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Everything posted by 1happykamper

  1. What are they smokin' down there in Bangkok? Absolutely absurd and ridiculous accusations.. Which might actually WORK... geeeeeeeeez 5555 555. TIT
  2. True... for people with co-morbidities and a compromised immune system. Wearing masks and getting 5 jabs really hasn't worked out too well.
  3. His facial IQ is a dim reminder of the jurassic Era in Bangkok
  4. Take out the trash, then ban him for 5+ years... Assuming he'll have grown up by then
  5. Porche driver is 54 years old? Immature <deleted> for sure. Racing? Yeh. That'll end well 555 555
  6. 5555...in other news today.. It was mentioned that the Chinese complained visa wait times are too long 5555..so thailand said.. "OK.. We can fix that". Thailand has no <deleted> clue how to run this country 5555
  7. Well that's very sweet to try and protect is "wealthy" farang here in Chiang Mai.. Locked indoors with aircon.... What about the poor buggers who are working the fields every day! What about the men and women all working outdoors for 10 hours day? Thailand really doesn't give a sht about it's own people so farang are sht outta luck. Hence the farang leaving... and they will never return.
  8. I agree. Thai rarely maintain something that was constructed here. Bare concrete will weaken I'm the sun... Since the original... and only.. Paint has long vanished. What's left is mildewed concrete baking in the sun. They won't be standing for much longer
  9. With all this theft and corruption by government officers I'm surprised they have money left over to keep this country running!
  10. How's those 5 shots working for ya now? Oh my goodness... I guess the show must go on...
  11. Yes! I did eczc8thid with an orthopedic surgeon.. Public hospital wanted about 600k for 2 hour surgery to fix my broken leg... Had it fine in a public hospital... Same surgeon 5555...117k
  12. 300k for this simple surgery is outrageous! Just like private hospitals here... Public hospitals can be the same... some are good some bad. I would use a public... Probably 50 to 80k... BUT definitely get real world first hand recommendations for that hospital
  13. I had exactly this experience... I have "residente permanente" and while waiting to enter Mexico via Mexico city airport I was holding my usa passport and my Mexican resident card. In immigration officer was walking down the line of foreigners waiting to enter.. He saw my resident card and invited me to enter via the mexican citizen line. I pointed out that I'm not Mexican... With a smile and a hand on my shoulder he said ".. No problem.. You are nearly a Mexican". Try getting THIS feeling in Thailand! 555 555 I miss feeling that I belong in a country... that the government and LOCALS make me feel welcome.
  14. Several posts today are very confusing regarding this topic. I imagine the Thai people are even more confused and frustrated! This could get nasty... Soon?
  15. When are we heading there? 555 555
  16. I spent 6 months living near plaza machado in Mazatlán. That theater is the kind of culture I miss... I've visited Guadalajara several times and I'm so close to leaving Chiang Mai the end of this year and heading there.. Col. Américas looks nice
  17. Exactamente! In Thailand there is no attempt to understand my words even though I'm one octave off getting it right... Along with pointing to the damned subject matter 5555. Mexicans can figure it out... They always try to LISTEN to my poor Spanish. HUGE plus to live there and not feel so isolated here. Five years of listening to the various village heads and for all I know they're planning a coup or something. I've no idea.
  18. Really difficult to qualify now. I got my Mexican permanent residency card in 2012.. with a 1500 minimum monthly income requirement. Today it's crazy... Something like 3 or 4 Thousand dollars per month! Jing Jing!
  19. Whether one is dodging errant cartel bullets or navigating the roads in Thailand.... One of those tasks is daily fingers crossed thing. The other is not at all. Dead is dead either way
  20. The shooter is a very bad shot. That many bullets at close range and he didn't get the job done.
  21. Very sad. Thai people will have nothing to look forward too. 2014 coup Death of R. 9 Covid And now this BS AGAIN. Conservative here are rotten to the core
  22. "could" 555 555 ..and the ability to BUY beer etc all hours of day?
  23. What a fkg surprise. This country is so stuck. Very sad for the Thai people
  24. 40k B for a van mirror. Ha ha ha ha. Yeh those van drivers are saints... right next to the Monks
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