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Posts posted by bkkjames

  1. This whole discussion is very informative. I have learned so much.I now know that:

    1-Burglars are all really nice people, and if they break into your house, just give them whatever they want and they will surely just leave and say, "have a nice day", and not care that you are a witness who can put them in prison.

    2-Having a shotgun in my house is exactly the same as Iran having nuclear weapons.

    3-Having a locked gun in the house is stupid, but turning a couple of killer attack dogs loose on my proerty makes good sense.

    What was the original question, again? I think it had something to do with Halliburton and US having bad karma, but I thought it was something about handguns. Or maybe it was about Saddam Hussein buying rottweilers from the US.

    LOL Exactly, immagine if all the peoples that these ex-colonialists terrorized and stole from had the same weponry to defend themselves with, Mabey their mentality is some sort of twisted throwback from these times.

    Any culture whom's people ever had to bleed for their freedom has to problems underdstanding a law abiding citizen's basic right to bear arms.

    I think I heard Mel Gibson use that EXACT line before, was it Braveheart or the Patriot? one can never tell with Mel.

  2. Yes , this woman has the right idea about rapists. Blow their balls off !!!

    "Criminalize guns, and only criminals will have them."

    Look at US , gun laws multplying exponentially, and so is gun violence . If kids planning school shootings knew that a teacher or 2 might have a gun. they might reconsider .

    And what would have happened if she blew the balls off the wrong guys ???.

    Whatever, and what if it was YOUR daughter they soddomized? These sheepish what if scenerios are becoming annyoing and only bring the topic off track.

    Getting back to Thailand, Why dose everyone adopt a "either/or" mentality. Either get a gun or get a dog, killer attack goose, trained Tookay..whatever?

    Why not have both? The dog barks wakes you up and you grab your peice form under the pillow.

    At the end of the day guns, or weapons period are not for everyone. And nor should they be really, if someone is uncomfortable handling a gun then they should not have it forced on them. If one is not responsibile enough or in control of his household enough to keep his kids away from guns, then he should not have one.

    But lambs leading lions, those who can't or don't want to have a gun for themselves, should never be in a position to take that right away from thouse that can handle it. Lest we look like England were just criminals own guns and if someone breaks into your house and you can't fight them off with a bat or a knife your screwed.

    My wife owns here and I carry. If I am ever caught by the police its beacuse I needed to use it. And I would MUCH MUCH rather be caught by the police and pay my fine then be in a position where I NEEDED to use it but could not.

    Better to pay a fine then to pay your respects.

    Where's Charlton Heston when we need him? :o

  3. I know this will be disputed by some on this site but I have seen on three separate occasions bank officials quoted as saying that credit card customers with Thai bank sponsored credit cards are not covered for fraudulent charges made up until the time the card holder becomes aware of the fraud AND officially notifies the bank. This is a major liability unlike cards I have from western banks. Someone could clean you out before you knew it and you would have no recourse. If your credit card is secured by a bank deposit the bank would clean out your account and you would be screwed. Caveat emptor.

    Wrong. I have a Thai Amex Gold for 8 years now and 3 months ago I recieved an un-authorised charge on my card.

    I sent my query to AMEX who investigated and found the purchase by some 3rd party who got my number some how. Amex then revearsed the charge to me.

  4. I'm no Scrooge but to me the Christmas "season" does not start until 1st December at the earliest.

    Yet again the Emporium has put up their revolting white pseudo "Christmas tree" in October.

    No doubt it will now be there until the end of February.

    I for one will no longer be shopping there in protest and I urge you all to follow my example.

    Erecting foreign pagan symbols just seems so out of place in a predominately buddhist nation. Christmas trees don't even have any relationship to Christmas from a religious perspective so it's all commercial. I don't need to see this junk go up and I doubt anyone except maybe the tourists from Japan and China get all excited about fat jolly Santas, fake snow, elves & reindeer when its 35 and soggy outside. A couple students I knew in Seoul one year collected alot of the decorations with the idea of making a protest bonfire. Bad idea because all it made was a really bad black toxic smoke spiral that made everyone sick.

    Julie, just go to the beach and forget about it. Mai pen rai na? :o

  5. same to you Georgie boy,

    may your tricks be a treat,

    may your kin be pumped,

    may your witch know witch time it is- for her to fly away on her broom.

    may your ghosts be goulish, your goblins be gobblin and may your vampires be thirsty.

    failing that, get hammered.

  6. No official gathering place for the Devil's in BKK?

    Thought Thailand got 14 million United fans... :o

    yea, outside the Arsenal store at central world waiting for the Asene Venga commemorative 5 year without a trophy tie, that will go on sale in March.

    Only available in off red from what I hear.

  7. yea stevie the good old days in the place where men were men and sheep were nervous.

    back when footballers weren't arrogant, overpaid, self-adoring ponces really.

    George Best summed it up best, I spent most of my money on wine, women and other bad things, the rest I just wasted.

  8. I am hoping to move to Buriram next week and I am looking to 'rent' a truck to move furniture etc. Clearing a 2 bed bungalow and have bed, 3 mattresses, 3 wardrobes, fridge, 3 piece suite, tv, 2 kitchen units, motor bike + various pot plants.

    Ideally, there is someone who transports Buriram to Pattaya and, rather than return empty, will be prepared to earn a few thousand baht by taking my stuff back.

    I have someone available who delivers furniture to Pattaya but he is not available until later in the month.

    Happy to get PM if anyone knows of somebody who can do this.

    Have you tried the Pattaya Forum? Sure some old hands on that page can point you in the right direction.

  9. Carvalho back on the sidelines

    Ricardo Carvalho has made a hasty return to the Chelsea treatment room following Wednesday's win at Hull.

    The Portuguese defender sustained a thigh injury during the Blues' 3-0 success at KC Stadium, and is now facing another frustrating spell on the sidelines.

    The 30-year-old had only returned to action last week following a month out with a knee problem.

    However, he limped from the field with two minutes remaining of the midweek clash with the Tigers, looking far from comfortable.

    Luiz Felipe Scolari was initially hopeful that no long-term damage had been done, but Carvalho must now face up to the prospect of three weeks on the casualty list.

    He could now miss up to four Premier League games, a UEFA Champions League clash with Roma, a Carling Cup date with Burnley and Portugal's friendly against Brazil on 19th November.

    The way I see, you guys didn't lose with him out of your line-up and when he comes back in, you do. Maybe better off.

  10. No, it is praying which is nothing more than concentrated positive thought that has been PROVEN by physics to have an effect on objects such as water crystals changing shape in tests of concentrated positive thinking.

    Water crystals? Are you talking about ice?

    Where is David Blane when we need him to sort this all out.

  11. Can't complain about TF beef, sirloin, rib eye, name it.

    And yes, agree very much with bkkjames, he got a point there somewhere! :o

    Thanks for the vote of confidence there Samui Man.

    The pen fed TF is not bad but avoid the regular stuff in my opinion. Can't confirm it but the regular variety of beef has been aged all of 2 hours between the rendering plant and the back of the Toyota pick-up on the way to the market.

  12. Oh you mean like countries then who always want to show who is the best. Always makes me laugh when a lot of the Uk athletes who are black win and then we rave about them winning medals at the Olympics.

    I don't understand your post. Are you somehow inferring that black Bristish athletes are somehow not real citizens?  I apologize if I am missing your point.

    I think what he is getting at is that for 99% of the time, local Bangkokians don't really consider Issan folk as real Thais but when they win an Olympic Gold, all of a sudden their success is Thailand's and if but for a couple of days, everyone is equal.

    I could be wrong but I suspect that in the upcountry areas where a Thai boxer / weightlifter hails from, I believe that a medal won in their minds is also a win for Issan.

    (just generalising so relax)

  13. Pretty easy actually - you want good steak, spend a little more on good beef.

    I like the Australian Rib Eyes from Tops Central Chidlom or Villa / Foodland. Yes, not cheap but worth the price difference of one bottle of beer in a pub.

    This is how I justify as I am standing in front of them drooling..expensive whooo but if I drink one less beer tonight it works out the same. :o

  14. Interestingly, I saw a show on True Sports talking about your glory years with Rush and co and I must say the quality of the football impressed me.

    What happened to change it all these years?

    the 78/79 league winning side is probably still the greatest team produced by the british isles. back when football was really football.

    yea stevie the good old days in the place where men were men and sheep were nervous.

  15. Do I have to somehow close this thread or just leave it ?

    You have to pay 100,000 Baht and buy 11 Rai of land before leaving the thread.

    My ex used to say, James, don't start something you cant finish.

    I said ok honey, but can I at least finish chewing before you ask me if you can finish the leftovers on my plate.

    she was a big woman my ex. didn't ask for a baht as I threw her out cause her mouth was full of food.

  16. Lol... You two never even noticed when you were going at it, at one point, there were no less than THREE ADMINS reading this thread (including george)..

    its the one's in red I worry about, based on the date one admin had last friday night, i wanna know where to sign up.

  17. Taking the law into your own hands is ridiculous. Either move or get a couple of Rotweilers and a good alarm system. Just think if you accidentaly or even intentionally killed someone or critically injured them? A lot of anger there Bassmaster, learn to relax more.

    And this is the very reason why i got rid of my car, wouldn't want to accidently hurt a thief.

  18. So in mastering the technique of being nasty. Do you think it is best to be nasty to a whole community or just to a individual. Which is the most effective to get in the "hall of fame of nastiness"?

    I think we are being watched.










    Look way way down.... Time for some self-moderation. Sorry, no booze since last friday's un-official tv p-up. :o

  19. Hmmm, someone had a tough day at the office i see.

    You should know better than to poke your nose into a thread which is specifically for a select few :o

    ohhhhh real-lyyy??

    thanks thithi ja for taking on wolfie on my behalf but I already fed him his daily dose of humble pie and put him back to bed.

  20. I have joined up to this forum to specifically reply to this.

    All I want to know is what justifications does Thai Airways have to charge such ludicrous fares?

    We work at the New Zealand Embassy, and we are considering changing our preferred airline because of the massive gap between Thai Airways and other competitors.

    I’ve never had an issue with their service or their products, however its certainly not worth paying up to 50% more than flying with another airline.

    Sorry TG, your extreme prices are unjust, especially now that the price of oil has hit its lowest price in over 17 months (Reuters).

    If this is your way of trying to make up for your recent quarterly loss, you can forget about the loyalty many of your customers have shown.

    Don’t you realise that people will opt for other options if your prices are so out of range? Where will that leave the airline then? Hopefully not in the same situation as Alitalia.

    Not disagreeing with your points. Most are on the money actually.

    Which airlines fly to NZ these days, Qantas, Emirates, SQ, Malaysian? Do they all stop in Australia first or are there non-stops?



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