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Posts posted by bkkjames

  1. Thanks guys, I plan to use one friend in Australia and one in the USA instead next time. Hopefully I can do it for free at the UK embassy but I am sure the Chaeng Wattana will want another 800B.

    They don't check. Don't believe write down the following as witnesses...

    Mr. D.I. Vorce


    Mrs. R. U. Monogamous

  2. John Beck! Now there's a blast from the past I didn't realise he was still in the game . . his Cambridge and Preston sides were something to behold - particular on the old plastic pitch! Aerial bombardment with an ultra bouncy pitch!

    And people say the we (Stoke City) are a direct football team - we are positively Ajax of the 70s compared to his Cambridge or Preston teams!

    I have to say I am looking forward to the FA Cup 3rd round this year, I wonder if our now Premiership status will in some way improve our absolutely diabolical FA performances? I believe we have one of the worst FA Cup records of ALL league teams - so if we are beat by a lower league team will come as no suprise to us!!! :D

    Do you have Liverpool in the next draw? If you, you may do ok. :o

  3. Thanks for your replies.

    MetGirl, I have a hard time believing you got your hair done (orange is it?), took an airplane to NY to just resume your TV activities? Go out and see the city!

    Please tell me that your bf is not locking you in his flat while he is off to work all day?

  4. A quick check of the other threads relate to missing deposits or freezes, and that's not the case here. In quick summary;

    - Went to Kasikorn ATM branch on Beach Rd, Patong, tried to withdraw 20,000 baht. Tried 2X, each time, transaction froze. Then on 3rd attempt, machine reads transaction cancelled and spits out card, no paper receipt. (it's the ATM towards the McD /Holiday Inn 3 blocks over from Bangla)

    - I say to myself, this is too f-ed up and go and check my banking transactions online. Well, there in front of my my panic stricken eyes is the 20,000 B transaction going through as processed. I quickly send off an email to the Western Bank's help center. (The buggers don't open their help center until 10pm Thai Time or 9 am EST)

    - Made a call to that 02-888-8888 Kasikorn Bank Call Center (in case anyone needs the number). Fellow tells me, sorry, we can't check but have your bank send us a "document" and we will refund the money.

    OK, I say to myself, is this guy playing me for an idiot, like they will cough it up that fast?

    So my questions to you experienced hands are as follows;

    1. What are the chances of me getting this reconciled?

    2. If it can be done, how long does it take?

    3. Am I S.O. L?

    4. Any suggestions. Should I go to a Kasikorn branch and see a manager, or will that just result in them laughing at me?

    Now, I'm sure some of you folks are just waiting to hoist me by my short ones for withdrawing so much at once, but the reason was that I had to pay a bill and I needed the cash.

    My solution? I just transferred the balance to my credit card and will draw down on that. However, my credit cards are issued in North America so of course it takes 48 hrs to process crud.

    I'm paid in FX, and pay taxes in my home country that's why I keep my accounts where they are, plus I rarely have need of local banking support. Nor, do I live have here fulltime.

    Basically, what I'm looking for is some suggestions on how to fix this f.up.

    Probably some others have had this happen, but i don't see any threads on it.

    Gotta love Thailand's banking systems.

    Fun aint it..........


    ps. No laughing, cuz that 20K pays for alot of beer and doggie food gifts :o

    Looking at your date of transaction, it is very common for Thai banks to lock ATM transactions to their own account holders at the end of the month. For example, if I try to use UOB card at a Bangkok Bankok, Bank of Ayudyah at the end of the month, it just spits my card out. It does not even begin to do the transaction and no money is withdrawled from my account. Around the 2nd of the month I am able to using interbank ATMs without a problem

    BTW, my Bangkok Bank card never has problems (at the end of the month) like the above so I think they have a deal with other banks.

  5. At the risk of occaisonally being called a stupid naive farang for wai-ing when not appropriate, I think I would rather err on the side of being stupid (too polite) as opposed the someone who has taken the time to learn how to speak, read and write the language, yet feels its below him to greet nationals of the country in which he resides in their way.

    Perhaps Mr. Daniels should send a letter to all the foreign Ambassadors instructing them to ignore protocal the next time they are greeted by a wai by a Thai diplomat.

    What would be even more interesting would be for him to write a letter to the Bangkok Post explaining why it's wrong for foreigners to wai.

  6. HELP Every time i go to the kettle one of those which you press thr top and the water flows I have a problem with ANTS coming out. :o

    Tips on how can i stop this please :D

    Throw it out like I did with mine years ago and buy a kettle.

  7. I just wanted to give credit where it's due, Hull City played there hearts out last Saturday and did themselves proud, they went to Old Trafford to play football and can now hold their heads high, they almost had me a tad worried in the latter part of the game but greater experience ruled the day, Cheer & Good Luck for the rest of the season you Tigers !

    I appreciate them alot more now that we beat them (whew!) but as much as I admire their attacking / forward style, 8 or 9 goals against in their last two games is not gonna get it done. But much more exciting than watching a Bolton or Fulham play 9 guys back and dump long balls to a loan striker.

    Definately want to see the Tigers stay up!

  8. Just another example of the shakey foundation of many marriages/relationships here. The primary motivator is money, usually. Love, if there is any, is secondary. However, there are exceptions, as I have seen a fair number of Farang men (young & old) around my city with a mixed baby in tow. If one has a solid marriage OK, if not, I would think children would only add to the nightmare.

    And this would be different in the west with its 50+% divorce rate?

  9. Odd how none of the male members ( pun intended ) are mentioning it's very likely that a large portion of why they love living here is because of Thai women , young, beautiful and trained well in the art of Gold-Digging.

    I believe low cost prostitution is a factor , also.

    Take that element away....

    Be honest...Give the women their due .

    Yeah, once I grew out of sex and booze LOS was boring to me. Now I love Korea because of all the electronics I can play with and turn off whenever. And when people do come to me, they speak correct English and have more diverse personalities.

    But for those that have been more places and longer and prefer Thailand, more power to you. But I went from "farang dum" to "looks like Obama".

    oh, and the Nivea products are advertised as "toners" not "whiteners". and it's the same thing.

    Glad to see you love Korea so much that you still miss TV, despite all the ills of the place. Diverse personalities you say? Anyone I have known that has lived in the Seoul of Asia (haha) hated it.

  10. hearing a nasty rumour that torres' hamstring injury has had a reoccurence in training. <deleted> and <deleted> if true.

    don't wish the injury bug on anyone, especially the talented but you won't find much sympathy from any of your injured plagued challengers I am afraid.

  11. Two to four hours per day as an aerobics instructor at California WOW at decibal levels well above 100 is long term exposure beyond most of the examples cited above. Google about it and read what it will do.........

    Decibel Exposure Time Guidelines

    Accepted standards for recommended permissible exposure time for continuous time weighted average noise, according to NIOSH and CDC, 2002. For every 3 dBs over 85dB, the permissible exposure time before possible damage can occur is cut in half.

    Continuous dB

    Permissible Exposure Time

    85 db

    8 hours

    88 dB

    4 hours

    91 db

    2 hours

    94 db

    1 hour

    97 db

    30 minutes

    100 db

    15 minutes

    103 db

    7.5 minutes

    106 dB

    3.75 min (< 4min)

    109 dB

    1.875 min (< 2min)

    112 dB

    .9375 min (~1 min)

    115 dB

    .46875 min (~30 sec)

    WHAT??!!! speak up man, you are mumbling

  12. Silly foreigner, don't you know;

    Wais are for thais. ...

    NOTE: (this is a play on words, based on an old American television commercial for Trix breakfast cereal where the tag line was; "Silly rabbit, Trix are for kids")

    Still I believe the statement is applicable here. You are a foreigner so why would you even contemplate a wai to a thai?

    I certainly think that's just what we need; more foreigners wai'ing every, doorman, waiter, limbless beggar on the street as well as all the soi dogs. It adds so much respect to our barely tolerated presence here.

    Remember no wai at all is far better than a badly executed wai. However if that isn't enough to dissuade you, and as a foreigner you are still dead set on learning how to wai like a thai, there are a plethora of internet sites which will guide you in your endeavor.

    As for me, never wai'd, never will. You'll just have to deal with it.

    My other catchy phrase is: "Why wai, are you thai?"

    (edited for spelling)

    Sorry Mr. Daniels, you are wrong wrong and wrong. No doubt a student of the good ol USA. Perhaps a few tourists wai a waitress when they shouldn't but the bulk of long-term expats in Thailand have learned to blend in a bit more than the average ugly..sorry.

    As for your other catchy phrase at the end, you ever wonder y that when you walk buy in earshot you hear, their goes that Kwai? :o

  13. Between 300 and 350 baht per pizza from Scoozi. Quite big, I have had the 4 cheese pizza and the salsiccia pizza, both were good. :D

    ohh... beats the 500 or so i paid at pizza hut then :o

    and the 500 or so i paid at newyork pizza.. but that was huge and tasted goooooooood

    350 baht is good :D

    how much is delivery?

    500 baht pizza a pizza hut, was it just a pizza or did it include the usual wings, drink, side salad et all?

  14. You can add me to that list. I made an awful lot of money in the late 90's and early 2000's, but after thinking the gravy train was never going to end, and after cruises, emerald jewelry, trips to France and Italy just for dining vacations, running down to Rio for Carnival, nice cars, etc., I don't have a whole lot in the bank, stocks, or in real estate to show for it. And I had the advantage of a good education and a father who taught me (or tried to teach me) to scrimp and save for the future.

    Saving for the future and living within your means is smart, and yes, we all should do it. But it is human nature to spend what you have and live for today. The poor in Thailand are no different would most likely resent anyone trying to tell them what to do with their money.

    If you are one of the people who do save and live within your means, good on you. But I would hazard to guess that most people are not as disciplined.

    The part in bold is interesting. You pissed it all away and yet you say your education and upbringing should have allowed you to do the opposite.

    But I did the same actually, trips to the moon, diamond encrusted baseball caps, hummers and humvies, so hard to be disciplined these days - rich or poor. :o

  15. This is a company which is knowingly permanently destroying the hearing of its employees. They know that occupational safety laws in every developed country prohibit long term exposure to noise (even music) ove a certain decibel level.

    What kind of human beings would injure young people who don't know any better just for the sake of brand identity?

    I will answer that question. The same kind of people that put melamine in milk they knew would go to babies.


    Re: your first question I reply...McDonalds, KFC, Pizza Hut, Toyota, Honda, MKey, Coal Mines, Construciton Companies and so on.

    btw, while you are casting your stones at glass houses, don't forget to include the shopping malls that not only inflict hearing damage upon promotional participants and pretties and the poor average everyday shopper.

    The amount of brain damage from listening to said noise is hard to put a finger on in the average person, however I think it will be reflected in future generations. :o

  16. Hi All:

    Not sure where to post this but I thought I would try here first and maybe the Mods can move it as they see fit.

    Moving into a house in a few weeks and am looking to get a top load washing machine that is durable enough to stay outside (covered).

    Anyone have any recommendations on brands / models to look out for either good and bad?

    Thanks and advance.


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