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Posts posted by bkkjames

  1. I have already "done" angkor. i lived in cambo and thailand. i have a very limited time for a stop in thailand with the lady and would like for her to see it. thanks for the help and the sarcasm.

    well if you lived here and cambodia, then why would you not know about BKK Airways - note - not being sarcastic. www.bangkokair.com

  2. reminds me of a single french friend of mine who after every date he has with a gal, proceeds to send them flowers the next day to their office.

    he wonders why they don't call him back or go for a second date.

    Use your head OP. What "proper" Thai girl would like to get flowers sent to her office from a farang - sure fire way to get the whole office gossiping about her 'questionable' behaviour - "Flowers, I wonder what she was up to last night"

    Secondly, be original. Anyone can order flowers and chocolates over the phone / internet. She probably thought you asked your secretary to handle it. You might as well sent her some pots and pans.

    Thirdly. And this one comes straight out of the "James' Book of How to Win Them Over", don't send them gifts when they expect it. You want to impress your gal, do it for the sake of doing it, not because you looked at the calendar and it said 25th December. Choose October 16th, surprise her, and when she asks why? you say "Because I love you".

    Those of you wishing to make donations for this incredible advice, can do so by emailing me your bank details, swift number and or / credit card to


    C/O The Love Machine

    1234 Soi Canyoufeelthelove

    Bangkok 1BIGGSpot000h! Thailand

  3. But how would you define it, UG? If we are listening to someone speak, and I want to know if they are being 'PC,' how do I know? What kind of scale can I use, or characteristics can I look for?

    For example, do you agree with Garro's definition above? If not, what do you think is wrong with that definition?

    How about the following - should clear this up....(hopefully)

    Definitions of political correctness on the Web:

    avoidance of expressions or actions that can be perceived to exclude or marginalize or insult people who are socially disadvantaged or ...


    Political correctness (adjectivally, politically correct; both forms commonly abbreviated to PC) is a term used to describe language, ideas, policies, or behavior seen as seeking to minimize offense to gender, racial, cultural, disabled, aged or other identity groups. ...


    The concept that one has to shape their statements (if not their opinions) according to a certain political dogma, i.e. to be politically correct ...


    Suppressing the expression of certain attitudes and the use of certain terms in the belief that they are too offensive or controversial.


    A trend that wants to make everything fair, equal and just to all by suppressing thought, speech and practice in order to achieve that goal.


    (also politically correct, PC or PC) is a term used in English-speaking countries to describe real or perceived attempts to impose limits on the acceptable language and terms used in public discussion. ...


  4. i doubt they'll scrap it, those people who buy the card are the ones politicians want.. not the average farang. Those are the guys who put millions and millions in their stock market and industries

    you mean like Brad Pitt and those types of farangs?

    Oh you mean US? :o

    can't remember which celebrity (s) it was that got "free" Elite Cards.

  5. Ah, redscouse, I do think you're a pessimist. Pessimists are people who focus on the negative and that's what you do. When someone scores a winning goal you want to focus on recognizing the team? You can do both, mate, recognize the hero who scored the winner and the others who put him in the position and gave him the chance to score the winner.

    for example, you can praise babel for scoring against us and thank giggsy for setting him up. :o

  6. Thanks for your comments so far....

    I've tried both the phone numbers - Bangkok number was answered by a Thai lady who quickly passed the phone to a young child after I said "Hello" !!!

    The other number was just giving out a female voice message, I left a brief message but no luck there either.

    Seems very strange, I've had a few previous orders from them with no problem.

    There site appears to be fully functional, if they where having a Christmas break you would have thought there would be some mention somewhere.

    I''ve also sent more emails to different addresses that I've found that I had on file for them, no answers there either !

    I'll try contacting the receiving bank tomorrow, see if I can get any further information or contact details.

    get somebody who speaks thai to call

  7. at that stage of the season? it's quite possible, though 2001/02 we had a good season and finished second. under rafa we do tend to be stronger in the second half of the season so hopefully that'll remain true this time out.

    haha sorry, i thought it meant that it was your highest point total for the year!!

  8. Here on Samui at Catcandoo we had an excellent buffet dinner for 299 baht. Turkey, baked ham, stuffing, roast and mashed pot's macaroni cheese, mixed veg with sprouts,coleslaw, home-made cranberry sauce and a selection of Thai food all very nice and eat as much as you like. Some here were though charging silly money, some wanting 850--1000 baht for a dinner. And they wonder why they go out of business so quick.

    good to hear - I am hungry now!

  9. hilarious - the OP follows the advice of those on the road less travelled, calls us childish for suggestion gold etc, then comes back on here to say his flowers / chocolates didn't work, in fact they were counterproductive.

    suggestion - go get that book of memories. that will go down well I am sure. if not, you can write about all your memories with her once she is gone.

    as for posting it in a women's section - good idea mate - sounds like you will be at home in there.

  10. i doubt they'll scrap it, those people who buy the card are the ones politicians want.. not the average farang. Those are the guys who put millions and millions in their stock market and industries

    you mean like Brad Pitt and those types of farangs?

  11. I'm taking a trip next month that involves several airlines.

    I've been told that if they are members of the Star Alliance group, I can book my luggage right through from the departure point to the ultimate destination.

    Anyone else done this? Do I need a "Star Alliance" card or membership?

    Generally yes, for example, if you were flying to NY on TG via Frankfurt with a change of plane to Lufthansa, they would check your bags through. But simple to call the airline and ask.

  12. Yesterday afternoon (Christmas), some friends and I went for the Christmas meal set at Molly Malone's. The "deal" is going on for a few more days. I would advise anyone looking for a holiday meal that they will enjoy, or which provides any kind of value for money to avoid this set. At 1,250 per person, I expected something a bit more than the cold turkey, nasty ham and frozen veggies they served up – though the soup and minced pie was good. I would point out this was not a buffet - you get only one plate of food. The service was also well below acceptable, and something I would not expect from a western managed pub, even in Bangkok – especially at these prices. Our drink order took 15 minutes to get to us, staff would take one person's order and leave the table before others got the chance to order, and we had to harass staff to bring us the next course each time, among other issues. As the place was only half full, they have no excuse.

    It is rare I will write a bad food review, but as they ruined our Christmas lunch, I thought I would share it with you.

    thanks for the review. it makes my 195 baht whopper with bacon and cheese "value" meal seem like a better deal yesterday, although they appear to have raised the price from 189 baht. :o

  13. I do not believe for one nano-second that the meter's rate depends on the radio station! I'm a right tight-arse and regurlarly get taxis, including from both airports and have never known them go up too fast or have a special switch. The easiest way to cheat like this is to put smaller wheels on the car.

    1,000B is a stupid note to give them, expecially nowadays with the fakes around. The poor bugger isn't likely to have a UV scanner in his cab, is he?

    smaller wheels :o you give them too much credit mate. if they did this, it would be purely by accident / ignorance - just as likely to f it up and put bigger wheels than normal on the cab.

  14. I'd like to know if this is as good as they say, or if it's just BS.

    Are there any guarantees it will not be cancelled and the money lost?

    Is it worth the price?


    why dont you search this site and see some of the past postings

    on this subject and draw you own conculsion :D

    If you do a search you get the last posting was in July so MAYBE just MAYBE the OP has already done a search and would like some up to date information that is relevant NOW. Just posting " do a search "is of no help or benefit to anybody. :D

    point taken. and your post really adds to the OP's information bank on the subject. :o

    Here is an update for the OP. If you are considering getting one of these cards - I would have to question how you came up with the funds in the first place to do so. Surely, it is 'old money' :D

  15. there has to be an award for naam and bendix... keep it nice

    only weaklings and cowards are able to "keep it nice" when replying to posts which contain rubbish that confuses or misguides advice seeking other TV-members.

    so which are you mate?

  16. maybe this tells me that a few farangs in bk are on police radar for drugs.this is a good idea to route out the bad farangs in thailand and i just wish they could do this in the uk.that would stop the drugs and weapons for a while.Happy to here the police are doing a good job in sleezy bk.

    Pat, I have no issue with police doing their job but if what you say is true, then why is it only really during the holiday season that this kind of action really kicks into fast pace. surely those druggies you refer to are at it all year?

    On Wireless road for example, they have roadblocks primarly for security reasons due to the US Embassy. However, two motorbike cops cruising around sukhumvit road looking for farangs to shakedown (note, this is a random thing and they are not targeting known druggies) is pure harassment and nothing else.

    As for cleaning up the UK, well I will leave that to your professional police forces to deal with - perhaps we can send some of our better officers to train yours.

  17. how many of you actually carry your passports on you?

    I always carry mine (along with my WP) but haven't been stopped once in almost three years living here.

    carry your work permit? no need, and if I am not mistaken, it must be kept at your place of work at all times.

    Nope, you can take it wherever you like, it just needs to be at your place of work during working hours.

    ok, but you are not compelled to carry it with you when you leave your office.

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