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Posts posted by bkkjames

  1. Problem is that very often the company doesn't actually know who is driving what truck when. This is exacerbated by the fact that truck drivers often share their shifts with brothers, friends etc.

    very true, so you dust the steering wheel for the last set of finger prints, then you can match against any one of the drivers logged as using the truck that day!...

    Also, there would be an eye witness in the yard to who left the yard in the truck, followed by possible eye witness accounts of who left the truck after hitting the boy ( someone would have saw ) .. then you match the description to the person on duty that day...

    isnt hard really, but then again TIT... far to much work for them


    Let's see what happens next - Cement Company will pay 14400 baht to the family and all is forgiven... Sad

  2. I noticed today that the Queen Victoria Pub on Sukhumvit Soi 23 is doing a Christmas dinner for 850Bt. The Black Swan (right near Sukhumvit MRT/Asoke BTS) is offering theirs at 1500Bt (and have John Smith's on tap). Soi 8 Pub on Sukhumvit Soi 8 (funnily enough) is doing their Christmas dinner for 450Bt (I wouldn't expect too much for that price) but do also have John Smith's on tap. (As do Finnegan's on Sukhumvit Soi 4). I would imagine most places are going to require bookings.

    just to clarify the soi 8, was in there last night and 450 baht is for xmas lunch including ham, turkey etc etc

  3. Just to try and stop the bickering that is going on, on some of the TV News Clips threads, if you or someone you know well has recently cancelled a holiday or business trip to Thailand, lets say between Dec and March next year, could you please provide us with the reason.

    is it:

    A) "The global financial crisis means I had to cancel"


    :o "The closing of the International and domestic airports, coupled with political uncertainty in the country mean I must cancel, for the sake of security, family, safety, uncertainty, business etc".

    On some threads this issue involving tourism rates has turned into a bashing session between PAD supporters and PAD haters.

    Thanks for your help!

    10 of my married friends have cancelled their trip to Thailand this year and next year as well, due to the Australian Government warning them Not to travel unless it was absolutely necessary. 4 others have cancelled due to the on going Political situation.

    You would think that your 10 friends might ask you what the situation is really like on the ground instead of the 'cya' travel advisories issued by governments around the world on a daily basis.

  4. A slow news day in Pattaya or just trying to conform with the authorities request only to cover good news?

    No BKKjames, but I would hazard a guess that that you don't like any nice news.

    I can imagine it's all a bit much, firing up the computer and discovering that there hasn't been the usual free-falling farangs, drunken, shirtless (usually English) louts brawling or evil Tourist Police stings on poor Uzbeki girls trying to meet nice guys.

    Most days, it is really really nice by the seaside.

    I like nice news. So when I have my anniversary later this month, i shall invite Pattaya news one to cover the proceedings and then send to you the info to post on TV.

  5. ok whopper, i'll indulge you. you'd sell obafemi martins, arguably the barcodes' best player? right. you'd send shay given back home? yeah.

    Those 2, the 2 Argies Beye, Harper can stay the rest can go back to where they came from.

    I think youre an idiot for not being able to tell the difference between highly skilled people on 3-5 year contracts who will never ask for anything off the state and unlimited low skilled immigrants.

    no i won't since i'm, well, not. you ignored two points i made about it. one that it's ten years out of date and implies a discrimination against british citizens, which it does not and two, it's just <deleted>.

    Im presuming youre a teacher or someone of similar ilk as you cant work out what is written in front of you, now if you could only read properly you'll see i said that would have been in Labours first term in power and that i wont waste time looking for more links.

    10 year ago under the same government is not irrelevant, shall we also say Newtons theory of Gravity is irrelevant that was written 300yrs ago? after 450million is spent on their first term in power you can guarantee they didnt slash this figure to zero in the next term, could you not work something like this out for yourself.

    i support the funding of anything that offers any minority a chance at a fairer deal to give them a more level playing field with the masses of a country.

    OK so when someone arrives in Britain you think i should go to work to pay for them to have extra money spent on their education, to what the government would spend on my own hideously white blue eyed devil child.

    they've as much a right to a fair crack as anyone else has.

    But theyre getting extra money so spent on their education so they are getting more then a fair crack of the whip, racist whitey working class boy is doing the worst in Education but you brainless liberals still make laws to discrimate against him and fund others education at his expense....do you not realise there is only so much money in the pot.

    you're missing the point about who has the favouritism already.

    I lived in Newcastle until 1990 there was 25% male unemployment, are you trying to tell me i was brought up with favouritism? youre a knob from middle England.

    it's not a level playing field. do you agree or are you prejudiced against minorities?.

    I know its not a level playing field with laws favouring giving jobs to minorities who may have had a private education over a white working class boy who may have had to work harder to achieve results.

    And yes i am prejudice against people that are given an unfair advantage that is funded by the taxpayer.

    Hey spidy, does your team recieve any tax breaks from the local government?

  6. that the same johnny evans who last christmas was accused of rape?

    at least rio ferdinand wasn't allowed to do the organising this year. particularly classy that was last time out.

    at least we have a party - is Rafa letting the boys out of Catholic school long enough to have a beer over the new year.

  7. He's changing "Stevie"

    I said before he was spending a lot of time on "our" forum

    That crap Avator has been amended

    LFC badge next? :D

    Go on "James" just a tadge more along the "East Lancs" and you're there :D


    Funny as it is, I think that James is pretty comitted, he's even been drinking in the Man U bar in Sukhumvit this week. :D

    only eating mate but did check out the price of the booze :D

  8. When I have been faced with an aggressive dog who runs at me, I have always gone on the offensive. That means screaming something like <deleted> <deleted> <deleted> at the top of your voice and running straight at the dog. This has the immediate effect that both aggressive dog and any Thai bystanders all run away as fast as they can - the dog having met it's match and the bystanders fearing of the crazy farang!

    This is not a joke - I actually do this and it works. But I don't have many friends now.....


    and now we know where the term "farang bah!" originated from. :o

  9. Since reading the topic about the poor sod who's car broke down and got busted because he tried to fix the car himself at a gasstation I rarely I hold up doors for others or give money to beggars. The law is the law, and it is written in such way that if you are on a tourist visa you are only allowed to engaged in holiday activity. Personally I don´t consider holding doors to others and giving money to beggars holiday, besides who dare to take the risk? Mind you I rarely pour my own drink because of this law...

    PS A real bad attempt to be ironic DS

    sarcasm maybe, ironic, too early to tell mate. let me drink on it.

  10. "Abhisit, 44, who is also known as Mark, was born in Newcastle to Thai parents and attended Eton and Oxford University before becoming Thailand's premier" according to The Nation newspaper.

    Let's hope that this will make things a little bit easier for foreigners living in Thailand. He obviously didn't get his degree at the university of Khao San Road.

    Living in Chiangmai mate, I wouldnt walk around the city shouting this.

  11. Bkkjames, yes good idea. I 'wandered' into the Samui forum yesterday and they reckon that tourism is way down at the moment on Samui. I tried to see if the hotels I am planning to stay in would offer a discount, but to be honest sending that sort of email makes me feel like a 'cheap charlie', so I was hoping I could just spot an offer somewhere suggested by this thread.

    shortlist the hotels you would like to stay at. send an email directly to them and ask for their best deal.

  12. attitude of forum members to the closure of the airports was completely different from what you are describe - read the threads from 25.11-2.12

    i did. i would say there were an even number of posts expressing sorrow for Thais who would suffer because of this and those who were thrilled with the prospect of lower prices.

    rediculous, back it up with some fact or <snip>. We don't have to say sorry to the Thais who would suffer cause it wasn't our fault, even though it will affect many thais and farangs.

    or should i say "On behalf of all the farangs here, we wish to express the sorrow that your fellow countrymen have inflicted upon your economy"

  13. Many farang, I am sure were hoping to see the airport stay closed as long as possible as it would hurt the Thai economy and perhaps weaken real estate prices, hotel prices and in general, the cost of living. They know that this would cause many Thai people to suffer, but it would serve them so they do not care. Now, every person is interested in their own well being and wants to experience happiness. For many, their ability to experience happiness is greater when other people are down. Does this aspect of human nature bother anyone? There has to be some sort of middle ground, right?

    One aspect of living in Thailand and reading these boards is the constant talk of: "It only costs this much money", "I can get this, this, and that here for only...", "Do you know how much it would cost in a first world country?".

    Does this sort of attitude and might I say, lack of class, bother anyone else?

    Mate, I can't think of any farang, or other who wanted the airport closed a minute longer that it was. What are you on?

  14. Hi mirko, careful because some thaivisa member have a lot of time to spend an nothing else to do then write stupid messages/trolling, complain about everything, also your non perfect english grammar and they think to be very witty. But don't worry about it, you'll find also somebody really friendly and helpful. So, welcome from one of the very few italian writing on Thaivisa!

    Yeah way to much time angiud :o

    Anyway what does Mr faulty going to a mountain in africa have to do with thailand?

    that was my point, perhaps all you enlighted italian folk can translate his statement (or change your avatar)

  15. When I'm jogging around Bangkok, I always carry 3 or 4 hand grenades, just in case this sort of thing happens. :D

    Do you wear a red shirt too?

    Sorry had to say that.

    Mods please delete this distasteful post. :o

    Just delete that avatar, looks like something a soi dog would be ashamed to be seen wearing.

  16. I'm not sure if this is the right place to ask this question but here goes. Does anyone know where a there's a supplier of 30cm Pizza boxes here in Thailand ? I must admit the question isn't for myself but for a friend. So I say "thanks", on his behalf, to anyone with the information.

    check with johnbkk in the western food section.

  17. Listen to Ceaser, stay calm and assertive. Act like a pack leader.


    Hmm. as the pack leader you get many benefits, first to eat, &lt;deleted&gt; (take a shower), priority sleeping arrangements and of course the most important thing. FACE.

    Try it sometime, you might like it.

  18. On Monday Night, Police Colonel Anon, the new Chief of Pattaya’s Immigration Office led an operation on Walking Street following reports that Uzbekistani Prostitutes had returned :o to the streets of Pattaya.

    Immigration Officers detained 7 Uzbekistani Nationals accused of engaging in solicitation and took them to the Immigration Office.

    It is unsure if they were deported or fined, however the new Colonel has promised to stamp-out the persistent problem with well organized eastern-European prostitution rings which are active here in Pattaya.

    Pattaya One News

    In these tough times, nobody needs extra competition it seems. I wonder what he will do with one's that aren't so well organised?

  19. I believe the Mods are making merit or are being punished for previous transgressions.

    Who would volunteer for this? Talk about charity work. Couldn't imagine having to read all my posts on a daily basis to see how many rules they violate.

  20. Besides Tesco/Carrefour, is there any other places in Bangkok with a good varied range of rice cookers worth recommending?

    I browsed Tesco/Carrefour today, the range was limited, basically just the cheapo large 10 cup cookers. I cook for myself so a 3-5 cup cooker is more practical. Maybe Zojirushi or Tiger rice cookers are available in Bangkok?

    Thanks in-advance

    After reading your post and subsequent follow-ups, I am wondering if you are serious. Just because its a 10 cup rice cooker, doesnt mean it can't cook 2 cups.

    I read the manual of several 10 cup Tiger rice cookers, the manual does not recommend using them for small quantities of less than 3 cups. So actually I am serious and have done a lot of research. BTW Tiger and Zojirushi are the most common & widely known cookers in Japan. If you were a foremost authority on rice cookers then you must have known, but since you have never heard of them I must ask myself how serious I really am. :sigh:

    Thanks anyway for the sliver of useful info you did actually post.

    Special thanks to yogi, neverdie, dotcom for the suggestions.

    Ok mate. I didn't read the manual on any i bought over the years so you got me there. :o But I can say that for 10 years here I have successfully cooked 1, 2-8 cups of rice at a time without incident. The sky didn't fall down, the house remained standing and yes it was even edible.

    As for knowing about all the Jap brands of the world, like I said, I only know the big ones - but pretty sure they were all made in the same factory in Mainland China anyway.

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