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Posts posted by bkkjames

  1. Recently, I sent a FEDEX letter PAK from CNX to the U.S. and the FEDEX PAK was opened, the letter inside was sliced open and then re-inserted in a new FEDEX PAK and sent on to my final destination. I am now in the midst of an Identity Theft situation due to the contents in that letter. This seems to be an inside-job since a FEDEX trace revealed that there was no customs inspection either here in Thailand, or in the U.S. It had to be someone who had access to new,unused FEDEX PAKs.

    Has anyone else encountered a similar problem with FEDEX?

    J. Nash

    Well Mr. Nash. sorry about your problem. Would be interested in a little more info than just FEDEX PAK mentioned in bold 5 times.

    Did the contents contain any fish?

  2. I have always been very interested in human rights and in particular those of prisoners/ prison reform/ laws/policys, etc.

    Recently I started getting involved in prisoners rights here in thailand.

    One case in particular was very interesting.

    What has taken me by suprise is the power some of these naughty fellows have ( many of them british but this may be one sided as I was dealing with mainly british prisoners) and the blatent way they swagger about this town.

    I was warned off one gentlemans case despite it being obvious for anyone to see that there were holes in it. Because it may " upset" someone.

    I assumed it was a local, I was wrong, it was , or so it seems a gent from my own green and pleasant land!

    I was warned off by both officials and then others I presume from his camp.

    Is it really that dangerous to try and bring some nasty people to justice here? Are they that well protected?

    Are the foreign crooks really that powerful? What is their major way of making moneys? ( all drugs I guess)

    Should we just leave it? ( something very difficult to do surely)

    Any suggestions please? ( sensible ones please- last time I posted my thread desended into childish pro- drugs, anti- drugs childish name calling bash )

    Thanking you

    You haven't been in Asia long? Advice, head their advice.

  3. And, for the luxury-minded, spend-free few among us (BKKJames, I'm referring to YOU!!!)... :o

    Celebrate Thanksgiving Feast at Trader Vic’s

    On Thursday November 27th, the traditional Thanksgiving Day is alive at Bangkok’s famous Trader Vic’s restaurant of Bangkok Marriott Resort & Spa!

    Trader Vic’s masterful chefs have created sumptuous 6-course special dishes to celebrate “Thanksgiving Day”. Choose from Assiette of Thanksgiving Turkey — Roasted breast, ballotine of leg and foie gras stuffing with brussel sprouts, Tian of Blue Swimmer Crab and Avocado — Cucumber carpaccio, chilled gazpacho ravioli, Veloute of sweetcorn and truffle — Baby purple basil and parmesan crostini and many more. Complete your Thanksgiving feast with Sweet Pumpkin Tart Tatin — Basil scented caramel sauce, Pecan nut ice cream, our recommended dessert.

    The price is only at 1,350 Baht++ for dinner.

    Trader Vic's is located at the south wing of Bangkok Marriott Resort & Spa. An award-winning restaurant, it offers magnificent views of Bangkok's famous “River of Kings”, the Kreung Thep bridges, historic river rice barges and all the fascinating panorama of river life, as well as Trader Vic's own tropical gardens. Private dining rooms are available.

    Operating hours:

    Trader Vic's: 18:00 — 23.00 hrs

    *Price subject to tax and service charge.

    For more information and reservations, call 02 476 0022 ext. 1416


    Thanks JFC!!! You know what they say, "If you can't dish out the dough on your turkey, there is no point in cutting off its head".

    If you can figure out what that means, please let me know.

  4. Let's have a TV Turkey Gobble Down Day

    300 baht per head - as much as you can eat - suits any budget

    however, this is a low cost gathering, so extras are as follows

    1) you want stuffing - 50 baht

    2) veggies - 35 baht

    3) gravy - 20 baht

    4) cranberry sauce - 80 baht (it's expensive)

    5) upgrade to a turkey drumstick for only 150 baht - limited supply

    6) dessert - 100 baht

    7) coffee - 40 baht

    8) service charge 10%

    9) all payments in advance

    10) not feeling sleepy enough after eating your turkey - tryptophan amino acid supplements available on request

  5. What about a reasonably priced Thanksgiving dinner or buffet in the Sathorn/Silom area? We used to go to Pantip Court in Sathorn 1, but I think they no longer have the buffet. By reasonably priced I suppose around 1000 baht a head.

    Agreed. Too many of these posts must be by rich executive types. Poorer members should

    be able to get turkey dinner even at 600Baht..I remember seeing something like that in Chang Mai.

    Stop the rip-offs!


    600 Baht, hillarious. Perhaps if Big John's is still open on Ekkamai, try there.

    Failing that, message me after the day and I will see what leftovers I can scrape together for you for say 300 baht a plate!

    Do they even raise turkeys in this country? If they don't (as I suspect) means they are imported from Australia or USA I would guess.

    As these heavy bastards are likely airfreighted as opposed to coming via the slow boat, it all adds to the cost.

    Gobble gobble.

    Joke of the day - How do you make a dead turkey float? A scoup of ice-cream and a scoup of dead turkey.

    Well I only said a turkey dinner and not a buffet so as

    pointed out this is quite doable..... Sure things are imported

    but tell me why the price is marked up 100 percent more than

    westernized countries that also import..For example , in Korea

    the average wage (including foreigners) is roughly 60,000 baht (2000 bucks but now unclear with

    the financial crisis) and a turkey dinner is also roughly

    1200 Baht..Turkey is imported there too.

    Here the average wage is half that ,at least for farng. Unless you are a rich executive type! :D

    And still we have to pay 1200 baht?

    I maintain greedy rip-offs at work!

    PS: save your scraps , I'm headed to the silver dollar bar..

    Why? do you realise that DHL , FED EX etc fly non-stop to Korea? Not many food importing companies here I bet use TG to fly Turkeys from the West Coast of the USA.

    Tarrifs and duties? Gotta protect Thailand's growing wine (oops wrong topic) I mean turkey industry.

    Other things to consider, with a very sizeable US military presence in Korea, the demand for gobble gobble is no doubt much higher than here so just guessing something to do with quantity / pricing.

    Anyways, if its only once a year, perhaps have one less round at the Silver Dollar and your turkey won't seem so expensive.


  6. What about a reasonably priced Thanksgiving dinner or buffet in the Sathorn/Silom area? We used to go to Pantip Court in Sathorn 1, but I think they no longer have the buffet. By reasonably priced I suppose around 1000 baht a head.

    Agreed. Too many of these posts must be by rich executive types. Poorer members should

    be able to get turkey dinner even at 600Baht..I remember seeing something like that in Chang Mai.

    Stop the rip-offs!


    600 Baht, hillarious. Perhaps if Big John's is still open on Ekkamai, try there.

    Failing that, message me after the day and I will see what leftovers I can scrape together for you for say 300 baht a plate!

    Do they even raise turkeys in this country? If they don't (as I suspect) means they are imported from Australia or USA I would guess.

    As these heavy bastards are likely airfreighted as opposed to coming via the slow boat, it all adds to the cost.

    Gobble gobble.

    Joke of the day - How do you make a dead turkey float? A scoup of ice-cream and a scoup of dead turkey.

  7. I am looking for a Thai song, with the following qualities:

    1) It has to be in the Thai top 100 of all times (this means that in 1 to 5 years I can still hear it on the radio).

    2) It has to be an uncomplicated songtext.

    3) It has to be easy to sing along with.

    Please give me song name + artist (and if possible written songtext).

    Thank you. :o

    for someone as demanding as you but seemingly too lazy to do any legwork yourself, I have one suggestion, go to MK more often. Number 1 hit of all time in Thailand.

  8. geeeeees Yasx :D who told you to MOVE! buawahahah

    BT- just a piece? oh i thought it's "all you can eat there" :(

    Girlx - NOOOOooooooooooo you gotta be kidding me!!!!! :D

    mrtingtong - :o love yr avatar! ... next Fri seems to be not nice for me,btw :D

    Everyone take note, we need to postpone pending the submission of Thithi's social calendar so we can plan accordingly. :D

  9. Arsenal star Theo Walcott could be out for 12 weeks with the dislocated shoulder he sustained in training for England. (Various)

    And capello wonders why nobody wants to play in friendlies, never mind train for them.

    That could have happened at any time, on any training field.

    We have Martin Petrov out for upto 4 months, injured whilst on international duty.

    It's a shame and nobody wants your best players injured but Sh1t happens.

    Yes but adding in 'extra' pointless training sessions / travel / games not only increases the risk but also adds to the wear and tear on players, which in turn could lead to further injuries.

    Depends if you view them pointless. You do, i don't. And i doubt the players do. But i don't want to take over the Asenal thread. We can take the debate over to the England thread if you like. :o

    I wonder if Arsene Venger or Theo Walcott think they are worthwhile?

  10. Governments normally impose high taxes to protect local industry , 1200 workers is not exactly an industry ,so the duty is just a money grab, as for Thai wine ,the conditions are just not right ,IMO better to accept Thailand will never be a wine making country , i prefer glass of water to a thai wine, and i hate water.

    You kind of totally missed the point, sorry. The THAI wine industry is massively taxed. The Thai government isn't protecting them, it is SUFFOCATING them!

    I think you should lodge your complaint with the Thai Ministry of Health, the one's behind increasing alcohol taxation, advertising and so on.

    Wining to us won't change a thing.

    Excuse me, but where did you get the idea that I started this post as an effort to change anything? I am not a powerful Thai, are you? Obviously just trying to ferret out some truthiness (sic).

    The reason for Thailand's high excise taxes on wine, even domestic wine, is to an attempt to keep alcohol consumption, and it's profits, in the hands of the existing Thai alcohol manufacturers. The alcohol market in Thailand is massive, and they want the money to stay in the hands of companies making Chang and Mehkong, Singha, etc. They want people drinking stuff that the big Thai companies are already dominate in. Wine is also seen as a luxury good primarily consumed by the wealthy and by foreigners, and they are not as sensitive to price, so why not tax them.


    Back to JT's point though about high tax on Thai wine, combined with what is written above in bold, taxing Thai wine has no affect on this group because nobody in this group would drink it.

  11. Hull obviously & apart from that, i think i remember the past couple of Seasons when the likes of Liverpool & Pompey played in it ( is that the same Competition ?? ) i think one or two local sides normally enter..

    The last one was in HK i think so fingers crossed this one will be too..

    Will combine it with Disney aswell to keep everyone happy in their Summer Holiday, especially Dad... :o


    Dedicated Hammers fan I know, but you would really travel to HK or China for this, I mean its not like they field many first team players? But have fun!

  12. Arsenal star Theo Walcott could be out for 12 weeks with the dislocated shoulder he sustained in training for England. (Various)

    And capello wonders why nobody wants to play in friendlies, never mind train for them.

    That could have happened at any time, on any training field.

    We have Martin Petrov out for upto 4 months, injured whilst on international duty.

    It's a shame and nobody wants your best players injured but Sh1t happens.

    Yes but adding in 'extra' pointless training sessions / travel / games not only increases the risk but also adds to the wear and tear on players, which in turn could lead to further injuries.

  13. With your track record, i seriously doubt that dry.gif

    i have been to several thai visa pissups now, smart ass.

    and yeah, might be up for another one, though i am busy preparing to move to NY in 4 weeks....

    It takes your four weeks to prepare for a move? :o Perhaps you can find time in your busy Friday night schedule of packing to join. :D

  14. Governments normally impose high taxes to protect local industry , 1200 workers is not exactly an industry ,so the duty is just a money grab, as for Thai wine ,the conditions are just not right ,IMO better to accept Thailand will never be a wine making country , i prefer glass of water to a thai wine, and i hate water.

    You kind of totally missed the point, sorry. The THAI wine industry is massively taxed. The Thai government isn't protecting them, it is SUFFOCATING them!

    I think you should lodge your complaint with the Thai Ministry of Health, the one's behind increasing alcohol taxation, advertising and so on.

    Wining to us won't change a thing.

  15. A friend of mine wants to marry is g/friend. She is a teacher. Another of the guys who also has a teacher g/friend has told him that if government employees marry a foreigner, they will lose their jobs. Is this correct? Seems a bit odd to me, but there again TIT.

    Editted the spelling mistakes due to lack of coffee.

    Absolute rubbish - no truth to that at all: my wife is a "government employee" (department of education as well as it happens - she lectures and undertakes research at Uni ), and there is zero truth to that - zero - none at all.

    Are you sure, 100%, without a shadow of a doubt, willing to bet the maizefarm on it :o

  16. I think that bangkokpos (bangkopost.com ) website looks like International news website ,

    but The Nation ( nationmultimedia.com ) looks more local.

    bangkokpost , in my opinion ,is easier to find in search engine than The Nation .

    But I like to watch Travel video in The nation website, that's so cool for foreigners that may not know about Thailand much.

    My observations are a bit different.

    The Nation - quicker with breaking news, albeit at times a yawn Breaking News "Taksin Calls Thailand".

    English Language on the Nation Breaking News is generally poor.

    BKK Post - better English overall, especially for Breaking News Items.

    Pop Up Ads on this site drive me mad at times.

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