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Posts posted by bkkjames

  1. Recent experience has taught me that be prepared for alot of bait and switch on the rental websites too. I have lost count how many times I see a classified ad (on another wellknown site) that was posted this morning for example, only to get a reply back from the agent same day saying that the one I enquired about was rented.

    Not an isolated case and I am sure that the rental agencies will all say they can't keep updating their sites on a daily basis.

    Best way I have found is to send specific requirements to the agent for what you are looking for and ask them to send you details AND photos before going out to see the places. Otherwise you end up wasting your entire weekend looking at 10 duds and one or two possible good ones.

    If they won't or can't send you pictures of what is actually available for rent, get another agent.

  2. na stevie, he couldn't handle the pressure playing for a winner :o

    gerrard's scored goals in the final of the european cup, the uefa cup, the fa cup, the league cup. . . .the lad lives for pressure. just one particular senior medal required.

    dont forget the Euro and World Cup there Stevie

  3. Tell you what, I will give you Tevez if you give me Gerrard.

    to quote alex ferguson, "we can't get gerrard. the boy won't come here". got taste and standards has steven.

    na stevie, he couldn't handle the pressure playing for a winner :o

  4. To each his own.

    Pasta is not an appetizer in Italy, but rather the primi piatto. Antipasto is the "appetizer," if one is served.   Pasta comes next in the primo piatto, followed by a main course in the secondi piatto (pardon my Italian spelling if I remember the terms incorrectly.)

    But I do not eat for any regions' culinary accuracy. I eat to make me happy or to please my guests.  If that means a pinot noir with chicken, mangos and sticky rice with pot roast, or garlic bread (even that made with French bread) with pasta, well, so be it.  It tastes good, and both my guests and I like it.

    As far as "Kanos" screwing up everthing culinary, well, to be blunt, there is no better country in the world that the US in which to eat. I love Italy and the food there, for example, but the US offers a much larger variety of high-quality food.

    (Sorry ChefHeat, for taking your thread off-topic here.)

    while you're correct in acknowledging that pasta is originally intended as an introduction to the main course, I couldn't disagree more in your last paragraph. Without going too much into details, as this is Kirk's Promotional Thread, there isn't such thing as "American Food", if you intend it to mean, own grown cuisine. You're correct in saying that there is a number of world's cuisines there, which is typical of all Anglo-Saxon countries, but only because you don't have a cuisine of your own, a tradition to pass on to subsequent generations. A void of culinary culture which has, and still is being filled by foreigners coming to America and bringing their foods, tradition & cultural habits with them. This thread is the very example. Bar a few rare cases (some notable restaurants in NY & LA), I wouldn't associate the term, "high-quality" next to "American Food", "high-quantity" would be nearer the mark.

    btw, your spelling is almost correct, very good. In Italian language, unlike English, you have to use plural in both words (or both singular): hence, secondi piatt(o) i (i being the plural)

    Guys, this thread is about the TV's sponsors products and not a debate about American vs Italian food, values, spelling etc. If you don't mind, start your own thread or get a room. :o

  5. Two lines? ok here goes

    A frustratingly addictive place that brings out the best and worst in me. When I am not screaming my head off, I am laughing it off - mostly at the greed, generiousity, beauty, ugliness, kindness and thoughtlessness ,but funny thing about it, despite its obvious faults, it is home.

  6. I was wondering, there is the common lotus style where you cusp your hands together, but then i've seen that other style where the hands are seperated except for the index, middle finger, and thumbs touching eachother, the palms facing outward and upwards towards the person you're greeting, and you touch your forehead. Is the latter reserved for royalty? hope i explained it well enough

    Don't know about the Royalty thing but there is a different style of wai that I have noticed based on seniority of people waiing each other.

    Senior males tend to raise their hands up to their faces fairly quickly when wai-ing each other and others of lower social rank.

    Junior / younger males hold the why a bit longer than the above but rarely bend at the waste unless it is to wai someone of very high profile.

    Females tend to bend at their wastes more while holding the wai a bit longer, in particular when wai-ing senior folk of higher rank /status etc.

    Interestingly, we (me) don't really pay much attention to the way Thais wai but if you watch it during the course of your day you will notice subtleties that should give you a hint as to how/when to wai.

  7. would be different i think if we'd deserved to lose, but we didn't. for 70 minutes we were on a different planet to spurs and should have been three or four nil up, then the last 20 we committed suicide. to have a serious crack at the title we really need to learn to be more ruthless.

    We really need to learn to FINISH them off. As you say, we should have been well away at half-time. Torres (the lack of) was the problem. No-one to finish. BIG concern for me when this guy is out. Keane is not happening.

    Tell you what, I will give you Tevez if you give me Gerrard.

  8. I find your current 360g size odd, any particular reason for the smaller than the international standard size of 400g? Also I found that the really large size (700g plus) only work in USA, we did try in Australia but without much success. Again something you should consider carefully.

    Other brands do come in at about the same size, such as Waitrose... some even smaller.

    The thing in Thailand, it seems, is that it is usually 1 farang eating with their significant other (a Thai), who may, or may not, enjoy Western food.

    Thais, and other Asians, usually eat smaller portions than a Westerner. The Thais I've spoke to like the current size and can get two healthy portions amongst themselves, or three for the kids.

    Funny, I do see large sized jars selling in Thailand as well, here and there, but not everywhere.

    Usually Prego.

    I tried the 'traditional' last night and thought it was pretty good overall. Over the years here I drifted towards making my own beginning with the imported canned Italian tomatoes but this sauce is fine if one doesn't want to go the the extra effort.

    Only thing I would add (yes its personal taste) is a few more chunky bits of tomato to give it a bit more body. The flavour was rich and balanced and neutral enough to customise to one's own taste.

    Re the size, fine for 2 people as mentioned in the previous post.

  9. would be different i think if we'd deserved to lose, but we didn't. for 70 minutes we were on a different planet to spurs and should have been three or four nil up, then the last 20 we committed suicide. to have a serious crack at the title we really need to learn to be more ruthless.

    Ohhh....don't look now but with one game in hand we seem to be only 5 points behind. Strange, was in Pattaya celebrating a friends birthday and only caught glimpses of the first 20 minutes and you guys were already one up. Thought to myself, oh well...then woke up the next morning to find Harry did it again.

    Don't feel bad boys, rather be in your shoes than Arsenal's. :o

  10. look at Robinho he could be in the champions league now with Chelsea.

    Yes but now he is with the richest football club in the world. Of which, he is the foundation stone to which to build upon. He had the vision :o

    what's the old saying if money can't buy me gold, nothing can.

  11. Ever seen the movie "Leaving Las Vegas"? I think lonely alcoholics look at Thailand like the last house on the block... cheap booze and sex... and when that doesn't seem to work either.... goodbye cruel world. It is sooooo sad but that is the world of addiction. Many people choose death over recovery which baffles me. I have been sober for many years ... and I know the alcoholic hel_l that people go through ..... to the point they wish for the end......

    Not sure its an alcohol thing mate, hundreds of Japanese take the dive every year with or with booze

  12. Carvalho back on the sidelines

    Ricardo Carvalho has made a hasty return to the Chelsea treatment room following Wednesday's win at Hull.

    The Portuguese defender sustained a thigh injury during the Blues' 3-0 success at KC Stadium, and is now facing another frustrating spell on the sidelines.

    The 30-year-old had only returned to action last week following a month out with a knee problem.

    However, he limped from the field with two minutes remaining of the midweek clash with the Tigers, looking far from comfortable.

    Luiz Felipe Scolari was initially hopeful that no long-term damage had been done, but Carvalho must now face up to the prospect of three weeks on the casualty list.

    He could now miss up to four Premier League games, a UEFA Champions League clash with Roma, a Carling Cup date with Burnley and Portugal's friendly against Brazil on 19th November.

    The way I see, you guys didn't lose with him out of your line-up and when he comes back in, you do. Maybe better off.

    Nah I can't agree with that mate, he and JT are the most formidable defensive pairing in the league on their day, he was obviously rushed back too soon and has paid the price for that with another trip to the massage room! :o

    I think Ferdinand and Vidic results (and statics) would say different, but we are both biased.

  13. And what is wrong with Rambo? And why do wimps always bring up his name whenever they are upset?

    Because they feel jealous and inferior.

    I used to own a gun when i was living in the North East of Thailand. Like an earlier poster mentioned about a friend of his, i mainly used it for shooting snakes in my garden. I got it from a Thai friend, and it felt good to have it in the house. A man deserves the right to defend himself and his family. In the end, i never had to shoot anyone with it.

    Yep, got to make sure those nasty snakes don't rob you of house and home while you are out at Big C.

  14. Who ever is looking for quality Katanas (Japanese Swords) for martial art excercise purpose can buy them in Thailand from a local factory in Samutsakorn www.thaitsukisword.com/home

    Note that most of their products are lifeblades (very sharp) and nothing to compare what you can get at the beach road in Pattaya or other tourist towns for THb 1,000 or THB 2,000

    Their price range starts at around THB 8,000 up to THB 50,000 each.

    Quality wise the Katanas produced by Thaitsuki Swords are as good as originals from Japan.

    Besides of the quality of the Katanas, produced by Thautsuki Swords, they are also a very nice display pieces.

    Just have it far away from children hands.


    I don't benefit anything from this add. I was looking around to buy Katanas online for training purpose but wasn't very confident to buy them without holding them in my hand first.

    With Thaitsuki, I at least, have the option to hold the Katana before deciding to buy it without travelling all the way to Japan. :o

    They work equally well on Soi Dogs I hear...at least in sa-khon (sp).

  15. Just tried the sauce with olives - delicious, by far the nicest sauce I've ever had out of a bottle, and very reasonably priced. You can really taste the olives and the tomatos. My wife also enjoyed it, it took us back to our holiday in Italy earlier this year. We shall be trying the other flavours soon.

    Regarding "nana", it's a common (widely used, not low class!) term for grandmother in the east midlands / north-east England where I come from. Usually spelt "nanna" I believe. It's always amused me, as it makes me think that Nana Plaza should be full of bijou teashops and little shops selling knitting wool, and maybe a post office for collecting your pension.

    Ok Chef, I will endevour to get a bottle or two today at Tops on my way home from work and give them a try in the days ahead.

  16. Thai police open fire on migrant workers

    A Cambodian worker is in serious condition after being shot in the head by Thai paramilitary troops in Thailand's Aranyaprathet district, as he was waiting for a car to take him to a nearby farm Monday.

    Sun Savuth, deputy police chief of O'Chrov district in Banteay Meanchey province, said that the victim, Say Tong Khay, 16, was waiting in the road with his father and four other workers when a Thai paramilitary truck patrolling in the area approached. He said the workers ran away, fearing arrest, after which a Thai soldier opened fire on them from the truck.

    Say Tong Khay was taken to Siem Reap Wednesday, where he remains in serious condition.

    - Phnom Penh Post / 2008-10-31

    Police or Military? Quality journalism in not only limited to Bangkok I see.

  17. yea stevie the good old days in the place where men were men and sheep were nervous.

    You from Wales or NZ? :D :D :o:D

    well you know why kiwis always F.. their sheep against a cliff, cause they push back. Not much to do with Liverpool but the type of humour I suppose is rampant in the pubs there on Saturday morning.

  18. what i am going to say may not apply to the OP but is just some general knowledge which i think all should know .


    you are 50 she is 23 , what do you think she love you for your look or cos you are a romantic guy .

    alot of people choose to lie to oneself about love ... and had alway look at it the wrong place ..

    - i am not saying you can't find love at a bar or club or some joint flooded with gold digger.

    look at it this way .. if you want to give thing away why cry over spill milk ..


    gold or not gold . you give it away . only made you look bad .

    i had heard far more story . if you truely love someone then you should not be on this thread even if she leave you .. an dif you are just looking for a cheaper sex option then a daily rate switching to monthly or yearly rate you should not complain ..

    - and if it true love . one small gold ring . is worth the gamble

    i jolly well throw alway 10 to seek true love ..

    i am a very lucky person when it come to love .

    so i wish the same for everyone out there .

    .. be brave but don't lie to yourself when it come to love .

    the chances of a young girl half your ages loving you in thailand is 5% and the chances a girl half your ages running away with your money is 70% the rest is just odd couple fighting it out now .

    You work for the Bank of Thailand don't you?

  19. Edit: I did find a meaning for "nana" in Italian, its a feminine form for "nano", meaning dwarf.

    My Italian grandma was about 4'10 :o LOL

    Fortunately, my grandfather was 6'2", so all the men in my family are about 6' even.

    I found the meaning of Nana in Thai, its a place where the feminine forms called joy, luck, lek, noi... dance.

  20. I ain't no physics teacher, but my daughter in Texas is....I think you save electricity by turning off the unit all night.

    So there you go, we schmexperts cannot even figure out energy efficiency. An electrical engineer might know. But I once asked a similar question of my utility company's energy conservation service, and they said an incandescent bulb has no startup surge. I never knew for sure.

    But my plumber knew nothing about Old Testament theology, and my pastor could not fix a clogged drain. Similar here, ask somebody who ought to know.

    But we ask questions that we do not need to know the answers. Thais are sometimes wise not to answer.

    hear hear, it's better to keep your mouth closed and have people think you are stupid than to open it and have it confirmed....that's what my wife tells me anyway.

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