viagra

    and Kamagra in their possession. Both men realized they could not claim the pills were for their own use. They simply

    confessed to having been engaged in this lucrative trade for much of the past two years. The pills are worth an estimated

    100,000 baht on the streets. The pair said they purchased the pills from agents in the south of Thailand. The majority of their

    customers were foreigners. The two men will face court in the coming days.


    Undercover tourist police officers? Well between the plainclothes officers and

    the legions of volunteers, it's safe to assume they're all some form of police. :o

    Let's do the math. Two guys 1500 blue pills = 750 each. Twice a day for a year doesn't seem out the range of possibilities. Defense rests.

  14. Here 430 million pound purely for ethnic minorities, now you show us funding for white working class kids.


    Facts can be so inconvienent.

    that's ten bloody years ago! at least try to be relevant, eh?

    besides which, i'd have thought that a good right-winger like yourself would have welcomed any initiative aimed at helping immigrants to learn to speak english and 'integrate'. but you probably just want them all to go home of course.

    incidentally, since this is a football forum, what team do you support? only i imagine they have their fair share of foreign players. how do you feel about them coming over here, taking football jobs away from british folk etc?

    That would have to be arsenal wouldn't it? :o

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