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Posts posted by nonthaburial

  1. These sad situations occur more than we realise. had the same situation in the Phils a few years back except this guy was from the USA. The only real safe way is to hold the correct insurance that covers an emergency medical evacuation, but that is hugely expensive.

    In the Phils case, the guy had to hire a competent Doctor and a nurse with full medical equipment to travel with him on a flight that had no passengers in 1st class.

    But i would guess if your friend could run to that type of money he would be in a world class hospital in Bangkok by now.

    Just a question is your friend obviously so ill that it could be recognised by a layman - point I am getting at is how did the airline/s realise he was so ill ?

    wish him well

  2. confirmed that makro has both dark and light beer lao in bottles, at least they did lastnight, less two cases of each :) ..... changwattana location is 100% confirmed

    Really / I am in there at least three times a week and have never seen it, where are they hiding it and how much was it ? do they sell in cases of 24 ? and are they cans or bottles

  3. Wish to "freshen up before flying onwards" This indicates that you are arriving on a flight and possibly transitting with a 3 hour stop over. I really dont think the hassles of leaving (even if you arrive on a domestic flight) and returning through immigration etc would be justified for only 3 hours. In fact as aircraft tend to board 30 minutes before departure your three hour stop over is now reduced to 2.5 hours.

    Not worth it, suggest you stay at swampy

  4. ouch .... hard to give you answers but I would suggest making your way back to Thailand before he gets there is one way. Also i think you should be prepared to accept that she is in the roaming mode and could happen again and again. You dont tell us much but do you have children and property in Thailand ?

    Not very helpful I know but wish you well

  5. With the news that Bangkok could be/may be/will be visited by a largish number of highly educated people who are potential bull fighters this weekend, it kind of screws a lot of people up, for example I need to go from Chaeng Wattana to Swampy early friday and then down to Pattaya for a meeting before returning to BKK later in the afternoon - all the time wondering will the Expressways to the Chonburi Highway be open/ closed etc or will there be a large number of chappies sipping tea in red deck chairs in the middle of the road around the next corner

    I am sure many other people in BKK OR travelling through BKK will also be wandering whats going on.

    With this in mind, can we ask tv members to post updates of the situation as they encounter them it would be most helpful

  6. I dont wish to be an alarmist, but be very aware. I had the same problem in the early 80's in Manila whilst on vacation, exactly as you describe it and after a week I couldnt keep awake. I realised I was in trouble and somehow managed to make my way home to HK. I can remember my wife calling a Doctor who came to the house and I can recall him saying "The only question I am going to ask you is which hospital do you want to go to". Luckily the British military Hospital was still operating then , and I honestly cannot remember anything else until I woke up 2 weeks latert with drips etc everywhere AND a very yellow complexion and dark urine.

    I was also lucky that at that time a visiting tropical Disease Doctor was 'on loan" to the BMH from Harley Street. He openly told me that I was lucky to be alive. I spent nearly 6 weeks in hospital and the only charge I had to pay was for a can of mushroom soup the day I was released.

    Thats what Hepititis did to me and the culprit was the same as you are suggesting Oysters

  7. I am trying to fathom out the reason the OP bothered to start this thread in the first place as surely its a private business deal between two individual parties. Of course it may be an attempt to divert any incoming flak should his client become aware of this forum, which is possible.

    as for calling a customer an idiot and a moron for having the audacity to question some of the sellers practices seems another approach to protecting ones back. For the record, I must also be an Idiot as I have no furking clue what the OP is on about

  8. I was recently given a present of the latest Samsung GT-s5230 cell phone. Now being totally open and admitting I am a duffer when it comes to this type of technology it is taking me a time to figure this beast out.

    Now my biggest issue right now is how to get the calling incoming ringtone to a level that I can hear easily. Let me elaborate, after downloading music into the MP3 mode of the phone, playing back through the headphones is not a problem BUT if I want to use music from the downloads as a ringtone, the volume is hardly audible and for sure in a car or bus etc the chances are it would be a missed call. It seems to me that everyone elses phone has a volume similar to a rock concert - but this one Hmmm

    I have already adjusted the volume to the full level but was wondering if there is another adjustment somewhere.

    sigh ...................... lifes a bitch it really is !!

  9. Some time ago, when TrueVisions dropped BBC Entertainment, this forum was inundated by members saying they had cancelled their subscriptions with True. If this was done, I would be interested to learn if True merely removed the easy bit i.e the decoder, card and remote or did they clamber on the roof or wherever to dismantle the dish as well.

    The reason I ask is because, here in Nonthaburi there is a small shop who I am told is re-selling these True dishes that are left intact . .

    After contacting the original subsciber and buying them from them. I also believe that the True crew doing the disconnection inform this shop of the address and details etc.

    if this is the case then this could be a cheap way of procuring cheaper dishes if one wanted to explore alternative systems.

    I would be interested to hear of any such cases whether they took all or just the decoder

  10. If I read this right, the smokes were actually purchased in Thailand and not imported by the buyer, which in my opinion there is nothing illegal involved on the buyers side. It cant even be called entrapment as nothing illegal has taken place. If anyone is breaking the law its the seller by selling smokes in Thailand without paying the import duty

  11. Things seem to have changed, I travel regularly to China and have 3 x 6 month multi entry visa in my passport under the F category My present Visa expires on the 10th, and I am needed to go back into China on the 15th. On wednesday I went to the embassy to apply for another 6 month multi entry (the embassy was heaving and chaotic) and was told they would only give me a 6 month F visa and only two entriies which is a total waste of time as the length of stay is only 30 days. Trouble is the visa application desks are manned by locals and I could not find a Chinese senior to discuss with. So things are looking bleak

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