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Posts posted by bkkjames

  1. How is that a rip off? My skim is like this,

    10,000 baht in 10 months installment. 1000 baht per month for the next 10 months. And after three years , i would have to pay 100 baht to renew something like that.

    I took my Thai friend with me, he made it written on the agreement paper with California fitness stamp on it. If you noticed, none of their promotion are written on their agreement which means they can terminate your account anytime without prior notice.

    very good deal for me! i don't care if it shuts down. I just payed 3000 baht for last three months. and they keep calling me to bring my friends.

    never pay the full amount.

    Glad I am not your friend mate :o

  2. For the last few years I have visited the war graves in Kanchanaburi on 11/11 at 11.00. Often I've been on my own.

    I contrast this with the amazing turnout for ANZAC day, with hundreds of Ozzies, Kiwis, ambassadors, Pooyai and diverse panjandrums. I've often felt ashamed that the UK embassy could do so little (lest we forget) though they did attend find time to attend ANZAC day.

    Today I went to the cemetary again and was pleasantly surprised to see a few wreaths, presumably left over from Sunday. A small one from the UK embassy, one from 'Alex Salmond, First Minister, Government of Scotland' (sic), one from the Dutch embassy, a few regimental ones and others dedicated to family members. Its a small step, but it is progress.

    Still, I wish we could shame our respective embassies into arranging a turnout as impressive and well-attended as the ANZACs.

    Perhaps a letter to the editor of the BK Post can get your mission started?

  3. Ok thanks for the replys, sounds like a laptop will just have to do. Now about the Xbox is it better to buy one there? I would still like to play online if possible? Coming from the US.

    Mate, even old me likes the video games but coming to Bangkok for a month, believe me, there are many other friendlier enjoyable attractions for you to play with while here. Leave the online stuff until you get back home :o

  4. Thanks for the info on the website situation.

    RE Singapore, it's purely a matter of supply and demand. Try getting a Novotel in Moscow like I did last winter, 600USD per night! for a Novotel.

    Haha. The problem is that, during the period I last visited Singapore, there was no shortage of rooms. But it's possible that they artificially raised their rates for the Singapore Grand Prix (the week after I first visited) and then for some reason decided to keep those prices (three weeks later).

    I ended up in the Grand Copthorne for S$199 - just over what Grand Central wanted, and a world of difference in class.

    yea, GC is a nice hotel, the club level is great! Amara is nice too but not as central (MRT is very close).

  5. For Singapore, I found better rates via booking engines. I did a thorough search of this three weeks ago when I last went down - and two weeks prior to that as well.

    That's not to say that a number of hotels in Singapore aren't overpriced - they are definitely overcharging in many hotels - even the run-down Grand Central Hotel wanted about US$120 per night, when it's worth about $30-$40.

    James - not all online booking sites have to make room night guarantees. Many - even most - of them simply piggyback off of wholesalers or other large travel providers, but aren't willing to invest the money to make these sites work, which is why you see quite a number of them dropping out now.

    Thanks for the info on the website situation.

    RE Singapore, it's purely a matter of supply and demand. Try getting a Novotel in Moscow like I did last winter, 600USD per night! for a Novotel.

  6. Has anyone heard about the Callan Method? It is now available in Pattaya! It is the fastest way of learnig English. We also help to obtain ED (educational) visas for our students who are not Thai. Free demonstration lessons are available. At the moment we have two beginner groups for book 1, Mon, Wed, Fri at 10.00-12.50 and Mon, Wed, Fri at 19.00-20.50.

    We have been successfully teaching using the Callan Method in Bangkok for the last 7 years.

    We will be starting a new group book 2 on Tuesday and Thursday at 10.00-12.50.

    If you want to learn more about the method just type 'callan method' in google and you will be amazed to see how much info there is on it. Come and visit us if you are interested in improving your English or if you know somebody who would like to benefit from our programme.

    Callan School of English, Pattaya

    I suggest you walk down walking street and drop off your card at the bar beers and gogo bars, because unless I am completely out to lunch, most people on TV can speak / read English already - as it is a English language website.

    I could be wrong but suffice to say, fire your marketing manager quick!

  7. Enough of playing nice "Thai style" time for the pissed off canuck hockey player to take over!!!!

    Someone is going to get hurt!!!!!

    Glad to see this thread is back in good hands, time to take off the gloves and play some old time hockey!

    I can only say one thing:

    Go AVs

    Go Jets! oh yea I forgot they moved to Phoenix a decade ago :o

  8. I see your point, but I went to see a James Bond movie, what I saw instead was some kind of melodramatic prequel to the real thing.

    They could have started with his early childhood just as well.

    Generally, I fail to see the need to "develop" his character after several decades and god knows how many films.

    Bring up Bourne 4 and even Mission Impossible for an action spy movie instead.

    haha ok, but to continue on from Brosnan, we would need someone in his 60's and seeing as Connery said never ever ever again, I prefer them starting a new as opposed to digging up a Michael Cain or similar :o

  9. And this from Colorado State University Extension Service:

    "Bananas: Wash skin, peel and eat.

    This confuses me: Wash the skin then peel?

    If you're peeling the skin to throw it away, why wash it?

    Am I missing something?

    It's a karma thing, you wouldn't want to poison the cockroaches and rats would you?

    Why not? Does that make them taste bad?

    Well, I do prefer my cockroaches and rats cleaned before I eat them, but that's another topic.

  10. After hearing him for more than 15 years Until today;I'd never realized how handsome Michael Bolton is !!

    he is amazingly perfect in almost everything. :o:D:D Strange,eh?! :D

    I think I should stalk him now on :P

    does anyone know if he is single or already taken? :D

    Mate, I think you missed the point of this thread... it is "off topic" not "poor taste". :D

    poor taste is better than none (as in your case :burp: )

    I have been told that the only taste I have is in my mouth? :(

  11. I can't remember any memorable scenes. Some car chases, some fights, bond who was intentionally made to look like shit for half the movie, sex with a plain looking chick that dies five min later. Did he even get to screw the hot girl? I don't think so, if he did, it was totally forgetable.

    The story was crap - water shortages in Bolivia, not exactly the hot spot. Overall they could have made it with Steven Seagull no one would even notice.

    And this time Bond even let the bartender to describe his martini. Actually I think Craig is a generic beer drinker and memorising martini ingridients is a real intellectual challenge for him. Hence "no gadgets" by most people's standards - taking pictures with a mobile phone is the most he could do but that doesn't count as a "gadget".

    I wish they did another parkour chase, like in Casino, that scene defintely stood out.

    You don't get it do you mate. This picture was meant to show Bond at his lowest of lows, depressed and heavy drinking, it's most definately not a Roger Moore - Remington Steel copy (thank God!), its the very beginning of Bond.

    The Bolivian Story is weak I agree but the water thing is just the tip of the iceberg :o so to speak in forthcoming sequals. They already said that in the next one the return of Q and gadgets will happen and we will start to see Bond evolve into a more refined killing machine.

  12. After hearing him for more than 15 years Until today;I'd never realized how handsome Michael Bolton is !!

    he is amazingly perfect in almost everything. :o:D:D Strange,eh?! :D

    I think I should stalk him now on :D

    does anyone know if he is single or already taken? :(

    Mate, I think you missed the point of this thread... it is "off topic" not "poor taste". :D

  13. II have a 1 year retirement visa Non Immigrant O-A, I am importing a small shipment of personal & household effects. My import agent has indicated that, because I don't have a work permit, that I will have to pay duties on all. I have checked the Thai Customs web site & their press release notes, to me it is confusing as there seems to be a conflict there. Part of the conditions for issuing a retirement visa is that you are not permitted to work in Thailand. Can somebody please inform me which is correct Thank you

    As with everything in Thailand, if you don't like the answer, get a second / third / fourth opinion. Sound to me like your import agent is trying to make a little extra for himself or friends.

  14. For those of you who are Bond fans and haven't seen it go for it is better than Casino Royal plus you have to like only paying 100 Baht too.

    A big bond fan I am and must disagree, btw thread on this in the farang pub already up and running.

  15. i think some people miss the point of these movies. this is the start of bond, how he came to be the heartless womaniser.

    Also i quite like the fact that are no gadgets. as much as i used to enjoy the whole slapstick element of bond movies with all the gadgets and comic book villains etc, i much prefer the gritty realism that craig brings to the part. at last we have a bond that looks like he can fight and doea take a few smacks nd looks like he has taken them, as oppossed to moore et al who comes outof fights without a hair out of place.

    we need to the thanks the Bourne films for making bond wake up and get more realistic.

    as for QOS i agree that the story is a little sketchy with not enough info given however i think craig plays bond very well

    Craig is very very good, if a bit raw but I believe his character will grow (as planned) in forthcoming movies. Much better than Brosnan but I prefer my Bond a little meaner, less polite :o

    For the poster who hasn't seen Casino Royale, tough to follow this one without doing so. Overall, gave this one a 3.5 out of 5 because with the former, it raised the mark in my opinion and with this one our expectations were heightened in lieu of CR.

  16. I think there are definitely some so called Man U fans who write more posts only on the Liverpool FC thread? Whats with that? guess they have no idea of loyalty? I couldn't bring myself to go on their thread the thought of even associating with them is embarrassing. What a joke of a team by the way.

    For someone with all of 123 posts, I find what you right above interesting, if not funny. The fact remains there Devil (good choice of name btw), that if you peruse all the threads on here you will see the usual crowd on everyone's threads. However, seeing your comments above, I guess by this we won't see you on the the Everton, United, Hammer, Chelsea and Arsenal threads. Wouldn't want you to be disloyal to your team now, would we :o

    Only from a Manc :D

    Hey Vulc, one typo per paragraph is not bad for me mate. But that little dig has raised my awareness and will keep an eye out for your future posts. :D

  17. Hi all...

    I will only be in Bangkok for a couple days late November and just wanted to know the best place to buy a chipped playstation 2 and games... Plus whatever else I may need for it. memory card etc?

    Any idea on what the cost is too?

    I want to be able to give it to my brother as a birthday present so I would try to get as many games as I can... :o

    MBK should set you up, games are 100baht each, maybe get one free when you buy 5

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