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Posts posted by bkkjames

  1. Didnt the TAT numbers give a 30% drop off in some press release earlier in the year ?? If memory serves that may have been a patts specific number..

    From the Phuket Gazette and the Phuket Tourist Association, the drop seems to be over 30%. We are talking about absolute peak season for Phuket here and the PTA assumes that hotels will be only half full. This is actually bordering on the scary:

    Phuket Tourist Association (PTA) Vice-President Bhuritt Maswongsa told the Gazette that current occupancy rates and bookings from now until the end of the year should result in an island-wide average occupancy rate of about 55% compared to 80% for the same period last year.

    Yes it is scary, yet when I try book a room in Phuket, it seems that despite these dire in-bound numbers, the hotels are still demanding top dollar. Example, hotels in Kata that charge 1500 baht a night in Nov, have jumped their rates to over 5000 baht per night starting in Dec. High season I know, but that only applies when there actually is one.

    Needless to say, I didn't book any rooms in Phuket for the upcoming long weekend in Dec.

  2. Thaksin drops British asylum bid.....

    A democratically elected leader who was ousted by the military, had his money frozen and his freedom in his home country threatened, yet the British, who champion human rights, are not allowing him to stay in the UK...Doesn't make sense.. :o:D

    Mate, this happened last week, did you get lost on the way to the Post Office?

  3. Leave it to good old www.ttrweekly to provide us with some current info. Granted, not only about Thailand, but does offer some idea of what may lay ahead....and yes it states basically what we already believed to be happening.

    From bad to worse in 2009

    13 November 2008 11:09

    Category: News

    UNWTO project 2% arrival growth at the year-end.

    The latest edition of the UNWTO World Tourism Barometer confirms the rapid slowdown of international tourism growth since mid-2008, reflecting the impact of rising oil prices earlier in the year, an economic recession, and failing consumer confidence in recent months.

    Overall growth for 2008, however, is still projected at around 2%, building on the strong results of the first five months.

    UNWTO stated in the recent report, that after a sound start to the year (international tourist arrivals worldwide averaged 5.7% from January-April), growth fell below 2% in June, July and August as the high price of oil and rising inflation took their toll and, together with recession fears, squeezed travel budgets.

    For the first eight months of 2008, growth averaged 3.7% compared with the same period in 2007, while for the year as a whole it is now projected to be around 2% globally.

    As the current troubled economic scenario is expected to continue into 2009, UNWTO’s initial forecast for next year is for an even more modest performance.

    According to the report Asia and the Pacific was the region whose growth has deteriorated most rapidly so far, after 18 consecutive months of sustained growth, declining from March onwards and even sliding into negative growth in August.

    The Barometer identifies the trends that Asia and the Pacific’s growth (+4%) is also well behind its 2007 level, with Oceania and North-East Asia suffering the brunt of the downturn in demand.

    The report stated, Europe currently stands at +2% for the first eight months of 2008 (well down from the 5% growth of the last two years), and the slowdown has not spared any of its four subregions.

    The Americas has so far performed better than in 2007 with +6% through the first eight months. The region appears to have only experienced a modest slowdown in July and August.

    Meanwhile, the Middle East is once again the star performer in 2008 so far, with growth for the period January through August estimated at 17%. Data is still limited, though, which may lead to the need for a revision of this estimate.

    The report stated, the economic downturn, combined with the current uncertainties, extreme market volatility and a decline in both consumer and business confidence, are expected to continue taking their toll on demand for tourism – at least in the short to medium term.

    “Many businesses are expected to retrench, and any such retrenchment will be quickly felt in consumer markets. Given the current stress on many companies’ balance sheets, business travel is also expected to be more adversely impacted than the leisure segment.

    Unlike previous crises such as with 9/11 and SARS, the current downturn does not affect the desire to travel. The major concern is about whether one can afford to travel, or whether one wants to spend money on travel given the uncertain economic situation,” stated the UNWTO.

  4. Best place to get a sense is through hotel bookings or occupancy rates.

    As we are talking about 'tourists', this would rule out expats / those doing multiple visa runs.

    One would think by visiting http://www.thaihotels.org/ - the Thai hotel associations website we could find some accurate independent stats but :o

    Or one could visit Pata's website for intelligence :D


    Seems everyone is hush hush, I wonder why.

  5. Come on by :D unfortunately there is no beer today, tomorrow and Sunday :o

    Au Bon Pain make a nice soft doug bread which looks like a bagel but isn't - not bad as far as bread or rolls in BKK are concerned but just not bagels

    No beer John, what will you do with yourself all day tomorrow?? :D

    well lol I just found out from Tong Law Police that we can sell beer up to 6pm since we are a restaurant after 6pm no alcohol apparently that goes for today tomorrow and sunday

    was the usual confusion

    Isn't it always interesting to see that when it comes to alcohol rules in this country, that impretation is discretionary and oft times very fluid.

  6. One thing that gets to me is that if you are a supporter of the so-called top 4, you are a branded a glory chaser.

    Isn't that the whole point of sports - to win?

    If we left it to the non-glory chasers, all we would have is a bunch of long-ballers who can't string 3 passes together without turning it over or losing it out of bounds. (exciting stuff to watch I might add)

    Anyways there is an old saying..."show me a good loser and I will show you a loser"

    Perhaps if some of the other non-glory chasers would look to Hull as an example of what could be, instead of Newcastle, who seem to think because they are a big team, they should automatically be in or near the top, someday these non-glory hunters could look at themselves in the mirror and say "Glory Glory Shefield United, Leeds and so on." :o

  7. I would read beyond the headlines. What was he doing there at that time? Looks pretty wasted in the photos.

    No I am not one of these 'defend Thais at all costs' type of people, but I honestly believe that you don't get stabbed for nothing in this town.

    I may be a newbie on this forum, but I have lived here for 3 years, and never heard of anything like this happening to anyone that I know, or to anyone that they know, which covers a big %age of the expats here.

    This kind of story is really sh1tty for Pattaya, and would be better left in a certain newspaper proprietor's small brain rather than spread across the internet, dragging Pattaya's reputation even lower into the gutter.

    Funny how the only problem I have ever had here is with a drunk american tourist, never a hint of aggression from any Thai people. OK there is the odd mugging etc, but 95% of these Thai on Farang crimes are self inflicted IMHO.

    I see that in your 3 years here you have been conditioned to tow the line - "ya let's cover ever thing up so as not to hurt business and the image of Pattaya"

    The other stuff is bullocks as well. Why are defending someone who tried to murder someone? Take your blinders off and read the Pattaya news clipping section EVERYDAY to get a better / broader view of all the things going on in your little friendly resort town.

    And living in BK reading the 'news' clippings gives you a broader view than someone who lives here, goes out on the town regularly, knows a large %age of the local expats, as well as some very well connected Thais.

    Why does this never happen to anybody that I know, or anyone that they know? That's alot of people not getting into grief.

    As I said in my earlier post, I am no way a Thai apologiser, but these stories are generally sensationalised by our beloved NC, to get a few more hits on his crappy website.

    But an expert like you, reading the Pattaya news clippings EVERYDAY would know more about it than me. My humblist apologies sir, I bow to your wisdom.

    Perhaps it isnt the long term expat that has learned the ropes that the reporting crime news would have any affect on, but say the newbie farang tourist that doesn't know the pitfalls and on-the-ground actualities, that publishing news stories reflecting crimes against farangs / tourists, may by some slight chance prevent at least one from become another Pattaya statistic / victim.

  8. was a good fast paced game

    but anyone suggesting Arsenal didnt deserve to win obviously slept through and missed half the game :o

    Which half do you refer? Certainly not the first unless you count the shot by Nasri the bounced off a defender. Anyways, this game is what a week old now, next.

  9. for a man who has previously claimed to be an ambassador for his country he doesn't half behave like a shithouse on a regular basis.

    How can you slag off anyone? when your leader, captain and only inspirational player is a diving cheat....Atletico Madrid comes to mind!!! :o

    who's talking about gerrard? not that he's our only inspirational player anyway.

    you're defending drogba? the man's a coward and a shithouse and i thought you'd have realised that after his pathetic behaviour in the european cup final. he lost you that by the way, not john terry.

    Glad to see there is something Stevie and I agree on :D

  10. I would like a soup sub forum, just for soups.

    yes, and a cheese forum and a biscuit forum.

    Just have one FOOD FORUM -

    Under it have all your subheadings - Thai, Indian, English, American etc.

    Seems to work in the FOOTBALL FORUM - and if we football fans can figure that one out, I am sure the more intelligenct conosir tipes on her can keep a food thread organised.

  11. Can anyone tell me where the good used English language bookstores are in Bangkok? I just moved to Ranu Nakhon and I need a library desperately! I'll be in BKK next week and want to take an empty suitcase down with me to fill with books, something a bit meatier than Tom Clancy and John Grisham. Thanks!

    Ricklee........Have you considered ebooks and a ebook reader. You don't have to leave home to get them and don't need a suitcase to carry them around. Have been toying with the idea myself, but I'm rather attached to having a library of my own. Although it would be easy to swap ebooks with others, just by downloading. If I could find enough people to swap with (thereby reducing the cost), I'd consider it.

    Any thoughts or experience in ebooks? :(

    One, don't drop them in the bathtub. :D

    :D:D:D Is that the voice of experience :o

    Did try surfing the web on a mobile once while taking a bath. The phone rang - I dropped it, thankfully the only shock was the sticker price of replacing it.

    Worse yet, don't drop your ebook or mobile while sitting on the toilet!

  12. This type of thing (balcony diving) is the reason why in Las Vegas there are no balconies at the hotels.

    So true but....... Hoover Dam is really not that far of a drive.

    Perhaps the hotels and condos of Pattaya should do what they are doing (have done) at locations on the Golden Gate Bridge:

    1) Installing signs with crisis hot-line numbers

    2) Providing call boxes for hot-line assistance

    3) Installing remote surveillance cameras

    4) Suicide watch patrol

    Ever see the movie the Lonely Guy?

  13. am making some real New York bagels today if I get the time ... will be available at the Bistro tomorrow


    Gonna be up your way tomorrow John (the Mrs and I are moving closer at the end of the month) so I might drop by.

    Re The bagel - this is my retirement business plan in the making. Give me a couple of years to get this sorted then we will bask in real bagels again in the city.

    Au Bon Pain is not the standard!!!

  14. Can anyone tell me where the good used English language bookstores are in Bangkok? I just moved to Ranu Nakhon and I need a library desperately! I'll be in BKK next week and want to take an empty suitcase down with me to fill with books, something a bit meatier than Tom Clancy and John Grisham. Thanks!

    Ricklee........Have you considered ebooks and a ebook reader. You don't have to leave home to get them and don't need a suitcase to carry them around. Have been toying with the idea myself, but I'm rather attached to having a library of my own. Although it would be easy to swap ebooks with others, just by downloading. If I could find enough people to swap with (thereby reducing the cost), I'd consider it.

    Any thoughts or experience in ebooks? :D

    One, don't drop them in the bathtub. :o

  15. I would read beyond the headlines. What was he doing there at that time? Looks pretty wasted in the photos.

    No I am not one of these 'defend Thais at all costs' type of people, but I honestly believe that you don't get stabbed for nothing in this town.

    I may be a newbie on this forum, but I have lived here for 3 years, and never heard of anything like this happening to anyone that I know, or to anyone that they know, which covers a big %age of the expats here.

    This kind of story is really sh1tty for Pattaya, and would be better left in a certain newspaper proprietor's small brain rather than spread across the internet, dragging Pattaya's reputation even lower into the gutter.

    Funny how the only problem I have ever had here is with a drunk american tourist, never a hint of aggression from any Thai people. OK there is the odd mugging etc, but 95% of these Thai on Farang crimes are self inflicted IMHO.

    I see that in your 3 years here you have been conditioned to tow the line - "ya let's cover ever thing up so as not to hurt business and the image of Pattaya"

    The other stuff is bullocks as well. Why are defending someone who tried to murder someone? Take your blinders off and read the Pattaya news clipping section EVERYDAY to get a better / broader view of all the things going on in your little friendly resort town.

  16. Nine months of pregnancy is a good reason not to have children .

    Thank Stars for abortion !!!

    And I agree with the smelly remark, (though one doesn't have to use diapers for so liong it is quite possible to train children to let you know when they need to move bowels..and such .) But baby turds ,Yech.

    And infants do look like little aliens, or worms with big heads ...Actually kinda gross me out .

    Once they get to be toddlers though, and have some personality then they get cute

    I guess you are happy that your little mommy didn't abort you. :o

  17. Sorry guys I cannot view any EPL table on the web and my phone line is down...could someone tell me who is top of the table ?

    Glad you are interested in November table positions, take a hint from Arsenal last year and relax, or you might slip when it really counts. :o

  18. I agree that Bendtner just doesnt seem to have it at this level.....sell him to Middlesborough or Bolton :o

    Before he left Chelsea Jose 'The Great' was interested in recruiting Bendtner. He must have some potential for a host of top managers to be keen in on him but my patience with him is thinning, still rather him than BerbaSulk in our XI.

    And for the record, I thought West Ham were unprofessional and duly punished on their 1-0 lead. We saw it with Arsenal Spurs and it happened again, but with 3 goals. They didn't see out the lead and defended like schoolboys. A sickener for the fans, I feel for you...Arsenal were there recently too.

    Don't agree with you Mr Grim, yes Berbasulk looks like he could use a swift kick in the rear from time to time but Bendtner cannot score...period.

  19. If they want a tourist industry they have to stop all these closing days,am thinking mainly of the days they close for electoral voting.

    They already have a healthy tourist industry. I doubt a few days of closure will be of any significance.

    you are joking !...........close 1 day the day of cremation which i think is the 16th.up to them,but its no fun being a tourist and arriving and finding a 3 day closure,but i dont think the thai govt. really cares.

    This kind of rant sounds very similar to the visa runner who went to Penang / KL only to find out they had a national holiday in the country and the embassies were closed and said "nobody told me".

    It's not like this is something that just sprung up, they have been talking about these dates for months.

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