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Posts posted by bkkjames

  1. This was from January... :D


    Tomorrow's Sun says:

    AMERICAN presidential candidate Barack Obama is a secret West Ham fan.

    Mr Obama, 46 — battling Hillary Clinton for the Democrats' nomination — has been following the Hammers ever since a visit to Britain more than five years ago.

    And he keeps in touch with the fortunes of Alan Curbishley's side through his relatives in England — who are all Hammers fanatics.

    The Kent-based clan — related to the US senator after his sister married an Englishman — now hope Mr Obama will be singing the club's famous anthem "I'm Forever Blowing Bubbles" all the way to the White House.

    The Obama campaign team recently revealed he is a massive football fan and was a nifty player himself while a student at Harvard Law School.

    Mr Obama — bidding to become America's first black President — watches Premier League games whenever his schedule allows, as long as matches don't clash with his other great love — basketball.

    A campaign source said: "Obama is a big sports nut and loves his soccer. He never really followed it, though, until he was told all about the passion of West Ham fans by some of his English relatives.

    "He is always keen to find out how his adopted club are getting on."

    Rival Hillary, 60, has been linked with Manchester United after hubby Bill, the ex-President, revealed during a UK book tour that the Reds were his favourite team.


    Or course Bill likes the scum, they are all C*ck suckers too... :o

    The man can't put a foot wrong, can he :D O -Bama, He comes from Illinois and he is a West ham boy! (to the Volare tune) :D

    Maybe you can get the USA to sponsor your shirts, would look good with the stars and stripes clashing nicely with the pink and blue kit.

  2. I saw a advert saying Chelsea were top of the league ????????? shhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

    There is only one word to describe last nights performance...........


    stupid me, I got the dates mixed up hoping to see United play and to my suprise, it was Chelsea. After an "oh f*cking h*ll" on my part, went back to bed and was very pleasantly suprised by the result when I woke up.

    That McMan guy on Football focus hasn't got a prediction right in his life saying Chelsea would hammer Roma. Best one to date, Arsenal 5-0 over Hull :o

  3. Thanks to ALL for your replies (did you understand this part Met Girl?)

    Yeah......err your welcome tho :D

    However....still some unanswered questions awaiting :o


    No, you can't marry me but you can be my gig alright? Questions answered? I promise I won't make you do my laundry either.

  4. . . . the irony being, of course, that most farang in Thailand are here because it's so cheap, and - given their skills, education etc - would be among the poorest of the poor back home.

    Frankly, half of them are barely eking a living here in Thailand.

    Not sure about that, actually, Bendix. Most farang I know who are working for modest wages here (20-40k p/m, I guess)are generally quite bright, university-educated folk. Many of them chose teaching English and living modestly in an exotic location instead of remaining in their home country, joining a company, getting married, buying a car, saving for an annual holiday, having kids, watching TV, going to the pub on Sunday afternoon, blah, blah, blah. I can understand that choice.

    The second part of your post is more valid, I think. Obviously the job market here is more constrained for farang than Thais (and so it should be), so there's probably less opportunity to climb the ladder. But it's a trade-off, I reckon. Pull in less money than a shelf-stacker in your hometown, but go to sleep to the sound of cicadas and wake up to the sight of palm trees. There's a value in that.

    (Of course, I bet most would like to go to sleep to the sound of cicadas and wake up to the sight of palm trees AND have a top-of-the-line SUV and expense account for Lord Jim's at the Oriental but... slowly, slowly, catchy monkey :o )

    I would lean more toward's Bendix' views. Alot of these farangs would be toast in their own job markets. I appreciate that some of the farangs here have selected lucrative niches, and they deserve credit for being savvy entrepreneurs, but those people are in the minority. Your view focuses on a younger demographic and maybe you're right for that segment. You're obviously closer to it than I am, so I can't say otherwise, but the reality is that most of the farangs in Thailand are over 60.

    I put it to you, that an impoverished Thai has a better shot at happiness and surviving than one of the elderly single farang pensioners. That farang can't look to the kindness or support of the locals the same way a Thai can. No family and most likely no trusted close friends that can act in a time of crisis. Those are assets you can't easily acquire. Wealth must be measured as a summation of assets and not just the single money component.

    I would suggest the the vast majority of working farangs are under sixty. Most of the guys I know are between 30-50, working in offices, as either MD or other Senior VP roles...hardly the demographic described by Bendix.

  5. I thought you were asking me a question, so I just replied back, that’s all.

    Wow…you are quite ungrateful here, signor!!!! :o

    Just trying to HELP OUT

    Okok….think of it as a “tumboon” then

    Post # 17....because you have already stated your preference for whirlpool. thanks

    don't know how that is ungrateful.

  6. Sorry Mr. Daniels, you are wrong wrong and wrong. No doubt a student of the good ol USA. Perhaps a few tourists wai a waitress when they shouldn't but the bulk of long-term expats in Thailand have learned to blend in a bit more than the average ugly..sorry.

    As for your other catchy phrase at the end, you ever wonder y that when you walk buy in earshot you hear, their goes that Kwai? :o

    Please don't blame it on him being American. Cheers.

    Sorry mate. With his arrogance, I doubt he would even admit to being one, even if he was.

  7. Well U should do the same too of eyesight.

    Look above again…..

    First----You already said "thanks for the replies" for post #2, 3, 4

    So I just assume, your "second" - thanks...... was for ME and Junkie.

    Why would U want to rethanks poster #2,3,4 - again?….strange :o

    No, I don't golf - too boring !…....Haha so NO fat chance - of kicking my butts!!!

    just live here only.... coz I like this super cool neighborhood. :D

    Why not go polute the off-topic thread because you have already stated your preference for whirlpool. thanks

  8. Thanks for your replies.

    MetGirl, I have a hard time believing you got your hair done (orange is it?), took an airplane to NY to just resume your TV activities? Go out and see the city!

    "Thanks for your reply" ---- hmm....better reread it again, just making sure my eyesight is still ok here :o

    U r getting old, it’s “redish” JA!!!

    Yea in the US since last Saturday, not NY tho - told U last time already,

    and nothing to see here at 10 pm - except just a boring dark - fairway #3

    Ok second best: Jap brand is good also

    Yea, I also have a Samsung LCD and very happy with it - only 48” tho - no problem 2 yrs already

    The 'thanks for your replies' part was for everyone, not just you. Get your eyes checked while you are in the USA. I like the comment about the tv that's only 48 inches, bragging or complaining? Do you golf, please say yes so I can kick your butt when you get back.

  9. Its worse when they install an alarm with a hair trigger. Several cars in my gf's village jump into life in the middle of the night at the first onset of heavy rain, which is quiet often in the rainy season. :o

    There's about 20 going off right now in the car park of my building. Crazy thunder storm going on outside. They are a real pain (car alarms, not thunder storms).

    Just be thankful you don't live in Japan with their daily earthquakes to keep the car alarms on their toes.

  10. heh^^

    Thanks for that James...Get back from dropping the kids to school about 8:30...that's Wednesday morning/afternoon sorted for me...

    Unfortuneately I will be busy at work (in between posting on here of course) and will have to catch it via the internet and of course on the daily news ad nauseum for the next month.

  11. I guess that the green lights indicate good air quality, it must be broken.

    Actually, they never bothered to put green ones in as they knew they would never get used.

  12. And 2 lightning bolts have literally just hit the tower that I am in on Asoke, I can't remember the last time I was in a lightning storm this intense.

    The streets are also looking quite flooded, what is the worst storm that Bangkok has seen in recent years?

    Not a meteoroligist (sp) but for two years running November has been rainier than I remember considering we are entering the so called dry cool season.

  13. Interesting comments, but so far no knowledge of other venues holding an election watch event Wednesday morning.

    Too bad, as this would have been a good marketing ploy for some pubs to attract some early morning customers.

    This isn't sports mate. 4 hours of Wolf Blitzer droaning on is hardly something to draw in the punters.

  14. Not a washing machine, but maybe this is still valid as a brand reflection.  

    I bought a mid-level Samsung refridgerator about 10 days ago. It was acting funny and making some weird noises, although it was keeping to food cold.  I complained to PowerMall, and they sent out the Samsung tech this morning. Turns out the compressor was bad and someone forgot to install the fan.  The tech said Samsung would replace the whole thing.

    Any company can make a mistake with a product. No company is perfect. But how they react goes a long way to show the company's mettle.  I am please with how Samsung has reacted.

    Yea, i have a samsumg LCD and very happy with it.

  15. Hi

    anyone know a place that can alter a man suit jacket ?

    I can get a couple name brand suit jackets from a friend ,

    but they are a little big and too long in the arms ,

    I think this is a better idea then getting a new one made as these are top notch material

    Sukumvit area would be best

    thanks for your help


    There is a place in the bottom of Emporium parkade (level 1 or 2) that specialises in this. Quite good but not fast.

  16. What time (Thailand time) do the first results start coming out?

    When they are completed mate. But seriously, the east coast is what 12 hours behind us? I would suggest by 8am tomorrow morning BKK time you will get some results but watch for the inevitable delays from Florida.

    Of course all the news networks will be doing exit polls before official results are in so tune in earlier if you want some speculation over your cornflakes.

  17. I had a car alarm fitted to my new vehicle. They told me not to use the key to open the doors, only the remote control.

    But I forgot and off went the dam_n alarm. Horn blaring and lights blinking.

    I had to drive 20 kms through a largish town, along the main roads to get to the garage that fitted the alarm. Instead of being chased and stopped by police all that happened was that the vehicles in front pulled over to let me pass.

    (at the garage I was shown the "secret" reset button and given instructions how to use it)

    Thanks for the tip! Might come in handy on Friday night in Bangers.

  18. some funny posts here, also seems like some posters are trying to boost there self esteem also with farang back slapping and typing about how much better they are then poor people.

    . . . the irony being, of course, that most farang in Thailand are here because it's so cheap, and - given their skills, education etc - would be among the poorest of the poor back home.

    Frankly, half of them are barely eking a living here in Thailand.

    Bender, no need to bring up your personal life on this thread, thanks. :o

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