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Posts posted by bkkjames

  1. At least you are a good nasty cause you have a sense of humour. :o

    shhhh,. don't tell anyone, they might think i actually live in Chiang Mai. But back to the OP's question, I do notice that things in the subforums are a how to say a bit more liberal on the policing front. Check out the Pattaya forum for an example. Chiang Mai is a walk in the park compared to that group :D

  2. so why does it work in New York? And here, where people are even less inclined to go shopping themselves?

    Anyways, I talked to Villa people, and they said they are working on their online inventory, and will open the site when they're finished.

    In New York/America is probably more organized.

    They actually listen to their customers.

    Maybe this was already covered but is there any grocery stores or Supermarkets that are open 24 hours in Bangkok? I mean I lived in a very small town in the UK and we had places open 24 hours, I know Thailand is a "3rd World Country" but Bangkok is a major city.

    Foodland is 24hours....sukhuvit soi 5, 16 and silom soi patpong soi 2, I am sure there are others in the city and in Pattaya etc.

  3. Colonelsing.......Should change this to a poll but in the order of nastiness I think Chang Mai comes in third. Bangkok and Pattaya are way ahead for nasty posters. It appears that some take pride in their nastiness. Should give a annual award to the nastiest of them all.


    Bendix would win handsdown. But I reckon I could garner a few second place votes. :D

    Don't want to upset Bendix but I would put you on the top of the list bkkjames, you do have a knack for being nasty. Not sure if that is a genetic trait or if you have to practice to become really good? :D

    and i see it's rubbing off :D

  4. We have been looking around and I'm sure they are out there. We are looking for something around the Australian Embassy area Silom, with one bedroom, kitchen, AC and a car park. Our budget is up to 10,000 but more like 8 ish, anyone know of anything?


    mate we would all like to find something like the one you are asking for. However, don't want to call you tight but it appears you own a car yet only expect to pay 8k for an apartment in the heart of Bangkok's banking and finance distict, well, let's say you may have to raise your housing budget I would guess. but good luck.

  5. Colonelsing.......Should change this to a poll but in the order of nastiness I think Chang Mai comes in third. Bangkok and Pattaya are way ahead for nasty posters. It appears that some take pride in their nastiness. Should give a annual award to the nastiest of them all.


    Bendix would win handsdown. But I reckon I could garner a few second place votes. :D

  6. although we hate city, we don't really care about them unless they are about to get relegated. While I have admitted to only being a fan of United for 15 years or so, suffice to say I don't have much first hand knowledge of this rivalry you speak of. Perhaps this year I will get my first chance to enjoy it. See me after Christmas for an update. :o

    shame on you man. you need to read some books.

    Interestingly, I saw a show on True Sports talking about your glory years with Rush and co and I must say the quality of the football impressed me.

    What happened to change it all these years?

  7. Hello all friend :o I am female stay in thailand. Yes I am thai female looking make new friend will come to thailand for travel I can be guide for you if you want but pls, tell me know before you come because I have my full time job to do every day:) but I like tralve bag pack too:) if we have same reason we can talking and chang somethink for new friend I am not youger girl still older girl..:D wait see you sooner I will answer you and help you I can do it..My home stay in Kanchanburi..very nice place for travel too..

    wellcome to thailand sooner..I wait help you just for friend..


    Loratadine is a drug used to treat allergies, and marketed for its non-sedating properties. It is marketed by Schering-Plough under several trade names such as Claritin, Claritin-D, Claritine, Clarityn, Clarityne or Fristamin depending on the market; by Cadila as Lorfast; by Lek as Lomilan; by Sandoz as Symphoral; by Ranbaxy as Roletra; by Pliva as Rinolan; by Teva as AllergyX; and by Wyeth as Alavert. It is also available as a generic. In a version marketed as Claritin-D or Clarinase, loratadine is combined with pseudoephedrine, a decongestant; this makes it somewhat useful for colds as well as allergies, but adds potential side-effects of insomnia, nervousness and anxiety.

    Hey BJ, you trying to start another off-topic thread..?

    No no, I just thought I spotted a Troll that might need a little anxiety relief? If the OP is genuine, can someone please advise her how to change her screen name?

  8. I am wondering about something, and I do not mean to offend anyone but perhaps someone can explain this. I used to read and also write posts to both Chiang Mai forum and Central Thailand forum, as I had connections to both places. I continue to read them both even though I am currently not in Thailand. For some reason, in the CM forum, there are alot of times when a person will ask for help with something and then there are a number of replies which are either sarcastic or downright nasty. Then there are other times when the whole topic is forgotten and then there is alot of political ranting or complaining about Thailand and the Thais and nothing about helping the person with the original question. In the Central Forum I never see this happen. The replies are always helpful and sincere, at least from what I have seen.

    This is not to say there are not many people in CM forum who are helpful and sincere, because the majority of the regular contributors are. I am just saying the Central Forum seems to me to be, in general, more mature and considerate. Is this because different kinds of people live there than in Chiang Mai? Or is there some other reason for this?

    I do not mean to offend CM people. I love Chiang Mai and many people there are wonderful, but I think maybe some of the people there know what I am talking about.

    Spend sometime around me mate and I will change your opinion of those fine folk in Chiang Mai. You know the saying , the grass is greener on the other side of the fence, well in Bangkok we don't have no grass. :o

  9. While I have admitted to only being a fan of United for 15 years or so, suffice to say I don't have much first hand knowledge of this rivalry you speak of.

    A Utd fan admitting to being a glory hunter. They usually try harder to hide it.

    Glory glory Man UTD mate, even know the words too. :o

  10. Can anyone enlighten me, please, on the legend of the ghost of Phra Khanong market?

    My husband and I have just bought a turtle from there and I have heard that it is unlucky to do so because of a ghost. What's all that about then? :o

    Any suggestions for names would also be appreciated. :D

    Be nice to your pet!

    I have at home a antic operating table (well could be few ghosts attached to it)

    The first few days I put flowers and respect it..

    Only luck follow

    You pet is a lucky pet & it will rub it to you

    my dog name is ' padthai '

    well, I dont know about the PK ghost, but rest assured if you rub your turtle against your face it may not be that lucky.

  11. Being unable to create a post of my own as using some internet cafe

    I have a few questions reguards visa's for thailand currently I have a 60 days tourist visa due to run out 8/10/08 currently staying in Udon thani

    my question is I would like to stay a further 60 days what is the best way to do this

    1) a nong khai friendship crossing (visa at the otherside from the border) not sure if they can issue 60 days??

    2) go to the laos consulate & get 2x tourist visa

    please advize as I am a little confused as which is the best way I would prefer not to have to go to Vitenene

    ps if this can be converted to another posting area more suitable :o

    Your visa appears to have already expired. Do you mean the permission to stay stamp or the visa validity? If the former, you should exit (by air), pay your fine and go to Vientiane and apply for a new single entry tourist visa (since you only need another 60 days). Any mods around? Could you move this to the Visa forum? Ta...

    I would be worried if he does what you suggests and the Immigration at the Thai border says you don't have 6 months validity on your passport - no enter!

  12. Hello all friend :o I am female stay in thailand. Yes I am thai female looking make new friend will come to thailand for travel I can be guide for you if you want but pls, tell me know before you come because I have my full time job to do every day:) but I like tralve bag pack too:) if we have same reason we can talking and chang somethink for new friend I am not youger girl still older girl..:D wait see you sooner I will answer you and help you I can do it..My home stay in Kanchanburi..very nice place for travel too..

    wellcome to thailand sooner..I wait help you just for friend..


    Loratadine is a drug used to treat allergies, and marketed for its non-sedating properties. It is marketed by Schering-Plough under several trade names such as Claritin, Claritin-D, Claritine, Clarityn, Clarityne or Fristamin depending on the market; by Cadila as Lorfast; by Lek as Lomilan; by Sandoz as Symphoral; by Ranbaxy as Roletra; by Pliva as Rinolan; by Teva as AllergyX; and by Wyeth as Alavert. It is also available as a generic. In a version marketed as Claritin-D or Clarinase, loratadine is combined with pseudoephedrine, a decongestant; this makes it somewhat useful for colds as well as allergies, but adds potential side-effects of insomnia, nervousness and anxiety.

  13. I have to say that conspicuous consumerism pisses me off.

    We seem to have accepted and perpetuate the notion that we are to be defined by the goods we consume.

    That is of course simply sad and too bad but doesn't really piss me off much, just worries me.

    What does piss me off is what this means to the future and those that will live in it.

    The problem is that our current economies do not factor in the true costs, instead prices are dictated by the value added by social engineering (pr, advertising, product placement, design psychology and so on).

    We are by and large induced to buy a slew of products and services that offer the convenience we need in order to offset our inability to overcome the artifacts of this coercion into extreme 'selfhood'.

    We are currently in the process of stripping the planet of natural resources by means of extraction, degradation and extinction.

    As with government debt it amounts to stealing from future generations.

    This is not a Thai phenomenon it is a worldwide epidemic, every country will have more than their fair share of people who simply do not know better, and for the most part are too heavily invested to accept even the potential of alternatives.

    It *is* a shame that this too affects Thailand, and I suspect that the OP, as I, wrote out of disappointment that such a beautiful country with such a lovely people should fall victim to The Trap.

    looks like you need to hug a tree.

    Hey Mac Man, I love your screen name. Can I have it? When I set up mine, I thought I would go with someone simple, something I wouldn't forget but yours is much much better.

    With a screename like Macaroni Man there is so much potential. "Geeze Mac Man, that was a cheesy comment". "Hey noodle brain", you are off topic or my favorite, "is that an elbow in your pocket or are just glad to see me."

    BOT, Materialism is everywhere - even in good old communist china. As the soon to be ex of Mr Richie sang, "we are living in a material world".

  14. Back in ancient (very ancient) times, our hairy ancestors, holed up in their trees and caves, saw and experienced things they couldn't understand.

    Thunder and Lightning. Hail Storms. Volcanoes, earthquakes, tidal waves (tsunamis), eclipses of the moon and sun. They had no way of knowing that these were simply the products of nature. They had no way to know that these events happened (or were seen) around the world by different peoples. The world for these ancients was the distance they could walk in a day or two.

    Eventually, these natural events were attributed to supernatural beings. Different peoples created different sets of supernatural beings that were responsible for these events. Some of the smarter members of these peoples realized that if they could convince their fellows that they could communicate (and even control) these supernatural beings, they themselves could gain power otherwise unavailable to them.

    Thus were born the shamen, clerics, witch doctors, priests, etc. They used "superstitious" methods to supplicate, control or communicate with these supernatural beings. This happened at various stages around the world, amongst peoples that had NO communication with any other peoples.

    As various groups of similar peoples (tribes) started to band together, superstitious practices merged, evolved and became standardized (to an extent). Thus Religion came into being. As different groups merged, conquered (or were conquered) by others, various systems of belief (Religion) expanded or disappeared.

    In some cases, the dominant belief system found it easier to assimilate some practices and events into their own system, rather than try to eliminate the old system entirely.

    In the Histories of Herodotus (Greek historian that lived over 2,500 years ago), he noted that most of the Greek gods seemed to have evolved from far older, Egyptian gods. (Just as the Roman gods appear to have evolved from the Greek gods).

    Most of these systems developed a "Heaven or hel_l" type of religion that promised rewards for their faithful, and pain/damnation for everyone else. This not only helped to ensure the leaders of those systems maintained power, but prevented their followers from swaying or defecting to a competing system. Even Scientology uses a similar belief system (obey us, give us money and we will help rid you of the evil Thetans that control you. Don't and you will are doomed to be controlled by those Thetans and be miserable, and then our armies of lawyers will sue you into the poor house).

    As with mankind itself, some Religions have themselves evolved in order to maintain their control of flocks. Much of this evolution has been the direct result of scientific discoveries, and of having a better educated populace. (How many Christians would still believe the church if it still taught that the world was flat, the Earth was the center of the universe, and that the sun and other planets revolved around the earth ?).

    Other religions prefer to keep their worshippers ignorant and uneducated in all but the very basics, in order to maintain control of them. One group, not too long ago, told their citizens that an earthquake that killed (5,000 ?) citizens and flattened cities, was punishment from their God for their being "too Western" in their thoughts and actions.

    Every so often a new system of belief springs up. Some are considered cults, some disappear as fast as they rise, others take hold and grow. This has been going on since the beginning as well and continues now.

    And what does it all boil down to ?


    The ability to control people and make them do what you want. That's what it has all been about since the first clerics/shamen/priests sprung up thousands and thousands of years ago. Religion was a way to gain power in times when it normally went to strongest/most powerful member(s) of the group, those that could take it and keep it using force.

    Using Religion, people could (in many cases) wield a power greater than the fiercest warriors, the mightiest kings, the most powerful emperors. This is evident today in some places. In other places people realized that Religion was hampering their progress, and thus came about the separation of Church and State in (most) of those places.

    It is interesting (and possibly the subject of a different discussion) to see the difference between the groups that have separated Church and State, and those that haven't.

    It was once said that there are no Atheists in the Foxholes. This came about from desperate people clinging to anything that might possibly spare their lives. Those same people would have cast chicken bones, consulted fortune tellers, turned in a circle 3 times and spit on their left shoe if they thought that might spare their lives as well.

    Superstition remains with us in these times as people still hold hope that something, anything might improve their lives. Just as people buy lottery tickets (or gamble) in the hopes that they will hit it big. Some do win. Luck of the draw ? Superstitious belief ? Prayers to (insert favourite deity here) ?

    It wasn't that long ago (in the overall history of the world) that people thought making offerings to various supernatural beings would bring favour upon them. In fact, this still goes on. Where before people would offer food and drink, or sacrifice animals, now they give money. Even in Buddhism people make offerings in order to increase their "merit" (in the hopes of eventually attaining enlightenment, if not in this life then maybe in the next.)

    People cling to these beliefs/superstitions/religions in part because they are desperate to believe that there is more to life than their current, mortal existence. Everyone (almost) wants to live forever, and where better than in a "Heavenly Paradise" ? Many people believe in these systems because they have been indoctrinated in them since they were born.

    If you could take a new generation of people and raise them to believe that space aliens put them on earth, and if they had faith, followed certain rituals, etc, etc, they would one day be re-united with that alien race, most of those people would go to their graves believing that, and nothing anyone else said would convince them differently. They would raise their children in the same belief, and despite the fact that none of them would ever see an alien, they would believe it to be true because that is how they were raised.

    (If an Alien Race is ever discovered, or discovers us, you can pretty much guarantee that new superstitions will spring up. A sprig of parsley between your toes will prevent an Alien Anal Probe. Pinching your child's nose and slapping the sole of their right foot 3 times will prevent them from being kidnapped by Aliens. And so on.)

    It's too bad there isn't a mainstream system that believes in the earth, instead of "supernatural" beings. We are born on it, live on it and die on it. It feeds us, clothes us, shelters us, rewards us and yes, punishes us, at times for no reason. Yet too many people treat it like something objectionable you find on the sole of your shoe/sandal.

    We have just started to explore the boundaries beyond our planet, and it likely be centuries before we find anything comparable to what we have now.

    Will the earth survive our existence that long ? (And will we still be superstitious then ? I've got my fingers crossed !) :o

    Kerry...do you have bullet points for the above mate? (fingers crossed) I can't read all that.

  15. Welcome and I'm new too

    I think this is a - very good auspicious FungShui month to join - I'm told!, that's why I'm here too. :D

    Will have to see…….hmmm :D

    Do you mean October Teacup or do you want to re-submit your post on Saturday?

    Who's teacup ja, signor James?...............errr your "fantasy"? :o


    Do U always scream her name when U r w/ another girl?...huh :D

    No but I bet she screams mine when she is with her american boyfriend in the days ahead. :D

  16. Marshmellow boy, you are more then welcome.

    Let's see what happens when we fry you on the campfire, muhaaaahaaaaahaaaaaaaaa!!!

    And for 100 B you won't make it very far in the BM, about 20km with my driving style, fast but safe, Thithi.

    And James, please come to the official meet up, so you can treat the X-Girls some booze.

    Plara is fine, the hotter the better, ha ha.

    No fish sauce please, I am allergic for that.

    Can be counteracted with a vodka shot by the way.


    Hugs to all!

    Alex, believe me, I would pay to see yasxy gal all dressed up in her black outfit with pointy hat and sporting the latest in LV brooms but unfortunately for me, I need to be in Pattaya this weekend for a friends birthday. Please do me a favour and take a few photos though. Afterall, if TV allows pictures of snakes in the general category, I don't see why they won't allow a few of our favorite witches in the Bangkok forum.***

    ***all things written here may or may not be taken out of context by certain females of yx purrrswaysion and if so, this notification relieves me of any responsibility for rebuttle posts that appear snide or lacking of a dry sense of humour.

  17. Are you still able to take your computer AND hand luggage through to the aircraft? Or are you only allowed one piece of hand luggage?

    I will be flying out on Tuesday with Etihad.


    These things tend to vary from airline to airline and change. I am sure a quick call to Etihad or a visit to their website can provide you with 'official' policy.

  18. Well in my book...

    Dating is....the "first step" in any meaningful relationship, to me

    oh boy...I'm outnumbered by MEN here, sure is a losing battle....oh well

    pai dee ga :D

    I think you meant to say "Dating is the first step in any meaningful sponsorship"? It's ok sometimes Mr. Freud jumps up and bites me on the tongue too.

    or rather someone's wishful thinking here?....me think :o

    I see that your new hair colour hasn't improved the quality of your posts. Are you Chinese Thai btw? I can't tell by legs.

  19. 'Promptness' is just something at the very tip of a highly flawed 'iceberg' as seen in Thai society. Thailand's societal flaws are now back-firing in a not-so-surprising, violent way. The lack of 'introspection' by many Thais (although it's taught in Buddhism) acts as a hard shell preventing many from noticing the self-inflicted injuries they relentlessly inflict upon themselves.

    While promptness can be a rather light, 'relative' trait - which can be experienced in the countryside of any nation anywhere in the world - there is a mixture of several flawed traits within Thai society, finally coming to a point, and it's up to Thais to navigate a way through their own mess.

    Reading this nonsense makes it feel like I am one self-inflicting brain damage on myself.

    "Ignorance is bliss". Mai pen rai mate :D

    That's enough of me on this board ...

    Don't give up after only 12 posts. I am sure your 13th will be much more satisfying. :D

    Hah, you've drawn me back ... I can feel those 'addictive tendencies' setting right into place. :o

    Cheers, wishing you all the best in the LOS ...

    and who said number 13 wasn't lucky? I am setting my watch now (attempt to stay on topic, poor one i know, but i am trying) for your 14th.

  20. Welcome and I’m new too

    I think this is a - very good auspicious FungShui month to join - I‘m told!, that’s why I’m here too. :D

    Will have to see…….hmmm :o

    Do you mean October Teacup or do you want to re-submit your post on Saturday?

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