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Posts posted by bkkjames

  1. Lowering the humidity or increasing the air circulation (fans) in the place that you store you stuff is the easiest way to prevent mold however any aerosol spray on fungicide that is safe for clothing will also work but unfortunatley they are hard to find.

    Most of my problems are with items stored in a room that is air conditioned 24/7, and has a floor fan on 90 percent of the time, as well. Its even growing on the back of my leather desk chair that sits right under the A/C!

    The fungicide spray is what I'm looking for. Problem is I don't know where to look, and even if I find it the labeling will most likely be in Thai, so I wouldn't know it if I saw it. :-)

    I have to believe in a climate such as this there would be plenty of products to battle mold, as we Americans spell it.

    Will have a look the next time I am shopping but in the meantime, try converting your home into a sauna. :o

  2. In Taipei, there are a few blocks near Nanshijiao MRT stop that are known as "Burmese Alley". They have some really fantastic food there. My favorite was shrimp in a sort of hot red curry sauce.

    Anything similar in Bangkok or Pattaya? Any cooking lessons available from the Burmese? I know there are a lot of refugees, but given the difficulties even well-financed Western foreigners have in starting businesses. . . .

    Westerm food is it? No

    Interesting though, not sure if anything I have eaten something Thai that might be similar to Burmese fare. Never heard of a Burmese restaurant in Bangkok either come to think of it.

    Try the Thai food forum on here.

  3. I am very interested in the way some people on TV talk about crime/drugs and related posts.

    I would like to ask;

    1- what constitutes a criminal by TV members standards. I hear the word " scumbag" used alot on people convicted of minor crimes. What makes a" scumbag"?

    2- how they think persons convicted should be dealt with- and do they think the sentances handed out by thai courts are fair?

    3- why there seems to be so many foreign criminals here? Does anyone know any interesting tales?

    4- what possible improved ways to deal with crime ,in light of the fact that the current ways of dealing with crimes, in particular those involving drugs, do not seem to be working very well.

    I hear alot of what we should not be doing, but few suggestions of any postive improvements.

    thanking you all

    Are you planning on submitting your findings to the authorities for action or are you writing a book? If not, they why bother.

  4. If you don't like it, why don't you pack your bags and go home!

    I knew it wouldn't be long before the card carrying, color coordinated shirt/bracelet wearing "we-b-thai" contingent crept out from under their rock to start with their "luv it or leave it" rhetoric.

    I've got news for you, most times I can just barely tolerate this country and its diminutive, ever smiling, inhabitants. The only reason I cut them slack is because it is their country, . Still I have abso-tively posi-lutely NO intention of leaving.

    Back on topic:

    As far as the ex-pat community; you would be hard pressed to find a more dysfunctional group of people. It is probably one of the worst ex-pat communities I have ever seen as far as infrastructure, support, etc. If you are not a foreign "we-b-thai" embracing your 'thainess', touting the virtues of this country, you are ostracized by them as 'not understanding thai culture' (an oxymoronic statement if there ever was one).

    Then again the prevalence of cheap alcohol, even cheaper women and accommodations make thailand a magnet for people who couldn't have this quality of life in their home country. They come here to "live the dream" in Nakhon Nowhere supporting their tattooed, gold encrusted, "thai-in-tow" and her extended family.

    I will admit to having met very interesting people here. However there are very few that I would ever socalize with on a personal level.

    Hmm where to start with such good material, paragraph 3 will do.

    Unlike say expat hotbeds like in Saudi or similar, the group here (yourself included Todd) live a very independant existance so the need for hold my hand support groups is not required (do you need your hand held?).

    Paragraph 4.

    Besides hating the place and the people in between learning to read, write and speak Thai, what pray tell keeps you here if not what you mention?

  5. What a great result against Liverpool. Another win and hopefully another home tie in the quarters. I think there will inevitably some comments about beating Liverpool reserves but Spurs had also made 7 changes from the City game, and you can only beat what is put in front of you and apart from 2 howlers by Gomes it was a comprehensive win.

    Yep, I don't know what Harry has put in the team's beer, but keep doing it I say!

  6. I didnt realise I had been appointed your personal sports news update slave :D

    else I would have dropped everything else in real life and made sure you got your minute by minute updates :D

    It does have a nice ring to it. Only thing better would be for a Chelsea gal to become my personal sports news bia*ch :o

  7. A bit like international friendlies, not needed nor wanted.

    It maybe not needed but try and tell that to all the fans that turn up on a Tuesday/wednesday night to watch the match, i think its a discrace i really do..they all get paid shit loads to play football and they cry about having to play mid week aswell..the whole idea of proffesional sportman is or should be there will to win every time they get competitive, fans turn up and pay good money to match the 1st team play not the reserves who are crap the 1st team, most team especially the top four have enough 1st team players to field 2 full strength teams so there is no excuse..

    Are you trying to tell me that these fans you mention show up to Carling Cup games expecting to see all first team squads?

    If you are, the I suggest you and they should re-examine your expectations because this hasn't happenedd (say a final) for as long as I can remember.

  8. Just checked R/T flights from Bkk to LAX. Forget it. With their high prices and now a long layover in Japan - who is going to fly with them to the US??? That's ridiculous. What a bunch of idiots.

    What do you say?

    Plenty of other more convenient options including Cathay, SQ, JAL, Eva and so on. Just vote with your wallet.

  9. Hey Stevie, Vulc et all, better go easy on the City Arab jokes.....

    Liverpool on the brink:

    Cash crisis could force American co-owners to accept £500m bid from Sheikh Mohammed

    Tom Hicks and George Gillett may have to swallow their pride and accept a take-it-or-leave-it £500million buy-out offer from Sheikh Mohammed in the wake of grim forecasts about their prospects of steering Liverpool through a worsening financial crisis.

    With the deadline looming for repayment of a £350million loan to Royal Bank of Scotland, Liverpool's co-owners face a dilemma over their next move, following claims from financial expert Keith Harris that the Anfield club are 'the ones who worry me most.'

  10. all class this lad is...

    Dirty Drog: Didier is 'sorry' for hurling coin into crowd as Chelsea pay the penalty by NEIL ASHTON

    Didier Drogba was forced to apologise for throwing a coin at Burnley fans after making an obscene gesture as Chelsea were bundled out of the Carling Cup at Stamford Bridge.

    The Chelsea striker flipped a finger at supporters after scoring his first club goal for more than six months. Missiles were thrown, one of which Drogba flung back.

    For lovely photos of the dog in in action... http://www.dailymail.co.uk/sport/football/...ay-penalty.html

  11. excu-se moi

    Arsenal 2:1 ManU

    in case any one missed it! :o

    and more recently the 3 nil score against wigan

    Glad to see you are on top of things there MIG16, with timely updates like this, it's no wonder I don't read the sports pages of the newspapers anymore :D

  12. Ummm

    Where is Futune Town?? I wil be staying in Pratunam... Is this close?? :D

    If you're staying Pratunam just go to Pantip. You can probably walk there in about 5 minutes. They have everything you need.

    just remember to keep your wallet and passport in your FRONT pocket around Pratunam, Pantip. :o

  13. I don’t believe this is a good thing because the next generation will be a breed of people full of self interest, leading to the break up of the family unit and the community sprit will be a thing of the past, which seems to be already well under way.

    Mate, if you haven't noticed, TV is a virtually community where thousands of people get to meet, interact, argue, find love and so on, that would have never have happened in the 'good ol days' which you refer.

    In fact, I suspect TV has brought many people together face to face (see TV meetups, pissups, halloween, anniversaries etc for examples of this) that would have never have met otherwise.

    Break up of the family you say. Do you have any data to support such a claim? Utter non-sense IMO.

  14. TP, i've read mcmahon's column in the BK post and wondered if it's ghost written by someone who has never watched football but who has access to the internet and various newspapers and just cobbles together some random populist soundbite crap and then puts mcmahon's name at the end of it. it's utter dross, and for him to claim that phil brown is a lucky manager is disgraceful. mcmahon does my head in, he really does. was such a good player and is such a boorish pub gobshite now yet gets paid for it.

    the sad thing is, is that he is the best (and I use that term lightly) of the bunch on FF.

  15. Who cares about the "Worthless" - at least it's one less engagement whilst we concentrate on the big 2.

    Our reserves were a little feeble though!

    I said the same thing last year when we lost.

    Look at this way, your side was much weaker compared to the line-up Chelsea put out against that stallworth Championship side Burnely :o

  16. Does anyone have any advise on how to stop or prevent mold? Specifically, my problem is with shoes, shoulder bags, brief cases and luggage. I've been hoping there is some sort of product out there that can be sprayed on these items to either kill or prevent mold from setting in. The only thing I know of is bleach, but its not an option for these items, as it would change their color.

    Mold in your underwear you say? no oh sorry.

    To your point, best to chuck em and start fresh. Get a dehumidifier or use your aircon alot more in your house / apt.

  17. There is a Bangkok forum for Bangkok related stuff.

    yep and your computer has a shut down button. why not try it?

    now now, play nice. Perhaps Winnie The Poo Kwai (got a ring to it, doesn't it :o ) doesn't have water where he lives and can't play along, hence the bad mood.

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