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Posts posted by bkkjames

  1. Well, considering the afforementioned streak of piss has helped single handedly to get Everton 4/6 points in the last two games and Roy Keane's younger brother has how many goals this year, I would say the jury is still out.

    Put keano in Everton and streak of piss at Liverpool and I wonder wonder wonder...who got the better deal?

    it's still no contest whichever way you look at it. nobody had heard of fellaini before this summer, he's an unknown 20-year old belgian and moyes spent almost as much on him as ferguson paid for hargreaves and carrick and liverpool paid for mascherano. it's mental. standard liege aren't a big or rich club, if moyes had bid as much as 5m they'd have snapped his hand off.

    well, thus far I am not sure 20 odd million on mr keane - someone we all heard of before - is such a great deal for you, yet. Let's see. Afterall, the kid at Everton doesn't have Torres and Gerrard feeding him the ball or creating openings.

  2. Just checking to see if you were still alive there Stevie.

    The reason for my greater dislike of the London boys is my two best mates here are supporters of those awful teams, that and the fact that for the last decade or so, they have been our only rival for the league title.

    Keep it up though, and I may just have to re-arrange my dislike list. :o

    been away on holiday mate so have been offline a lot.

    however, local rivalry? historical hatred? two most successful sides in england? alex ferguson's hatred of liverpool? gary neville? chelsea are recent no-marks with no history and arsenal's chief rivals are and have always been spurs. for a united fan it should be a toss-up between man city and liverpool for his hatred.

    although we hate city, we don't really care about them unless they are about to get relegated. While I have admitted to only being a fan of United for 15 years or so, suffice to say I don't have much first hand knowledge of this rivalry you speak of. Perhaps this year I will get my first chance to enjoy it. See me after Christmas for an update. :D

  3. so is 24m on r keane ,over the top player now

    20m on keane, proven premiership quality, we're top of the league. hardly comparable to 15m on a streak of piss nobody had ever heard of is it?

    FWIW i do think we paid slightly over the odds for keane but you want quality, you pay up.

    Well, considering the afforementioned streak of piss has helped single handedly to get Everton 4/6 points in the last two games and Roy Keane's younger brother has how many goals this year, I would say the jury is still out.

    Put keano in Everton and streak of piss at Liverpool and I wonder wonder wonder...who got the better deal?

  4. Right here mate, but I am torn a bit because my hate for Liverpool is only eclipsed by my hate for Chelsea and Arsenal.

    bloody hel_l james, you have a bigger dislike for chelsea and arsenal than you do for liverpool? and there was me giving you credit for being a proper manyoo fan rather than a gloryhunting johnny-come-lately. . . .

    Just checking to see if you were still alive there Stevie.

    The reason for my greater dislike of the London boys is my two best mates here are supporters of those awful teams, that and the fact that for the last decade or so, they have been our only rival for the league title.

    Keep it up though, and I may just have to re-arrange my dislike list. :o

  5. Well Cam, if there are so many empty malls in this city, why do they insist on building more.

    I didn't say there were empty malls, just that they are hurting and we don't want to see them become deserted in the future. And the drop in customers is a relatively recent phenomenon for the more popular places like Central and Emporium. On the other hand, I really don't know how Gaysorn Plaza and the fancy new place at the Hyatt can stay in business - their stores have never had many customers, as far as I can see.

    To get people to spend, they first have to get them into the malls. Personally, I think anything from Xmas trees to dinosaurs is OK if it brings in customers. The stores wouldn't be spending money on these events if they didn't work. Now, a real waste of money was the hundreds of TV screens displaying ads in some stores, but it wasn't the stores who paid for all that.

    Don't disagree that one needs to get people to the malls in order for them to spend. However, I would say that unlike a hypermarket that always has a bunch of 'loss leaders' to get people to come in and buy (and the things they didn't plan on buying) malls are a bit different IMO.

    While all those fancy events outside of Central World or Siam Paragon no doubt have a positive knock-on effect for f and b outlets, I doubt very much that many visitors to these events would say "hmm while I am here, let's go buy 3 new suits, a TV and some watches".

    I don't know how Gaysorn and the other one stay open other than to say that alot of these stores (franchised) are the play things of Bangkok's rich and famous and quite honestly are more for show than for making dough.

    Hiso conversation between two rich gals at Long table,"You know Priew, you should really come by and see my latest line-up of winter dresses at my store at Gaysorn."

    Priew replies, "Ok, can I do it after my yoga class on Friday morning?. By the way, how is the store doing, is it busy?"

    Store owner replies, "I opened this store not to make alot of money but to give us girls a place to shop where all those office girls can't afford. Besides, did you see my picture last month in Tatler, didn't you love my hair".

    Not Christmassy I know but if you ever wonder how these places stay open....ho ho ho

    jingle bells, jingle bells and big hair all the way, oh what time will daddy ring and take it all away?

  6. I for one will no longer be shopping there in protest and I urge you all to follow my example.

    I wouldn't get too uptight about this, if I were you. In the UK these days they're afraid to put up Xmas trees for fear of "causing offence." The malls here are hurting, so they'll do anything to attract customers and to differentiate themselves from competitors. The recent "Lost World" event at Emporium had the place jam-packed with Thai families, as did the earlier flower exhibition. Sometimes it's nice to have some peace and quiet but I don't think anyone really wants to see deserted malls.

    Incidentally, the PAD will be marching to the British Embassy and up to Emporium today to distribute photos of people with limbs blown off - an extra treat for week-day shoppers. :o

    Well Cam, if there are so many empty malls in this city, why do they insist on building more. Personally, I don't feel sorry for those who insist on duplicating everything successful until a point where differentiation and competition fail to exist and they go belly-up. Greed is a wonderful thing.

    While you will see alot of people at Siam Paragon on any given weekend, take a closer look at what is being purchased besides food items, ice coffees and movie tickets. With this Friday being payday for most here, the Siam Square will be full as usual but not many big ticket items being sold. Central World is even more obvious.

    Property / Mall management companies like to point to foot traffic when telling people their high rents are justified, but in reality it does come down to actual shopper versus people who think hanging out in an aircon mall is a cost-effective way to spend a Saturday afternoon.

    Emporium does relatively well because of it's geographic location and noticable less competition in the area. The Lost World thing did bring alot of families but in terms of actual purchasing, I doubt it had little impact.

    MBK for example, despite it's obvious shortcomings, is always full - seems the owner of this mall realised long ago that Thais / majority of tourists to Thailand, are not interested in walking from one high-street fashion shop to another, despite TAT's attempts at raising that appearance of Thailand as a luxury destination.

    What would be interesting is to get the opinion of people who actually rent retail (non restaurant) space in these big malls? Off topic a bit I know but in the context of early Christmas marketing, it might be relevant.

  7. I know a lot of people on this forum claim to be agnostic but by many of these responses I think that there are many "closet Thiests." What I mean is this. If there is a "God" or "absolute power" in the universe then one could conclude that life is not random and that there is an absolute moral standard for humans to attain to. If there is no Creator then there is no standard (mai pen rai). (If you want to know more, there are thousands of philosophy books by brilliant scholars of whom over 90% (yes this is only a guestimate... it's probably higher) have agreed to this base stipulation/theorem.)

    Thiests hold that there is an ultimate standard for humans to attain to (such as don't murder each other, or don't steal from others, or don't be late.)

    If you therefore insist that there is a moral code that others around you should practice so that you are not inconvenienced then "deep down" you believe that there should be a "set of rules and guidelines" under which humans should act. Every time you cry out for Justice and common sense..... you are telling the world that you believe that such a thing exists. You are telling the world that you believe in a God.

    So which is it. Do you believe in God? Or will the Atheists/Agnostics cut the Thai's some slack if they betray your standards of right and wrong.

    On a personal note, I disagree. I think that "God" would have a different perception of time than any of the worlds cultures.

    According to my wife and what I have seen around my office, Chula Time seems to be the dominent code practiced here.

  8. That's one thing I miss about Bangkok, a lot more Christmassy than my hometown will ever have the balls to be! :o

    While I deplore the malls most of the time, the area around the Hyatt, Gaysorn is quite nice during the month of December with all the lights.

  9. The above is an example of what happens when you put the natives in charge of PissUps...they piss it up and it get ruined.

    BKKJames - What is it with you and your snide comments? Do you seriously have nothing better to do? Unfortunatly for you, we all have jobs, studying, family etc so are unable to dedicate our time to ensure you get free shots at all the piss ups.

    The piss up is just an occassion for those who can make it to meet other TV members and merrily get pissed. - think you can do a better job? Do it.

    Hmmm, someone had a tough day at the office i see.

  10. That'll do nicely. :D

    Robiho's first hatrick for City. Hopefully the first of many :o

    I read that he hopes to score 30 this season. Would be nice if he did!

    Incidentally, can you remember City ever previously having the highest goal tally in the Championship - or any other league?

    Of course they have conceded a few as well. Hope they can tighten up a bit at the back.

    Looks the skizofrenic (sp) City could have used 3 of his 30 goals last night. One night you guys look like world beaters and the next relegation candidates. Guess there are things money can't buy - consistency.

  11. Mancs, just shut it. If Liverpool lose to your team, or your :D arrogant team goes ahead in the standings, then you are permitted to speak. Until then, :D

    As for the match, the last team to beat Chelsea at the Bridge went on to win the league and go undefeated. A sign of things to come?

    When was that mate, 18 years ago? :o

    Bless him - That seems pretty easy to work out even to a Manc! :D

    By the way, was that not Arsenal? For the record, if someone does win the league besides us I would pull for Liverpoo because of my hate for Chelsea and the fact that Arsen's boys don't appear to be up to the task.

  12. Mancs, just shut it. If Liverpool lose to your team, or your :D arrogant team goes ahead in the standings, then you are permitted to speak. Until then, :D

    As for the match, the last team to beat Chelsea at the Bridge went on to win the league and go undefeated. A sign of things to come?

    When was that mate, 18 years ago? :o

  13. 'Promptness' is just something at the very tip of a highly flawed 'iceberg' as seen in Thai society. Thailand's societal flaws are now back-firing in a not-so-surprising, violent way. The lack of 'introspection' by many Thais (although it's taught in Buddhism) acts as a hard shell preventing many from noticing the self-inflicted injuries they relentlessly inflict upon themselves.

    While promptness can be a rather light, 'relative' trait - which can be experienced in the countryside of any nation anywhere in the world - there is a mixture of several flawed traits within Thai society, finally coming to a point, and it's up to Thais to navigate a way through their own mess.

    Reading this nonsense makes it feel like I am one self-inflicting brain damage on myself.

    "Ignorance is bliss". Mai pen rai mate :o

    That's enough of me on this board ...

    Don't give up after only 12 posts. I am sure your 13th will be much more satisfying. :D

  14. 'Promptness' is just something at the very tip of a highly flawed 'iceberg' as seen in Thai society. Thailand's societal flaws are now back-firing in a not-so-surprising, violent way. The lack of 'introspection' by many Thais (although it's taught in Buddhism) acts as a hard shell preventing many from noticing the self-inflicted injuries they relentlessly inflict upon themselves.

    While promptness can be a rather light, 'relative' trait - which can be experienced in the countryside of any nation anywhere in the world - there is a mixture of several flawed traits within Thai society, finally coming to a point, and it's up to Thais to navigate a way through their own mess.

    Reading this nonsense makes it feel like I am one self-inflicting brain damage on myself.

  15. And to think I thought you were a really nice level headed person when I met you at our PissUp. :o

    Ah, I didn't even know I had made an impression on you as you never talked to me!  I guess I am more notable than I give myself credit for.  :D

    Hey monkeybrains, this is what you said to me in the gg bar smoking forum that got closed or was that a load of horse manure as well? :D

  16. Just got into Sukumvit after a 2 year gap and was amazed how it's changed.

    Almost all the beer bars have vanished between Nana and soi Cowboy.

    Country Road - GONE (Demolished)

    Clinton Plaza - GONE (Demolished)

    I would say it's been more than a 2 year gap if Clinton Plaza was in operation on your last visit!!!

    Yes but not country road my friend. However, CP bit the dust 7 years ago. Funny I know where and when I all entertainment spots opened / closed - probably not a good sign. :o

  17. Cue 500,000 pages of pointless debate about smoking...

    Hopefully, as we did that ad nauseum in the other thread, someone can just answer the OP's question directly.

    If it were me, I would contact the Department of Health.

  18. being stuck in traffic for two hours in your own car is like hel_l.

    Huh? Beats being stuck on a bus or a taxi.

    Motorbikes are ok for short trips, but not for rains or a 100km a day commute which is quite normal for a typical Bangkokian living in suburbs.

    100km commute to where, chonburi and back? hope you get frequent driving miles.

  19. It's named after my Italian grandmother (Nana, Mary Mazzia). Google Mary Mazzia and you will find some of her work referenced by UC San Juaquin and UC Davis (http://cesanjoaquin.ucdavis.edu/files/896.pdf). She is sister of Tony Ciampi, long-time grower of vegies in Santa Barbara. She also dedicated close to 50 years of her life to charity work cooking for the Franciscan brothers at the Mission. She is also cousin of Salvatore Ferragamo and spent some time living in the same household as him, when he was living in Santa Barbara building his shoe business. She taught me the ins-and-outs of Italian cooking. She was married to my Papa (grandpa)...

    I'm sure she's a great woman.

    Thanks. She certainly was to me, and to many others in the Santa Barbara community. I think over 1000 people attended her funeral held at the SB Mission. She and my Papa were given the honor of being buried at the SB Mission mausoleum as well, something not available to just anyone - in fact, the last two available graves were reserved for them for years.

    To a foreigner, sounds kinda like a "Godfather" genealogy... I guess I've been watchin too many movies.


    I can see how that might seem that way ... Italian culture and tradition are still strong in my family after 3 generations in America. But I assure you, to my knowledge, there were no nefarious elements in my family - mostly just hardworking farmers and...uhhh... businesspeople :o

    Ok Tony, we will take your word for it. :D

  20. 85% of the phone talk time is just jibba jabba... :o

    Yes win frue TRUE and THAI GMS and lose for the users. They are wasting their money and do not even have the overview. In average a person phones about 400 Baht a week. That is alot.

    DR Ronnie - ever think about starting your own blog.

    Could name it "Poor Me - Why Thai Girls Don't Like My Style"


    "My preconcieved notion of Thailand was wrong - and here is why"


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