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Posts posted by bkkjames

  1. It's not just NFL, the farce this weekend with the FA Cup (Football), which was shown pretty much everywhere else in Asia, was not in Thailand. Turdvisions are IMO a pile of <deleted>, promise certain sporting events, charge for it, but don't show. :o

    Don't like to debate with fellow United fans, but where did true promise any particular WildCard game in their TV guide? Also, since last year we knew the FA Cup was not being offered on their service.

  2. There is another possible explanation for no FA Cup coverage, Maybe ESPN/STAR didn't want to broadcast the FA matches to Thailand, so they specifically omitted Thailand from their bid. One of the sponsors of ESPN/STAR football and football related programmes is Tiger Beer, and their advert is always censored by True. Maybe they told ESPN that they would withdraw their sponsorship if the matches were broadcast in Thailand. IMHO that's a bit sort sighted as, although we are unable to see their ad, we can still see the name of the product.

    This would explain the Premier League matches switching from ESPN to True two seasons ago. It's possible that ESPN didn't include Thailand in their bid then and True stepped in to save the siuation, but True are not willing to pay for coverage of teams such as Hartlepool and Histon.

    We all know that the appearance of the smaller clubs is what helps to add to the magic of the Cup, but the average Asian viewer just wants to see the big boys in action.

    We don't know the whole story but, if ESPN is cutting coverage of football to Thailand so as to please their sponsors, then what will happen when the Champions League contracts need to be renewed?

    I believe the FA Cup and EPL was part of the bid that ESPN /STAR put forth to True. But when True decided to go another direction, out went the rights to the FA Cup.

    As for your last point, I would not worry. Champions League will be shown here.

  3. Yes. Thankfully we cleared that up; always wondered what those guys with the numbered orange vests sat atop Hoda Waves were up to.

    Back on topic.

    Do Thai women generally get hot and crazy over motorbike mechanics / motorbike taxi drivers?... Or are they just calling them over and siting on the back of their scooters for other reasons?


    how to explain this delicately? most of the girls you see hanging about the motorbike boys are on the job (nudge nudge wink wink - u know ) and through various means subsidize, support these guys through cash, wiskey and other assorted gifts.

  4. Went in to this place with my mate and 2 companions and ordered 3 drinks as my other half did not want one and was told NO DRINK NO SEAT so we checked binned and walked.

    in no way am I sticking up for AW, but if you went to a movie theatre to watch a show, would you not need a ticket? :o

  5. Sir Elton is back in the fold (QPR is it) I see. Seems someone on the team caught his eye. :o

    elton's watford soft lad.


    that's it! chris de burg (sp) you say - a liverpool fan? Now I know where got the inspiration for the song "Ladies in Red, brawling next to me, cheek to cheek, nobody here, only Stevie G, I'm all alone, in this 10 foot square sell...."

  6. nice one BB, i can't imagine stuart turner's email address being any different from the standard firstname.surname format. and jimjim's right, the more people make a fuss about this the more likely they are to jump about it.

    since the new truesport stuff started a year ago, no FA cup games. chances are the thai channels will pick up in later rounds

  7. bonobo, just curious, in a former life were you a financial advisor to the bush administration? :o

    Uh, I guess that is supposed to be funny, but I must be too obtuse to understand the humor.

    not really mate, but I guess you figure we are too obtuse to understand that thailand has many more motorbike drivers than lawyers and dentists and felt the need to remind us.

  8. Yes Bonbo. But come on.

    Would the average lady be more atrracted to;

    A) A motorbike taxi driver.

    :D A high flying lawyer / dentist.

    Your average woman, if she thought she had a reasonable chance of landing one, would most likely go after the lawyer or dentist over a motorcylce taxi driver, all esle being equal. But how many uneducated maids, factory workers, restaurant workers, and yes, bar workers would think they have a good chance of dating a dentist? Not many, I think. Yet they want a relationship just as much as any university grad, so they seek one where they can find one. And since they probably live, eat, and go out where the same motorcylce taxi drivers live, eat, and go out, it seems logical that these two groups of people form relationships together far easier than a combination of disparate social classes.

    And there are a heck of alot more motorcylce taxi drivers in Thailand than there are lawyers, so there are going to be a heck of alot more relationships involving motorcycle taxi drivers than relationships involving lawyers.

    bonobo, just curious, in a former life were you a financial advisor to the bush administration? :o

  9. you were blasting the daily mail about something they wrote of SG earlier, re: daily mail, dont forget mr piers - arsenal fanatic :o

    the mail tends to sensationalise somewhat and in the gerrard case it should have been and should be reported that he's under charge and is such innocent until proven guilty.

    and re morgan, yeah he's a horrible individual. . . .but then annoying celebrity fans aren't exclusive to arsenal. we have chris de burgh for gods' sakes.

    Sir Elton is back in the fold (QPR is it) I see. Seems someone on the team caught his eye. :D

  10. I'm not sure why this is in the golf forum. It's probably my mistake, and

    i would ask the mods to change it. I'll try to do it myself.

    I still believe there's some kind of a Zorro worship of them. It's not necessarily an Esaan thing, either.

    well, i noticed all the caddies are from Issan as well :o

  11. funny how stevie likes to quote the mirror, daily mail etc when its something not negative about liverpool :o

    i don't follow, james?

    incidentally the whole of the mail's sportsdesk is made up of chelsea supporters. . .

    you were blasting the daily mail about something they wrote of SG earlier, re: daily mail, dont forget mr piers - arsenal fanatic :D

  12. Been awhile so I think I will just start by saying happy belated new year to everyone.

    Good results over the holidays and kept us in position for our usual 2nd half charge.

    Suprised by the news about Gerrard - would have thought he would have been the one with the four stitches from taking a dive and hitting a table.

    Nice to have a chance for a little revenge with Harry in the coming weeks.

  13. Tonight Friday 26th December, footie evening at the Crossbar on soi 23 Sukhumwit next to the Sino Thai tower building.

    First up Manure vs Stoke.

    Macanello, Mr Toad, Cheeky Smile, will be there. So if you are new in town or just wanna watch the footie with some old crocks see ya there.

    Mate, I'll see you there, as I have a meeting in Siam at 5pm :D , hopefully wont be long, as it's bloody Boxing Day, and that means football first. Can't believe that someone scheduled a meeting for today, although tomorrows 9am meeting at Bumrungrad is also looking pretty unpleasant!!

    Been meaning to drop into this place (heard many good things) so will try to pop bye with a mate to catch Manchampions beat Stoke. :D

    I've got it as a 4-0 win to United this evening :D

    May see you there, I'm the one with green skin - trying to decide what to buy my hi-so, chinese, overseas educated, SLK driving, I phone owning, condo in Sathorn - girlfriend for Christmas. :D

    haha, i will take 2 nil, chelsea tie and lp loss, I am not greedy :o

  14. For the benefit of other posters, please allow me to space your paragraphs for you...

    What out and out total bollo^&s I'm sick of reading in the UK papers about how smoking cannabis MADE someone do this or that. Cannabis does not make anybody do anything of the sort. Its not addictive nor does it make you go onto other HARDER drugs. Its just propaganda to try to frighten people. Scumbags use this and alcohol as an excuse for their behaviour.

    The people I know who use a variety of drugs are hard working members of the community who's only crime is to take a drug that the Government deems illegal. I would legalise all drugs and take away the control from the criminals. The so called drugs war that has been going on for the last 50 years has been an abject failure. Drugs now are cheaper than ever. There is so many lies in the media about drugs that having a sensible debate is impossible.

    If you put the same standards that the anti drug Nazis use then alcohol should have been banned years ago. Yet it is freely available and regulated by law. Alcohol and tobacco kill more people than ALL illegal drugs but as they are taxed they are forgotten.

    I also speak from the bad side of drugs experience. I found my best friend dead in bed, he had been there 3 days because of heroin. He died because the drugs he bought happened to be purer than he was used to. The average content of heroin is around 16%, the rest is crap. From battery acid to brick dust. That is the cause of death for most heroin users.

    Up till a few years ago you could get heroin from the NHS for addicts but that was stopped. Immediately Brown heroin, or street heroin appeared. I would love to see a sensible, balanced debate on this but it wont happen. Just like the Global warming Nazis the anti drugs Nazis are blinkered and refuse to listen to reason.

  15. Tonight Friday 26th December, footie evening at the Crossbar on soi 23 Sukhumwit next to the Sino Thai tower building.

    First up Manure vs Stoke.

    Macanello, Mr Toad, Cheeky Smile, will be there. So if you are new in town or just wanna watch the footie with some old crocks see ya there.

    Mate, I'll see you there, as I have a meeting in Siam at 5pm :D , hopefully wont be long, as it's bloody Boxing Day, and that means football first. Can't believe that someone scheduled a meeting for today, although tomorrows 9am meeting at Bumrungrad is also looking pretty unpleasant!!

    Been meaning to drop into this place (heard many good things) so will try to pop bye with a mate to catch Manchampions beat Stoke. :o

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